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Everything posted by unicornsmustdie

  1. unicornsmustdie

    MOLLE or Modular Plate Carrier Vest

    great idea, really like it. It ties in with my own thoughts about the time needed to get a gun out of a backpack and from a tac vest -I believe they are the same now which doesn´t make sense. I´d love to see animation forcing you to crouch, swing your backpack off your shoulder and grab the item and put the backpack back on (or leave it on the ground as an in between step for firefights etc.). Also think of the added warning -bandits are more likely to carry weapons out or when a backpack animation starts, you are alerted and can assess the situation in real time.
  2. unicornsmustdie

    Alternatives for GMT server time setting

    I run my own server, but because I work I can only play at night. Living in Europe, that means either being bound to nighttime (it´s winter, after all) or lag on US or Asia servers, or full daytime only servers, full of noobs running and gunning. I set my time for early morning, 7AM, which is a beautiful time btw because of the early dawn going into full light (it runs until 11AM in the current 4 hour resets). Yet I miss other times, but I don´t want to tweak my server just for me (because it resets the loot as well, and well that´s not fair). AFter a really long session, my server resets of course, and the time resets too. This screws with my immersion in the current session. So it made me think, there´s one time setting on your server, which is GMT (is this the same in the US too I wonder?). I would love to be able to pick ET or Australia time as well, which means that with resets, the time continues where it left off -only a different time zone from where you live. It gives us a chance to immerse in real time sun sets, sunrises, just with different timing. Does that make sense? Anybody else been thinking about this? I think there would be a lot of demand for it tbh.
  3. unicornsmustdie

    New Spawnlocations

    am i the only one that has spawned only 3 times since this game came out? hm.
  4. I haven´t played every day this past week, but I just discovered that if you leave Svetlo by the main highway going east to west (north of the rail road), there´s a small village, basically ten buildings perched along the highway but with nice loot-rich buildings, somewhere east of the large rock formation that announces Svetlo if you´d be heading towards it. The buildings are all empty, just like most of the new buildings in Svetlo itself, I guess until the current experimental branch goes stable next week. But it´s like the piano building, and the bar-home, and other bigger buildings like the offices you find on the industrial estate outside Vybor. Should make for a nice new place to visit. Is this totally new or I simply haven´t read anything about it? In any case, sorry if this is a double post.
  5. unicornsmustdie

    No Surrender types

    Guys, it´s alpha, the game´s intended workings don´t work yet, so many still fail to see. Let´s have these guys have their way, abuse, KOS, and all those other silly, no-strategy tactics. Wait until we´re in beta, the game is fleshed out, and we´re the ones moving through the forest, fed, energized, and well-armed and protected because we know where to find things. Any old mugger with a saturday night special won´t have a chance then. And they´ll leave the game. Or adapt and play the long game more :)
  6. unicornsmustdie

    High data traffic while playing DayZ

    I'd blame it on alpha status, I agree with Raphier's comments. Hopefully this will improve. Unfortunately, Bohemia isn't really 'suffering' and being incentivized to handle traffic lean, because they don't pay for it -the game runs off servers that belong to hosting companies, who do have associated costs of the traffic. I can imagine that this will change, because apart from the traffic cost for hosting providers (which in turn will lead to higher per month rates for hosting a server), there's the issue of the end user not having the bandwidth and will suffer from lag. It's just something that they will do later on, not in alpha stage -too much else is in the air, and this is something they have likely planned to streamline when everything else is more or less settled. anyway, that's what i think ;)
  7. unicornsmustdie

    Loot spawning is too formulaic

    hm, I think it makes sense to keep certain loot to a 'logical' spawn location, e.g. M4 at an army base or airfield, but also because I think it helps establish really scary/hi value loot locations. You have to remember there's 1 million players out there, and the vast majority (including myself) shits all colors of the rainbow to have to venture out onto an airfield for ammo for my M4 -especially now knowing that everyone and his uncle is out for my M4. So rather than putting myself in the 'logical loot sites' camp, I see the big advantage of having these superscary locations where you walk around five hundred times before you have the nerve to cross the fence..
  8. unicornsmustdie

    You Dont Know How Rare TKSO Pants Are,,,,,,

    For the mosin, I've found that the upper floor 'weapons room' in the office buildings often carry one! Try one of the farther out buildings, there's this unnamed village NW, where the train tracks start, where usually there's not tons of players looting.. so you may have a better chance there ;)
  9. unicornsmustdie

