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Everything posted by DirtyscumbagLith

  1. DirtyscumbagLith

    Why putting heart attacks in game makes no sense

    judging by the absolute ridiculous set of comments, no wonder i shoot you people.
  2. DirtyscumbagLith

    Serverhopping mother-effers

    1. go to the most heavily looted airbase in the map 2. be there unnecessarily- lie down and look under desks as a search method 3. get killed, rage and then blame server hoppers you makey no sensey. get it, get out. fast. people are going to spawn in, nearby, etc.... it always amazes me when im hunting people how long they take inside AB buildings. why? get your shit and move out. youre just asking for trouble to re-organize your backpack inside.
  3. DirtyscumbagLith

    This guy was pretty smart in Elecktro

    Why else do people play regular?
  4. DirtyscumbagLith

    Admin kick you from server

    Its happened to me. Instead of whining about it, I just picked from the 2million other servers and got on with my life.
  5. DirtyscumbagLith

    Fun encounter at NEAF

    Me & a buddy were at the NEAF drinking at the creek when suddenly we see 3 players running 50 ft from us toward the jail. We start taking shots and kill 1 and they run to the jail or ATC, which we immediately beeline for. We come up to the jail and know 1 is in the jail- 2nd whereabouts unknown. Instead of silence, I start taunting him that we just want to cuddle, just want to spoon and if he'd come out, we can do both. My buddy gets shot seconds later and is unconscious in front of the jail. I use 3rd person to see the guy in the jail and then run around to the back of the ATC to get a better spot and suddenly the guy wants to negotiate with me, saying they dont want trouble and we both negotiate we wont shoot each other and will revive my friend. We worked together and if we didnt die minutes later, we probably would have shared supplies. I rarely trust anyone in this game (been burned too many times) but that was incredibly fun- we both parterned up and tried to revive my friend. I might shoot people, but if I say Im friendly, Im friendly (I think the worst player in the game are those who yell friendly and then shoot you). Anyways, we both got killed from a 4th player who we let go and who came back and killed us all. Too bad. But still a shitton of fun. The guy said he was recording for youtube and had a live feed going. So bro if you're out there, I'm the dude who you negotiated with and just saying hats off to you because that was fun. Its good running into fun/cool players.
  6. DirtyscumbagLith

    Fun encounter at NEAF

    lol!!!! I love the sax guy...da! d-d-ddaaah! daaah!
  7. DirtyscumbagLith

    Fun encounter at NEAF

    I love predictable, mindless, unoriginal internet memes. you should add a picture next time for full retard effect.
  8. DirtyscumbagLith

    Fun encounter at NEAF

    Sadly no. It all took place on the jail next to ATC. Buddy killed in front of the jail.
  9. DirtyscumbagLith

    What was the longest time your character survived?

    Most time alive- probably 3 nights. i think it depends how much you "get into it". i know a lot of these threads are from guys who run up way NW and dont battle it out. if i want to kill some geared players, i go to berezino or NEAF. usually last 1 night when that happens.
  10. DirtyscumbagLith

    Identifying Players

    its called TeamSpeak.
  11. DirtyscumbagLith

    Global type chat

    So you want global chat? "FUCK YOU FOR KILLING ME!" "FUCKIN DICK!!!" "ASSHOLE!!!!!" "GO F YOUR MOTHER!" "LEAVE ME ALONE! IM A BAMBI!" "QUIT KILLING NEWSPAWNS ASSHOLE!" All day and all night in global chat, 24/7. No thanks.
  12. DirtyscumbagLith

    A Typical SKS story

    I disagree. 7 of my buddies all have SKS horror stories, exlusive to the SKS.
  13. DirtyscumbagLith

    A Typical SKS story

    thanks for the ridiculous fan boy comment.
  14. One day, Chewy. One day. Aaaarrrrrrooorrrrr!
  15. good f'in shit. all you whiners who are on his ass. please stfu. he can play the game any way he wants. he doesnt need your blessings. go find a post and write ALPHA on it. lemmings.
  16. i would have blasted too. Then looted his body. Then grinned a little. No, bellowed like Jabba. Ho Ho Ho Ho Hoo.
  17. DirtyscumbagLith

    Remove guns from the game.

