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Everything posted by pilgrim*

  1. pilgrim*

    Developers cater to people with no life outside of this game

    You mean once you FIND all this stuff then you can ...like... START playing the game ? So when you're all geared up with the stuff you want and you reach that moment when you can START playing ... hey, dude .. what do you do ? - just asking when you've got all the stuff you want, how do you play DayZ ? Is DayZ maybe a Collect Gear game?.. but it can't be that because it takes too LONG .. right? .. so what kind of game is it? ... your view..? What is DayZ for ? thanx
  2. pilgrim*

    Generic item labeling instead of fantasy names

    Yes - sorry to be so flippant - but the next topic up from this one is headed << Want to trade LAR for AK >> .. see what I mean? The guy wants to trade a KA for a FAL .. ?? I think, for weapons and cars in DayZ, it's obviously a trademark thing .. I spent a few years wandering around DayZ with an AKM and never really noticed that this gun I LOVED is actually of course called an AKM in the real world BUT some other weapons DONT carry their IRL name.. A FAL used to be a FAL.. er.. as far as I remember.. ? I guess it might be a big pain in the neck to get written legal permission to produce a realistic 3D model of a weapon for use in a game, on internet, AND call it what the makers call it themselves.. it goes a bit further than just using text to describe a trademarked object. And naturally - PEPSI - would do their nut - they have offices full of teams of people paid to specialize in that (doing their nut) . Surprising that BI haven't been jumped on for having a can in the game that "looks like" a Pepsi ca .. a LITTLE BIT. Seriously - true story - there was a hassle I remember about a cartoon series on British TV where the hero drank a pint of milk between fights and said "milk.. I love it" and there were complaints that the Milk Marketing Board (British milk pricing and quality) was secretly hiding commercial ads in children's programs, AND on the other side from the shock-horror watchdog folk complaining that milk was being DIRECTLY linked to violence on children's TV, which would encourage milk drinkers be more violent. So the BBC took it out of the series. No one was being paid for anything, it was a scriptwriter who thought milk was good to drink.. kind of like breathing fresh air.. but, ya know, its a commodity, people buy and sell it, there is quality control and government oversight and it appears in a series where people punch each other.. So the BBC backed right out of that argument. <seriously> So I don't blame BI for side-stepping any of that 'license' - 'ownership' - 'trade-name' - stuff, considering the SERIOUSNESS of arms manufacturers. They are COMPETITIVE b@ggers for sure. And of course saying "A German car" could be taken as an attack on the quality of German car manufacturers, OR a claim that German vehicles are better than "Russian trucks"... (oops!) So really I agree with @IMT - naturally - but I hadn't noticed much that this well constructed 3D design weapon in DayZ is called a KA.. everyone STILL calls it an AK.. I hope BI brings the KAM back, because I LIKE AKMs And a game that gave players - who choose what they like - EVEN the impression that a whatever H&K is better than a whatever Colt .. would just bring lawyers like vultures .. or .. Try making the DayZ teddy-bear look like Micky Mouse.. see what happens.. (heh).. xxp
  3. pilgrim*

    Generic item labeling instead of fantasy names

    what we EAT in DayZ is BEANZ what we drink in DAyZ is RASPUTIN what we shoot in DayZ is DayZ weapons with recognizable DayZ names what we totally drive in dayz is totally dayz totally vehicles and their totally uniqueness is totally amazing they are not IRL vehicles what we hit each other with in dayz melee is anything you've got, even if you don't know what it's called BEANZ are good for melee too, you can eat them later A can of Rasputin does not explode if you hit a player in the face with it I don't know why, it's a DayZ thing even if you beat them to death you can still open the RASPUTIN afterwards without it blowing your beard off this is not similar to real world ringpull cans. It has to have a DayZ brand-name, because other IRL brands aren't made to be that useful. IMO natch
  4. pilgrim*

    Scripters Question & Answer Thread

  5. If you want to send a message/suggestion to the Devs just add a Moderator name into your message. Type an @ followed (without a space) by the name of one of the Staff here.. You get a dropdown list as you type after the @ and you click on the name - it comes out like this @Robzom11 - just put the @ and start typing the name you want. Do that and the Moderator you name will get a call and will DEFINITELY come read you message (NO chance of them missing it).. anything interesting they will pass to the Devs. The forum moderators are all listed under Staff, under the Browse heading at top left of each page. And you probably know their names from the posts here. ImpulZ for instance often passes technical stuff to the Devs and comes back with their reply. OR you'll get a message back or a link to a thread where it has already been discussed, or is still being discussed, or maybe already answered.. Its GOOD to search on keywords, with the search box - top right - see if there are old OR new threads with the same idea. If it turns out to be not a new idea then you can join that thread and add your voice to the weight of opinion. IMO
  6. pilgrim*

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    they didn't think? Search : "snow" FOUND 1814 RESULTS 2012 - 2019
  7. pilgrim*

    Lack of good weapons!!!!

