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Diggydug (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Diggydug (DayZ)

  1. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Clothing and KOS

    The point of the thread __________ Your head Do you think walking around in military gear means you're more prone to get shot at or received as a threat compared to non-threatening civy gear?
  2. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Will Hiding Dead BODYs help Bandits ?

    You can hide them, not drag them. Doing so buries the loot along with it, and if you just killed someone and don't expect guys just walking up to know about it, you're in for some pain.
  3. Diggydug (DayZ)

    What are books for?

    While I'd typically read a book in real life if I wanted to read a book, I'd like to sit down and read one in DayZ one time. I pick them up as it is. I've always enjoyed reading in TES and Fallout games (3 and NV, am casual), why not DayZ? I was surprised they were full books at first too, but no time to read when my pal was waiting on me. I may wait on him with a book one day. Gives me the benefit of still being attentive ingame in case I hear a soda can pop open or shots fired.
  4. Diggydug (DayZ)

    ~$15 million later

    I'd rather it take as long as anticipated with the team who got us here than bring in a ton of people who aren't really familiar with DayZ and the DayZ scene.
  5. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Clothing and KOS

    I've not been able to truly test this yet, but I do believe appearances are a big part of it. If you run around in a Hoxton mask, tactical vest, military pants and a black hoodie with black gloves and a military helmet wielding an m4 you should expect to be shot at. You don't appear to have any good intentions. If you run around rockin' the Rocket aviators with a baseball cap, a flannel and cargo pants I believe you'll typically be received as a warmer person to approach. However, most players here don't see attire, they see cattle, and they want steak. Don't rely on it. I'd rather dress to go unseen than dress to be seen as a lovely guy.
  6. Diggydug (DayZ)

    So this guy tried to convert me.

    There are gods to be feared. I refer to them as the DayZ gods. Merely acknowledging they exist and submitting to them is enough to appease them. To step out of line and forget they exist for one second is when they remind you they are in charge. They created the almighty Mt. Dew. They created the place we never speak of. They allow the zombies to walk through walls when you least expect it. They guide a murderer's bullet straight to your noggin' as soon as you step out of line. They crash your cars. They crash your helis. They crash your Urals. They break your legs and hope and will.
  7. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Rocket said animals will act aggressive 18+

    I ain't afraid of no sheep. Or goats. Or cows. Or bunnies. KoS animal policy. bring it m8
  8. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    SKILL PROGRESSION!?!#!@?#! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?! SKYRIM???????????????? My only problem with the "The more you do something the better you get" idea is that each life becomes a serious grind. As with many things, I'd be willing to try it out, but I don't expect it to work well in practice at all. Find a quite spot and shoot off in the distance on my own to get up. Others would go on an empty server at night and do it. Faster bandaging? Get your pal, have him slap you bloody. Bandage. Repeat with minimal bloodloss. Bloodbag/saline yourself. Do the same for your pal. Run faster the more you run? Okay that one just wouldn't work but yeah you get the idea. Many people who play DayZ are cheap when it comes to gameplay and go for any exploit they can find. This would end up hurting the "honest" players more than it would the exploiters and cheap players. _________ Learning how the weapons work should be a big part of it, like it was in the mod/ArmA 2. Another part would be learning how the condition of each part affects that weapon. Wind and bullet drop would be nice, especially considering the swaying of trees I've seen. Other than that I don't want the game deciding where my bullet goes, I should be able to compensate and figure it out.
  9. Diggydug (DayZ)

    SA in need of private hives

    I wouldn't mind them if they were exactly like the public hive servers just on a separate hive. Rocket has said that these will come, so no need to really discuss it just yet. Let it come and let's see how they are.
  10. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Good place to find weapons and gear?

    M4, not M16. Good luck.
  11. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Damn. Heart racing. (With pics!)

