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Everything posted by MrSmoo

  1. MrSmoo

    Sunglasses and glare

    Be nice to see glare reduced from the sun when wearing sunglasses... Just a niggly thing, but thought I'd mention it.
  2. MrSmoo

    Faster uphill running!

    Most of the small incline hills my buddy and I come across seem to be a struggle for our characters to run up. We both find ourselves saying "I could easily run up that in real life". I think it's a great mechanic that forces you to slow down when going up a steep hill, but not a small incline that most of us could run up :). Perhaps a little silly with all of the other great suggestions floating about, but it would be nice to see a change in the long future. Thanks.
  3. I was carrying these 2 yellow storage boxes full of medical supplies and other bits. Prior to swimming, I checked my bag. Unfortunately both of the boxes disappeared :(
  4. MrSmoo

    Spray Paint/Tagging walls and surfaces

    I like the idea, but I think this would probably require too much work for the devs to focus on right now with all of the other stuff going on. Maybe one for the future though! Or on a modded server (if they'll exist)
  5. MrSmoo

    Bloodied overlay.

    I really love this idea. Maybe to clean it you need to mix a rag with washing powder, with water and then put on the clothing! Or mix disinfectant with rags to clean it... although I don't know how well disinfectant cleans blood!