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Everything posted by DirtyscumbagLith

  1. DirtyscumbagLith

    Read first before you complain about other players

    ive had a person yell "friendly, friendly" as I rolled up. He had an axe in his hand and a guy at his feet. The guy laying there had an m4. I asked him what went on and he said a zombie got him. This story didnt made a bit of sense, so I blasted him. If your story doesnt pan out, down you go. Thats an extreme example, but Ive shot people who claimed they were friendly but either acted suspiciously, or I felt like they were trying to lure me somewhere. I trust my instincts. When i feel threatened from stories that dont make sense, I start shooting. This isnt cowardly. Its trusting my instincts. And its kept me alive. The whole pt of me playing is to keep ME alive- not you. And besides, I dont owe that player anything. He's not a friend. He's not someone I know. I owe him jack.
  2. DirtyscumbagLith

    Do clothes offer armor protection

    personally, i think the helmet is all BS. i was always wearing one and usually died in 1 to 2 shots. i didnt feel it did anything.
  3. DirtyscumbagLith

    Bollocks to being friendly!

    I love people who think you NEED to be friendly in this game. Are people friendly in ARMA3? F being friendly. All it does it give me a guaranteed 20 min run to the AF and then to collect all over again. And I dont know that person from a hole in the ground. Err on the side of extreme prejudice. Shoot first, ask questions later. Or f the questions. Who cares when they are dead.
  4. DirtyscumbagLith

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Oh yes. Please tell me how unoriginal my style of play is "Macdeth". Nice icon too. Im sure youre the friendliest player out there.
  5. DirtyscumbagLith

    Read first before you complain about other players

    lol. same thing happened to me- basically ran into each other and both shooting because we flinched. he killed me and i heard this little kid saying "dude! im sorry! you scared the shit out of me! so sorry! sorry!" LOL!!! is it just me, but u ever get bored fully geared? i was alive for 3 days and got bored, so i went on a suicide run in cherno yesterday...saw someone killing a bambi and then blasted him despite his "no bro dont shoot me"! (as a bambi layed at his feet). i happily got taken out by a sniper and i respawned, with a smile, excited i get to farm again. something about farming is fun (and the crazy circumstances that u get in while doing so).
  6. DirtyscumbagLith

    How do you beat this? :(

    whether you do the shooting or are getting shot at- you need to move. not moving usually leads to your death. theres no reason to camp if someone knows where you are.
  7. DirtyscumbagLith

    Terrible way to die.

    i walked out of the atc (the part where it meets the grass, which is 1 to 2 steps) and broke my leg. i was pretty geared too. crawled to a zombie and he beat me to death. what a rude bitch!
  8. DirtyscumbagLith

    Read first before you complain about other players

    LOL. If you got that from my post, you didn't comprehend anything I wrote. I never try to justify my actions. I've admitted several times about killing people for their stuff. And if there stuff is now ruined when I shoot them, /shrug/. But always funny listening to you guys complain about being shot by an M4- which is designed to be used against PEOPLE. Hint: PEOPLE is the operative word.
  9. DirtyscumbagLith

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Shooting zombies brings more zombies, so no, I never shoot them. To me, zombies arent much of a threat. Never died by one. People, on the other hand...
  10. you douche. I havent SH'ed in 7 characters. thanks for reading my post. im not worried about this at all. i got fully geared in about 40 mins last night WITHOUT SH'ing. the people who complain about no loot are the ones who dont know how to play this game. dont worry, ill find you one day hiding in a town way to the west, and snipe you.
  11. So do I. Actually, I haven't server hopped in about 7 characters, to be honest. I know where to find the m4(thats easy) and now the mosin is even easier, so there hasnt been a need to SH. But theres nothing better than dying and running to the airfields- I LOVE to do that because its so tense- Im out to maim, kill and poop on corpses- armed with an axe or a handgun, climbing those stairs while you hear someone- oh man, thats fun! But if need be, I would shamelessly SH to get weapons. Its the way I play. I learned long ago that being friendly gets you killed, so now I need a gun to play the game. Either I shoot first, or they do- there's little room for chit chat. And I have zero desire to lone wolf it in the far reaches west of the map just to tell people in the forum Ive been alive for 6 weeks or something. I die a lot- but thats from extremely risky battles, gun fights and in a group of 5+ people up to no good in the hood. Sat I died in Cherno. In less than 40 mins, I was nearly fully geared without SH'ing and at healthy. Golf clap? Golf clap! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP6v4T3VT7I
  12. So true. But if you need gear, if your favorite server had 39/40 people on it, would you go there, or find another server with low pop so you can find gear? the low pop, right? So hows that different than server hopping?
  13. DirtyscumbagLith