    Ok, brilliant plan. So the game would be like this: 1. your char running around near-death because he cant find food. He can water, but it will make him sick. 2. Zombies are supermen running around. They will superman glitch through the wall when they see you and all you can do is run, which will make you even more hungry. 3. food is even more scarce and you want people 2 people dynamic to increase positively. so now instead of people shooting each other for food, they will stab, hit with axes/bats, etc for food, which will increase 10 fold because a melee weapon probably would ruin the item, so now you see a player, you see a meal ticket. 4. being there would be limited weapons, you'd never hear gunfire. so you would see people even less. so you created a game that makes people vs people contact even worse. thanks, but im so happy you're not a programmer.
  18. DirtyscumbagLith

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    so we can have loot respawn and all the anti-server hoppers can then rush to it and get loot and claim they dont SH. its the circle of life, cyma!
  19. DirtyscumbagLith

    Goodbye Dayz

    next are you going to announce you are leaving facebook?
  20. DirtyscumbagLith

    If you're playing right now...

    how's this different than any other group?
  21. DirtyscumbagLith

    So I combat logged XD

  22. DirtyscumbagLith

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    1. realize its just a game and its not actually "killing" someone. 2. tell him its more fun to go after geared players 3. if you're still hysterical about him shooting bambis, re-read #1 again its not worth ruining a friendship over. its just a silly fuckin game. if killing bambis is his thing, up to him. maybe he will get bored and go after geared players. i did. killing bambis got old...oh wait, i got punched out by a bambi who stole all my shit. nevermind, KILL EM ALL!!!!
  23. DirtyscumbagLith

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    I think this logic works in modern times. Or even long ago, but the whole pt is during civilization. A zombie apol would mean the end of the world- police state- GONE. Religious state- GONE. So I dont think your example works during the total collapse of everything as we know it. I think if this really happened, you'd find the ocassional person who you'd want to help. But in reality, if food is scarce, would you really help them? That could mean less food for you- less for a friend- less for your wife. And you'd be looking at people who might take away your food, your gun, your ammo, your family. Because once people starve, which eventually means the end is near, they would seek desparate measures. just my 2 cents. if people want realism, i dont think people would be at the beach road handing out cans of beans, but thats me. they'd run to the hills scavenging everything they can. run to the hills? RUN TO THE HILLS!!!!! [youtube= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ufy9UXOeMw
  24. DirtyscumbagLith

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    its bound to happen. welcome to the dark side. i dont mind dying from people who KOS. what absolutely annoys me are douches who say they are friendly and then seconds later, shoot you in the face. that, to me, is the worst kind of player. it happened to me 3 days ago- usually i dont trust anyone. id rather shoot someone than listen to their whinings and stories and pleadings. but this time i gave a stranger the benefit of the doubt- he said 'dont shoot, friendly! friendly! please dont shoot me!" total emotional overkill. so i gave him a chance. maybe this guy is legit. i was fully geared, 200+ SKS ammo, pristine PU scope, dressed how I like to be dressed, vest, h backpack, pimp ass red do rag. seconds later, ass hat shoots me in the face. so after that one, ive thrown in the towel. theres really no benefit to helping someone. what do you gain? you dont- you might give them food (thats less food for you), give them ammo (less ammo for you), etc etc etc. but you have a shitton to lose. and who says you have to help people? object of the game is for YOU to survive, not you, him and every crackhead running around. but something is so strange on this forum that bandits are the "worst style of play" or whatever hoopla crap is being said, but in reality, bandits are the ones who stay alive. id rather gun a player down and take their loot than help someone fresh bambi on the coast who is just going to knock me out and take all my stuff. youre kidding youreself if you think youre helping a fresh spawn- thats probably the same douche canoe who just got killed after ganking someone. helping people is great if you love starting over again and again and again. but it is interesting that people think YOU are bad for bandit/KOS'ing, when in fact other players drove you to that method of play. but i do believe it depends on the style of play you like- i prefer to KEEP my loot. i have zero desire to gather for an hour to let someone else take it. its mine and ill kill to keep it. Up to me.
  25. DirtyscumbagLith

    I wish that military gear/weapons were really rare

    I think it depends on what kind of player you are to ask for such things. 1.) if you are a type of player who likes to sit at Vybor and listen to the birds and every 12 minutes eat a can of beans & that right there is your excitement of game play, then NO. I dont agree. 2.) if you are the type of player who realizes he needs to survive zombies and needs to eat, but also fears his fellow man and might opportunistic kill a stranger for food, weapons, etc, then YES.