    You Dont Know How Rare TKSO Pants Are,,,,,,

    ha! I have a pristine pair of those, and that's a great bridge to say that I found that the pants in this game are broken or Zeds/Zombies only attack your upper body. I have endured a ton of attacks of course, and it's always the jacket, tac vest worn on your upper body that gets damaged, NEVER my pants. What's more, I've noticed that with all those attacks, my helmet also NEVER has degraded (as long as you wear it). Is this a glitch and I'm lucky or do others see this too? Oh and no, I do not crouch across Chernaruss :)
  10. Has anybody noticed messages at startup of Dayz, randomly informing about inabilty to load working gloves or other items? and the servers all being unavailable (big red cross instead of green dot)? It´s weird, I think it is my client. I am on stable branch. I played yesterday Tuesday 28 and just now after midnight on Thursday 30 Jan this is happening. Anybody having the same or similar issues just now?
  11. unicornsmustdie

    Knock Out / Hurt From Running Into A Tree

    I would like to see a system whereby when you run and look over your shoulders, and run into something, there´s a small percentage chance that it knocks you down. Make it depend on your state, fatigue, but mostly on what you´re carrying. I know from experience that if you carry some of the large backpacks that are in the game, and run into something, you will keel over quite easily if you don´t see it coming. You should be hurt, and maybe bleed and a really small chance to be knocked unconcious. So only for running while looking over your shoulder and bumping into something hard.
  12. unicornsmustdie

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    ughjust no. How about auto travel next.
  13. unicornsmustdie

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    I agree that needing to team up adds to the game because if may force you to come out of the shadows and put your life into the hands of a stranger. Apart from that, I also read (not sure if here or on reddit) from a real nurse who claimed it was quite difficult if not impossible for untrained nurses to administer an IV to one´s self.
  14. unicornsmustdie

    Remove Ability To Zoom When Running(Sprinting)

    maybe he´s a shark! :D
  15. unicornsmustdie

    Knock Out / Hurt From Running Into A Tree

    definitely shouldn´t become annoying, although on the other hand now I do get annoyed about being able to sprint fully packed into a tree, and the game just pushes me along one side of it. That would hurt in real life and you would definitely fall over backwards (which would protect your back but it would be the head injury that would knock you down). I dunno, I just think it would add realism to it. Imagine being chased or chasing someone while looking for them. That dynamic would become very different. Running away through a forest and the chance you get caught up with because you ran into a tree while not looking where you ran -see, I just see that happen :) Or, chasing and looking around you and bam, you´re floored. To find you wake up handcuffed with the guy you were chasing holding your M4 :)
  16. unicornsmustdie

    Knock Out / Hurt From Running Into A Tree

    ha thanks just googled it :D
  17. unicornsmustdie

    Persistent Blood Type?

    ah great thanks guys for answering!
  18. unicornsmustdie

    idea for new loot - make 'em hunt for it!

    I was reading about the hidden signals being broadcast in electro and from green mountain apparently (never heard them but intrigued!) and it made me think of a great idea i think :) Remember those graphic files of new loot that were discovered some time? Remember the whole load of new loot (hack saws, compensators, spray paint) that came out in the latest update/patch? Well, imagine the following. Say the devs want to release the pup tents? Well, how about locking them all away in a base, have the team add a door that's locked (or in an existing locker or similar, but enough to hold all the tents that are supposed to be ingame at any given time, for realism's sake). Now, instead of just propagating the tents to garages, farms etc., how about propagating a single key (one per server) and hiding it. In Chernarus. Let the broadcast signal give a hint or point to a starting point (there's notes in the game no? well, great opportunity for a use) for the fox hunt to start. Now, across all servers, people will start looking for that key that will unlock that vault or room. Hints will be shared (or not!) and people will stop and search passers by for keys. then, when the key is matched with the door, ALL the pup tents are available across all servers and start the normal spawn/respawn process. So instead of anxiously waiting for a whole bunch of loot, we can all work towards finding it and unlock it -it adds a whole new sub-game i think! At least it will keep us from bitching about the same KOS bs for a while, and we're in alpha still so why not? Idea?
  19. unicornsmustdie

