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Diggydug (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Diggydug (DayZ)

  1. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Blurred vision - I don't get it

    Were you ever hurt? Tinker with graphics, particularly post processing and relevant things and see if that has any effect. I've not experienced any blur even when I'm hurt, or if I did it wasn't noticeable so I didn't pay it any mind.
  2. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Why people are KoS

    The guy was trying to get the jump on you from the start, what did you expect? Anyone who yells friendly only when aimed upon is not friendly.
  3. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Same. A friend got two when he bought it, gave me a copy, and neither of us have touched it since because there's nothing to do. Personally I'm disappointed we can't go to space. I mean Kerbal Space Program has a much smaller budget and team and yet you can fly from planet to planet. It's almost 2014, wth is Rocket doing with all this time?
  4. It's a gameplay mechanic. Why aren't there threads saying how it's impossible to run the distance we can run or complaining how effective bandages are? No one ever complains how unrealistically fast we open cans and eat... It's basically artificial "difficulty" that forces you to acquire something to do something. To open cans, you need a tool to do so. This was explained in another post earlier. I don't see the problem.
  5. Diggydug (DayZ)

    DayZ is FailZ (Lacklustre Infected comment)

    I read it. I'm sure others did too. But you can tell exactly what this post is in the second statement. It's been addressed. The answer to his woes is "Alpha". Sure feedback is great, but making a big long complaint that they're a massive disappointment when the Early Access has only been accessible to us for a little over a week is ridiculous. It's been acknowledged, let them show us what they intend to do first before we complain about how shit the zombies are, eh?
  6. Diggydug (DayZ)

    DayZ is FailZ (Lacklustre Infected comment)

    What did you expect when you bought Early Access to the standalone?
  7. Diggydug (DayZ)


    Get off the coast. I've never gone into a northern military loot spawn and didn't find an M4. Along the way you'll likely find a Mosin if you go from town to town. People don't touch most of the northern towns at all.
  8. tl;dr Alpha Alpha or not, take to heart the first rule of DayZ. Don't get attached to your gear. Expect there to be character wipes.
  9. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    People are still pointing out the best various games have to offer while ignoring their flaws and expects DayZ to have everything? That type of logic isn't even worthy of a discussion. If you're disappointed it doesn't have all of that, don't buy that game. If you already bought it and are disappointed it doesn't have all of this and won't, then you need to do more research. 3 minutes of research is all it takes to figure that out.
  10. Diggydug (DayZ)

    How not to Rage losing a fully equipted character

    Well considering my deaths are typically from DayZ gods reminding me of their existence and not a murder from some greedy sap, I just remind myself it's Alpha. You get over it, pretty much.
  11. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    It took longer than a year though.
  12. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Buying the game

    I don't expect it to go on sale anytime soon.
  13. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Wow (Q. on "safe" servers)

    Welcome. Let's get to the point of how to not die in the standalone. Find a well, they're water pumps sticking out of the ground with infinite potable water. Drink until it says you're full. Find food and eat until the hunger meter goes away and eat some more. Now focus on exploring and looting, drinking every now and then just to stay well kept. As for bandits, they're going to be on every server. You can play this as a "friendly" and still kick bandit ass, you have to know the ropes though. It's easy to start the game and just kill anyone not you or your pals, it takes no knowledge except point and click. If someone wrongs you then don't give them another chance. People use the anonymity DayZ provides to be dicks. __________ Yeah it's tense, and that's a big part of the fun. There has to be some reward at the end of your 5km run, right?
  14. Diggydug (DayZ)

    The ultimate flaw with DayZ

    Find a reason to play or don't play. What's to get? The same can be said for the mod. Personally I'm just greedy and curious, so I'd fix a car and want a heli. I'd fix a heli and want a camp. I'd steal from one camp and want another. I've been content, but DayZ has a way of taking it all away in the blink of an eye and I'd do it again.
  15. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Does DayZ Commander work?

    Keep hopping 'til you find one. Personally I've never found a server that was night except for my first one.
  16. Diggydug (DayZ)

    How rare is a map?

    You can combine the maps? Oh wow I feel dumb. Not that i haven't tried but I guess I didn't try hard enough. And there are military and civy variations? Oh man I need to get out more and see Chernarus.
  17. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Does DayZ Commander work?

    I just took a look and I don't think so. What exactly do you need to filter right now that isn't already filtered? I've had no problem with the current setup considering how similar the servers are.
  18. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Lost? Remember you're in Russian Territory

    ArmA is why I learned just enough to read Cyrillic and it helps a lot. Especially in the Standalone where it doesn't say where you are. It's not hard, it's very convenient, and it makes you a valuable part of a team if they lack a map or just aren't great navigators.
  19. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    I stopped at when you started asking why the development process is so nontransparent. I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but just to be safe, I'll give you an actual response and keep it short. You're asking why they don't have the best of every game you listed, all packed into one, when they had no intention of doing that in the first place. Did you play the mod or look into it? Did you see that and say, "Wow I bet the Standalone will be that and then some!" Half-Life is famous for physics. Crysis is famous for graphics. Mirror's Edge is known for the parkour aspect it revolves around. The list goes on. DayZ is known for survival, the PvP interactions, and the sheer size of the map. Those games don't have that, why aren't you disappointed in them for lacking such simple things a mere mod had? This just seems like a personal problem, really.
  20. Diggydug (DayZ)

    what kind messages you will leave on NOTES?

    I'm not much for murder, but I'd like to see just how stupid people can be. I'd leave a note somewhere I could watch it with something like, "If you're reading this, you're in range." or have it be a silly story that catches their attention while I aim at them and see if they take the note, go and hide to read it, or take the note and stand there like an idiot.
  21. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Coming Back to the Coast to Open a School

    "Basics of Bullet Dodging" Sign me up!
  22. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    Don't let them get close enough to hit you. You're right, they lose nothing, shoot them if they cross the line.
  23. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Salute and Identify

    Wave back or salute. Any of it. People might lie, I guess. I just tell people to type over direct to confirm their name though.
  24. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Salute and Identify

    I don't know Aussie Bogan all that well...or at all really, but I'm pretty sure he was probably pulling the trigger right after he said "Get d-". He knows it's aggressive and wants you to almost fight back. He's a bad person, I think. @Narko People just wouldn't do it. Just like they don't in the mod.
  25. Diggydug (DayZ)

    Salute and Identify

    Saluting someone is asking to get shot since you have a slower reaction time. I'm all for more animations though so heck, why not? Just the animation part though.