    Longest Surviving Character?

    Do you really think the OP asked the question to people who dont log in for 2 weeks and they count the 2 weeks in their # of weeks alive? SMH. im pretty active. i go to hot spots, etc...so im usually alive for 2 days. i died 3 times in 1 night, lol. i dont run to the hills and hide. this is actively playing, shooting, etc.
  14. So you basically dont interact with anyone, run when you see players, and loner it in empty towns. Cool story, bro.
  15. DirtyscumbagLith

    Is there a benefit to surrendering gear?

    There is a benefit. Your vagina might be itchy that day and in order to not be in a cranky mood, you hand over your stuff without a fight. so remember- take care of yourself. itchy vaginas are a silly reason not to go out blasting.
  16. DirtyscumbagLith


    go up to my post and click on the reddit link and change your settings to that. on my machine, everything looks super crisp and stunning. very beautiful game.
  17. DirtyscumbagLith


    I have a similar setup. do you have SLI installed? shouldnt be much more to do after you do that in g card setup. once you do, i recommend you changing your settings to this: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/167feg/optimal_video_settings/ looks AMAZING.
  18. DirtyscumbagLith


    Well, this may be true, but as long as guns are in the game that were designed to kill people, youre going to have this issue.
  19. DirtyscumbagLith


    what is mindboggling is even the entire premise of The Walking Dead series is you fear people more than the zombies. you have weapons, ammo, food, women- that means you have something to lose and people will want to take it. i dont kos on site just for anything- i usually track them, hunt them down and when the opportunity strikes, i kill. then i loot the body. got ton of ammo, food, etc that way. is that a bandit? in my eyes no, but whatever. does that make me "douchey or cowardly?" not in my eyes. makes me opportunistic. and my backpack full. if its a harmless bambi running from building to building, i let them go. nothing to gain from that kill. but i have axed fully geared players and took their items- had a magnum last night and shot a guy who rounded the corner last night- i went from nothing to m4, 300 rounds, food, antibiotics, etc. why did i do that? to survive. and last i checked, the m4 was made for killing people, not deer, not bunnies, not antelope- people. so if you want to get technical, and im sure you do, im using the m4 for what it was meant for. same goes for the .357 and other handguns. This was not made for hunting deer. It was made for shooting people.
  20. DirtyscumbagLith


    A+! Argument over!
  21. DirtyscumbagLith


    cry me a river. you collect, i kill you, and i collect. guns are part of the game. last i checked, the m4 isn't a hunting rifle for game. put on your big boy pants and deal with it. so sick to death of these crybaby bitch tits who just want to run around eating beans and drinking from wells.
  22. DirtyscumbagLith


    If I murder, its to get their ammo, their food, their weapons. Why do I do it? To survive. So sorry, Im afraid I dont follow your logic. Your death = my survival. You are assuming Im KOS. Wrong, douchewagon. If I kill, I loot. Why do I loot? To survive. You might have collected it, but when I take it, its helping me survive. Why is such simple logic lost on people?
  23. DirtyscumbagLith

    Become A Hero Bandit.

  24. DirtyscumbagLith


    i dont play battlefied 4 to make friends in game. so why should Dayz be any different?