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About frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Glad to see that the Devs have no plans for allowing kicking of players to "reserve" slots for clan members or friends.
  2. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I'd say. Start hunting animals... how hard can it be?
  3. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Ghillie Suit bug & Character stats

    So, a friend of mine found a Ghillie suit for me to wear as he himself had one. So he stored it in his back pack and waited for me to get on so I could have it. I took it and wore it. But the second I changed skin, my entire stats in the "debug monitor" window changed to 0 (Zombie Kills, Bandits Killed & Murders), except for the 42 C, and Blood. I noticed that I died when trying to relog, but my corpse quickly vanished afterwards as my friend was waiting for me. When I logged back in. I spawned as myself again with all my equipment but with my normal skin, and I had to repeat the same action and the same problem occurred. However, I managed to bypass the glitch by waiting a minute or two with the ghillie suit on, and then relog. After that, I got my old stats back, and everything with the ghillie suit on. I figured I'd share the info with the developers, since I was scared I had to run around from scratch with my stats. Cheers. Regards Revixy.
  4. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Can't join any server, stuck at second loading screen.

    How many servers have you tried? Thought about that the master servers may be overloaded because of the weekend? I searched for 9 HOURS last week to get into a server that worked for an hour.
  5. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod not working! Please help!

    Servers may be overloaded, as it's the weekend. Attempt again later, or other servers. ( I haven't been in today, so I wouldn't know. )
  6. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Beta patch - Anti aliasing not as effective.

    I run into similar problems, I adjust on the fly so I get smooth gameplay, rather than a stunning visual experience. But I know how you feel though, I had to get use to it to begin with myself. Hope you can too, if you can't find a fix that is. Regards Revixy.
  7. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    bad Serial Number given (yea another one)

    @thre3, Yeah well, we've had some fun people here lately thre3. Alot of hacks and shit have been going on. So don't take it personally but people are getting a bit annoyed at people attempting to get key's back that they "say" they've bought. But if your key is "invalid" take it up with steam. This isn't the place. This is all we can do for you, sorry. Kind Regards Revixy.
  8. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Can't run Day Z, constantly freezing up

    Yeah.. this may not help. Actually, I think it won't but I'll say it anyway. Set all setting on the lowest option, and your 3d resolution and screen resolution on lowest as well. If this doesn't help, try drivers for your graphic card to make sure it's up to date. If THAT does not help... well... sorry mate, get new rig. Something that ain't a laptop.
  9. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com


    steam or retail?
  10. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    "you cannot play/edit this mission"

    This is how the "Target" should look like when right clicking the Arrowhead.exe file: \Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ -nosplash Keep in mind, this is with the Beta Patch added. If you run it through steam without the beta patch, you just need to right click the arrowhead name in your game list then "properties" and then, "launch options". Paste this in the field: -mod=@DayZ -nosplash Click ok, and close. double click arrowhead to launch the game, and when the pop-up shows up. choose "COMBINED OPERATIONS", in the bottom of the window of options to choose from. I've said this before. There are millions of posts on this subsection, and every single one, has an answer to this very same question. Plus there is the guide at the top, made by the admins. Cheers. Regards Revixy.
  11. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod not working! Please help!

    Download the beta patch here: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_93825.zip Here is the site for all beta patches: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Make sure your game is at 1.7 And never overwrite files, always remove old files first, for safety. As we all know, weird shit can happen.
  12. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Pitch black!

    Up the brightness, throw a flare, get a new monitor. Welcome to the apocalypse.
  13. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Can't use Hatchets/Heat Packs

    You need to delete the old dayz equip file and replace it with a fresh downloaded file. As it's corrupted. ( I had the same issue with only the Hatchet. )
  14. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Tents are NOT crashed helicopters

    Welcome to the apocalypse mate.
  15. frederik_e_r@hotmail.com

    Ghillie Suit

    It works. My friend has it.