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About Snozzeltoff

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Snozzeltoff

    Stranded on a high-rise

    I was stuck there the other day, but I did get out. It took a while but I just kept sprinting and pressing 'v' (not that he'd actually vault) but after a few minutes of sprinting and moving the mouse around the exit my guy broke free. I had a mate doing the same when he got stuck. Shame that once he broke free a few minutes later he suffered desync and went through the wall and fell out of the apartments. Fell from the 4-5th storey to his death. Ah.... DayZ moments.
  2. Snozzeltoff

    Fire doesn't warm you up.

    I have used the fire Indoors perfectly fine, it warmed me up and dried my gear. I did notice that it had no effect when I lit it upstairs, so I put it out and moved downstairs and all was well. I guess it only works indoors on the ground floor.
  3. Snozzeltoff

    Pale Blue Menu Screen - Is there a Fix?

    I get this too when I first boot up the game. I haven't found a proper fix but what does work is selecting 'change server' and then once that opens select 'cancel'. The game then reloads the main menu and I find it works as it should then with your character visible and etc.
  4. Snozzeltoff

    Things i found within 1 hour lol

    I found 3 in one place the other week, before loot spawns were fixed. One was damaged and two next to each other were pristine. It's the second time ever I've come across LRS in 130hrs gameplay. I ditched the damaged one and carried the second pristine one for a friend.
  5. Snozzeltoff

    frying pan + cooking pot

    I did find a potatoe last week, it was fresh and pristine but discribed as a little dirty from the ground still. I tried gathering cooking supplies but I'm still missing one item. In the end I needed food so I had to eat it raw, my character was fine and it gave me loads of energy. Like a bag of rice but without the dehydration.
  6. Snozzeltoff

    Baby blue login screen

    This happens on my machine too since the latest update. It's only when you first boot up the game though. Simply boot up, select 'change server', then hit cancel and it'll go back to the main menu, however this time it'll do it properly and render everything like normal.
  7. Snozzeltoff

    Were can I find a mosin?

    I've found one in a burnt out car, usually laying on the back seat. This was one of the cars around the apartment blocks north west of Cherno.
  8. Snozzeltoff

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Yes I get it in the firestation but have yet to experience it in any other building with multiple floors. For now I'm avoiding the upper floors of the firestation and as alwways be careful with ladders.
  9. Snozzeltoff

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Thanks for the patch guys, worked a treat. I very rarely experience rubber banding. Still getting the odd problem in buildings and randomly breaking legs. I was on the 1st floor of a fire station yesterday with my inventory screen open and soon after died on the spot. Turns out I fell through the floor to my death. Luckily spawned nearby and got back to my body and recovered my gear before anyone else got there. Keep up the great work, over 24hrs logged in th is game so far and it keeps me coming back.