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    I agree to a point to reduce the amount of military grade weaponry in the game. BUT if you'd compare this to the real world, and you accept the 250square km and the THREE military airfields, added to some FIVE military bases in the are, and that the backstory has some sort of civil war going on (which always disperses a LOT of weapons, even military), then I think the amount we have in the game right now is good, maybe even low. Definitely room for AKs, SKSs and shitty hand guns (not too sure about the Pythons, they seem rather exotic for the environment. The M4 I get because of the USMC involvement in the backstory, but really how often do you see a magnum). One thing I miss in this backstory is how far in we are. Has it been months? I notice no dogs or cats. Have they all been eaten? There's kennels outside of lots of homes. I'd like some feral dogs in packs, esp. in the cities. Oh and the scary howling at night would be amazing. If it is months, what's beyond the end of the map? a perimeter guarded by the Russians, with UN/CDC carps trying to contain whatever it is that's turning us into zombified infected whatever the correct term is here? Are we in years and has the whole world been affected? Then really can we have pristine of anything? How good is canned food then? Usually it lasts 1-2 years. Ponds I'd have real difficulty trusting, but wells? Where is a real river? What about when a zombie or player dies in a pond and stays in. Goodbye drinking water and hello disease, even coming close. I'd love to hear more about the how's and why's of us at that beach. Also about how this would affect our world, and making it believable. Here's one comment to the poster about soldiers evac'ing leaving their weapons behind: since we now have military zombies, that question has been answered for me. Panicked evac (although, where are the signs of that? Except on the road between Balota airfield and the tent camp, where you can feel the hastened and desparate exit somewhat with the burnt vehicles). The rest got infected and stayed behind.
  20. I have thought much about this too for precisely the same reasons (I never use the mountain backpack, but with first person view only servers (hardcore?) these things are absolutely impossible, I had never thought about that. The server restarts as other posters mention are the main reason against something now. I think it's interesting to see we're asking for tents that would bridge these server restarts, by keeping stuff safe, but in reality, without the 4 hour restarts, the tents would be less necessary? Which leads me to ask, how was this handled in the Mod? Did servers restart as often? Or is the 4 hour resets part of testing here, and will be over (once a week? month?) in future versions?
  21. unicornsmustdie

    [Community Suggestion] Friendly UN Uniform

    I think if the community wants it to signify something then it will gradually be accepted and become something in the field that says you're friendly. Like you could say the opposite is true for the gas mask or the gas mask/helmet/ttkso pants and jacket combo just says bandit now (when truthfully it doesn't have to). The press jacket looks great for that purpose, but on the downside, i hear it has less pockets and that still drives the decision on whether to pick it up or not for many, bandits or friendlies. I find that lowering your weapon, holstering or shouldering it after first contact proves friendly, waving when in visible range are still the best ways to identify and be identified. This game will never have a clear distinction, because that's exactly is one of the things this game is about, how grey the separation is, how fast it changes.
  22. unicornsmustdie

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    my server is among this list and now back online, but gameservers had to intervene through a ticket. all is working well.
  23. unicornsmustdie

    Think im gonna uninstall / wait till its fixed.

    I think I agree with the original poster. Look, the way I see it, we paid to join an alpha. Fine. But so did one MILLION other people. And that just changed the game (as in marketing speak, not the actual game lol). And if the execs at Bohemia have half a brain, they understand too that this can be a golden franchise long term for them. Because you all know that 60% (yeah the KOS pukes) are from a wholly different generation and game universe that pays for about anything including clothes for avatars on xbox bloody live. So, if my guessing is right, Bohemia will soon open one, no two cans of devs and pour them on top of things, and Dean can do what he does high level -but not worry about micromanaging his whole team like he eluded to in interviews (more devs means more work and slows you down). Bohemia have a chance to put this amazing anti-game back on track and ensure a happy, growing base (for god sake, I saw the MSM already whine on video games about murdering, this game will go platinum 20 times over, plus every old recurgitated map will sell as DLC for 5-10 bucks. You can even sell them bloody red military boots I bet.) I just want to make a point that Dean isn't building a mod anymore. He sold it, got paid very well, and he's an employee now in a software company (is Bohemia really a gaming company?). He made Bohemia $25M real quick, and now it's time for them to act to ensure they won't lose the other additional $50M in future spin off to Battlefield 5 or that Rust game I keep hearing people about. ok rant over.
  24. unicornsmustdie

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    hahaha via reddit Dean on zombies http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1vulr2/i_am_dean_rocket_hall_creator_of_dayz_and/cew04sz?context=3
  25. unicornsmustdie

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    yay! Anyhoo, I just thought that the server time was really great. What would be even better would be filtering on time? Like time between 7 and 11 AM?