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Everything posted by DirtyscumbagLith

  1. That is my favorite look. The only issue I have with it is if you team up with a bunch of people, you look like everyone else. Hard to not get shot by your friends. But I do love that green (lightning) helmet. Pretty awesome.
  2. DirtyscumbagLith

    288 secs. until respawn ? QUESTION

    The developers want you to spend more time with loved ones so they allotted 288 seconds for you to do so.
  3. DirtyscumbagLith

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    I love how you think you're correct but 2 or more people have no idea wtf youre babbling about. well done!
  4. DirtyscumbagLith

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Youre defending something that clearly wasn't working. Brainless fanboy chatter. I logged out by a bush and came back in and was in the middle of town, no cover, next to 2 zombies. For you to say "that is working" is a clear indication that you a.) really dont understand anything b). just a babbly fanboy.
  5. DirtyscumbagLith

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Are you one of the developers? Or just a forum guy with waaaay too much time on his hands? Thought so. Ssssh, cry baby. Shsssshhhh.
  6. DirtyscumbagLith

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    LOL. You're such a twat. Who's complaining? I can't be more happier. Found 3 m4's, a shitton of ammo, 4 mosins, 2 shotguns and 1 sks all on the same server. So Im sure youre be writing a post about how you got killed over and over and over again. Because all this does is arm me even more and I dont even have to server hop. Start your complaining cry baby post soon, bitch tits!
  7. DirtyscumbagLith

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Cool. Thanks. I have a Canon 5dM3 to sell you. There's a known problem with it that it doesn't take proper exposure even though you program it correctly. Other than that, it works great.
  8. DirtyscumbagLith

    Axe Murderin'

    You look positively insane. I love it!
  9. DirtyscumbagLith


    snow would be awesome. but im sure leaving tracks on the ground for ten minutes globally would be an enormous resource hog. rad concept tho.
  10. DirtyscumbagLith

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    Do you want a cookie or a trophy?
  11. DirtyscumbagLith

    Axe Murderin'

    My axe story- I shared this before some where, but F, Ill share it again because I love it. Was in Berezino with nothing but an axe. I was trying to find food and suddenly I see a very well geared player run to the store- what was always off about it is that he had this distinct gallop and I dont know why, but it kind of angered me, like "WTF IS THIS GUY DOING?" kind of angry. I tracked him and saw that he was in the back of the store- I bumrushed the back entrance, saw him standing in the corner and started whacking him over the head with my axe. In 2 hits, he went down, but this mf'er kept standing up! WTH! So I kept hitting him and it honestly looked like he was trying to take out his rifle. Not sure if he was dead or what- but I kept hitting- maybe 5 or 7 hits? Then finally he fell down and I collected. All pristine parts m4, 400+ ammo, so much food it was ridiculous. I dont mind dying. Its part of the game.But dying and losing cold blooded murder inventory [insert tear here].
  12. DirtyscumbagLith

    Axe Murderin'

    I like you. Not to the point of being gay, but close. Very close.
  13. You have a long, long way to the dark side.
  14. DirtyscumbagLith

    bullet ricochet?

    i was with my friend @ the military base near NWAF and shot my gun into the ground- maybe 30ft from him- trying to scare the shit out of him and the bullet ricocheted off the dirt and hit his leg right after. So yes, it does happen, even off dirt/grass. WIN AT SCARY MY FRIEND!
  15. DirtyscumbagLith

    What would you do?

    D. Sit back, drink my black coffee and watch- for not a fuck was given that day.
  16. DirtyscumbagLith

    Painting The Mosin

    can you paint the m4? or is the mosin the only gun you can paint?
  17. DirtyscumbagLith

    Painting The Mosin

    Ahhh. Then definitely paint it. It looks very sexy with the camo combo.
  18. DirtyscumbagLith

    Painting The Mosin

    i havent painted the mosin with the new patch, but prior, it made it go from a 5 shot to only a 1 shot, so i ditched it and found a new mosin. when i painted it black, it went black. then i added green and it was camo (black and green mixed together). you need to choose "add to" to combine the colors. read the description. i remember there being 2 options. but it might have changed with the new patch. and going from 5 shots to 1 shot blows so i havent done it in a while.
  19. DirtyscumbagLith

    Have you ever killed your friend/teamkilled by accident

    Yes. Which is why I try to dress distinctively so my team mates know its me. I try to avoid the gas mask, wolf mask with green helmet at all cost since 90% of the players dress like that. We play with this nervous friend and he shot me after I logged out to go piss. Literally spawned next to him having just saw me 5 minutes ago. Luckily, I spawned in Kammy and got my stuff back. But my .357 didnt work anymore. SOB didnt even offer me food for the lame ass kill. F!
  20. as a self-admitted server hopper, i have zero complaints. i was on a server last night for 4 hours and found the m4 4 times and the mosin 2 times and the shotgun 3 times. if i could have taped all the guns together, i would have gatlin-gunned every person i saw with zero remorse in my blackened soul. i have more ammo than a Marine base. i am fully geared and ready to lay down the hammer on any unsuspecting player who i get the drop on. btw- i never combat log. i take my medicine like a man.
  21. I didnt try to disconnect. I accepted my fate and crawled to a Zed and everything went white.
  22. i got in a gunfight last night. shot a guy with a mosin right after he shot me with a shotgun. he broke my leg with the hit and i couldnt stand. i killed him when i was unable to stand. since he shot me in the leg, everything in my pants was ruined. everything else was fine. since i shot him in the chest, everything on his chest pockets was ruined. everything else was fine. i ended up with a ton of food, bandages and ammo. banditry to continue!
  23. DirtyscumbagLith

    Captured By A Terrorist Organization

    that was strangely fun to watch. i would have axed him right out of the school tho. but thats me.
  24. I understand the need for the timer- but why not put a daytime/nighttime status on the server as to what time it is? I f'in HATE night time servers and was penalized severely trying to find a daytime server. There's a simple fix to this: a.) dont say its ALPHA b.) put a time or status whether its day or night Did they really not brainstorm this at the improvement meeting?
  25. DirtyscumbagLith

    Timer- where is the daytime/nighttime status?

    i joined a us server and the time was listed 13:15 and the colors were purple and light grays. looked like grayish night. unless my video card went out, but my porn is in color, so very strange.