    A broken scope is a worthless scope if you ask me, but yes, hindsight reveals all. You did well regardless, it's always different in the "now", and if you're new to DayZ then you seem to be on the right track to handling others. They got the jump on you and you still kept your head. Better than most and they're obviously bad shots if you weren't killed outright.
  12. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Player housing SA

    This is a new age. An age where bear traps will work in buildings. A miracle in the works. Try placing one at the bottom of a ladder, preferably an air control tower ladder, and rest knowing some chump, likely a bandit, was crippled.
  13. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Damn. Heart racing. (With pics!)

    That was a great experience truly worthy of its own thread. I wish more people used pictures to lay down what was going on like you. I was genuinely excited reading that. The end made me disappoint and frustrated. Once server hopping is fixed and that is prevented, losers like that won't have much of a choice. You and your friend appear to have handled that well, good job for sticking to your guns. Even though you died you both had a great DayZ moment. This is why I love DayZ.
  14. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Player housing SA

    Well it was a joke, but bear traps were in the mod and were used to break legs so I assume they'll make their way here at some point. If not, oh well.
  15. Diggydug (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] easier way to find some resources

    Oh and take your T-shirt you spawn with and tear it into rags if you're bleeding out. Keep an eye out for spare t-shirts or bandanas along the way as well. Free bandages in a sense. When you start, find a well. The DayZDB map has them all marked, as do the maps ingame. They're in about every town and easy to find once you know what to look for. Drink from them until it says you're full, then go find some food and eat up. From that point on you're good to loot and watch out for others without worrying about food and water all that much.
  16. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Player housing SA

    That reminds me how my pal told me not to leave a banana at the top of the stairs for safety reasons. Bear traps at the top of stairs will be glorious.
  17. Diggydug (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] easier way to find some resources

    10 minutes tops? Not if you stay on one server. OP, welcome to DayZ and the DayZ forums. It's going to get easier because you will get better. Once you learn the tricks of the trade it's not a problem at all. You won't even need a map at some point and you may think, "Wow this is too easy," even. Ask for help, but don't ask for the game to be changed to help you get your loot.
  18. Diggydug (DayZ)

    SA in need of private hives

    I hope even if private hives came to be that the admins wouldn't have any decisions regarding that this go around. If people want that, the mod is still there.
  19. Diggydug (DayZ)

    SA in need of private hives

  20. Well that all depends on your lore. As far as I understand it, everyone who could become a zombie has become a zombie and those immune are left to fend for themselves against each other and the infected.
  21. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Good place to find weapons and gear?

    Wrecked cars can have great loot if you're lucky. Mosins in particular.
  22. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Player housing SA

    They made enterable buildings. Pick a house and plant your flag. Trespassers will be shot on sight.
  23. Yeah the "zombies" of DayZ aren't dead. Dead people don't die from a shot to the gut. I'd like to say Rocket's confirmed this but I can't be asked to grab a source.
  24. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Good place to find weapons and gear?

    Getting killed point blank and can't get a word in? Stop trying to get a word in. I've not touched the east side of the map yet due to my spawns, which seem unusually consistent compared to the mod was, but I'd say aim for any large town and stay off the roads and out of clearings if you can. If you get shot at, break line of sight ASAP and try to find the assailant. Don't try to talk to them either, just find 'em, lay low, and watch. From there use common sense. I find Zelenogorsk always has something, but it often has someone as well so you have to tread carefully. I'll just simplify what I do and hope it helps. Get off the coast ASAP and run to nearby town (not on the coast). Drink from the local well and loot the houses for a snack and other useful items. Figure out where my main objective is and plot a course, often looting along the way. Get to my main objective, grab what I came for, and leave. Repeat that until you die since there's not much else to do. You could become a murderer like 90% of the players who also server hop, but I find Wasteland for ArmA 2 and 3 offer the same experience and I didn't pay $30 for that.
  25. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Redbrick building FTW

    Aww, I thought you meant the two story brick building with white double-doors as the only way in and out. I've always seen the one you described as orange, but I do agree it's a great place for loot and practically guaranteed if untouched.