    A hunting rifle with a nice scope is a "good weapon". In fact it cant be beat, really. When people in this thread say "good weapons" they mean military automatic assault rifles. I don't understand. These are very limited weapons.. and what do you want them for ? A shotgun, a 45 automatic, and a hunting rifle with a scope.. and you can outgun, outwit, and hit harder in More Ways in more types of PvP than armed with a mil auto. AND do plenty of other stuff that is a pain in the neck if you only have an assault rifle. Myself, I actually like the AK, but NOT because it is a great weapon.. it's just a thing I LIKE.. in the same way I wear a brown or black ushanka in the game because it's a thing I LIKE. But I don't care about finding one, because I know I will sooner or later.. and I never wear payday masks or balaclavas.. just because that's not my style.. So someone telling me there is a great lack of GASMASKS in the game, is exactly like there is a great lack of M4s in the game.. I don't care, it's NOT my problem.. it's my ADVANTAGE, because usually the folk who badly want the M4s are the MOST predictable and that is what kills them. .. An AK is in no way a "great gun" .. .. and if I thought someone like @FearFokkol was round the corner or MAYBE in the same building a few feet away, the next room or on the roof or behind a tree .. I wouldn't charge in there with an AK looking for him AT ALL.. I'd be more worried that I spotted him before he got eyes on me or how I could outflank him down an ally or behind a container and catch him looking the wrong way.. and if I tried that and he wasn't where I expected him to be, I'd RIGHT NOW take the fastest most unlikely way OUT of that zone REAL QUICK.. don't make any difference if Ive got an M4 and 10 clips.. the dude might be round the next corner with his damned shotgun or behind a top floor window with a deer hunting rife.. nah.. don't make any difference carrying mil weapons in those REAL DayZ situations = no advantage = bad mindset = disadvantage .. makes a BIG difference what is the mindset of the opponent is and how smart they are. THAT'S what kills you. THAT'S what keeps YOU alive. Don't want to offend, but perhaps the folk spending all their time around mil bases looking for M4s don't realise that they are maybe playing with the LIGHTWEIGHTS ?? Sure Duping is a pisser, NEEDS to be fixed - WILL be fixed.. But seriously for me - a MORE serious problem is my "geared up" loadout is the same as @FearFokkol 's and a whole other BUNCH of folk. Check the other threads. So if I found an AK then I WOULD have a problem, because I like them (it's a fashion thing.. ya know, some male players wear no pants..whatever.. AK is my spare time kick..OK?) - BUT I'd def keep the hunting rifle, I'd WANT to keep the shotgun (because that is a lifesaver and a close quarters UNFAIR mean beast) and HALF the time a .45 with two spare clips (max) is more useful than either of those .. so Id have to dump either the automatic or the shotgun and I'd REALLY hate to part with either of them just because Ive got a kinky THING about AKs.. ya know? (sure AKs are OK.. better than nothing) SO. As long as I DONT find one I don't have to get neurotic about which weapon to keep.. a deer rifle with a scope + and AK + a shotgun, is NOT a full range of weapons, it's unbalanced... And if I ever see an M4, for some reason they don't interest me at all, they turn me off.. maybe I'd throw it in the next river so no one else got it (.. sorry folks). Maybe I'm not playing CoD and other folk are, but town or country I'd put my money on the player with <the @FearFokkol gear-out >> (let's call it that)- the bottom line in DayZ is - being smart, being alert, and and being unexpected =wins=. And if you ain't got those qualities (or LEARN them) - you can wear ALL the mil gear & hardware, BUT the dude with the shotgun will still blow your spine out before you notice there's even anyone around.. then THEY'LL keep your food, water, maybe your boot knife, and they'll throw your M4 in a river. DUPING NEEDS TO BE FIXED, but not because dupers get all the "good weapons" they only get mil weapons and they leave the REAL good weapons lying around anywhere on the map (except in mil camps) xxp
  8. pilgrim*

    Help can’t find tent anywhere

    If they've been duped so "legendary" much that they don't ever spawn - there must be SH@T-loads of them ALL OVER every map, stacked full of duped top mil gear, ammo, and everything else that you LUST for but you can't EVER find at those spawn points?? right? So find the hundreds of duped tents full of a couple of thousand AKs & M4s and EVERYTHING You Want that those Bastards have MULTIPLIED- That has got be easier than it WAS when you could ONLY eventually find a couple maybe someday after messing around at a spawn point for ages if you played or hopped long enough ?? wow - it's like a Wet Dream!! - Because NOW every Spawned tent has been super DUPED to 5 or 10 or (EF knows) maybe 20+ TIMES MORE tents than there should EVER be on the map.. !!! DANG, Must be a LOT MORE right THERE in the GAME than there SHOULD be, or they'd still be spawning where they always did.. Like a plague of tents has hit DayZ.. Stands to reason, dunnit ??? If yo got the RIGHT theory then yo lookin' in the WRONG place Go FIND the ENEMY and ENGAGE HIM - Son - you can tell the ENEMY because there are MANY of them hiding everywhere - and the Enemy has a shitload of TENTS of every description. xxp
  9. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    I don't think BI can do that, in fact, technically .. but ask them about it - I may be totally wrong. p.s. I can think of 3 or 4 neat exploits right off the bat - even if that "friend list" can be done technically... There WERE ideas about "ownership of forts" = you can only respawn inside a fort if you own it or if you are a friend of the owner ("owner" puts you on a list maybe?).. but that seems to have faded out as an idea and now no one discusses it, far as I can see.. But spawning AWAY from any other players.. (even if you are playing solo) could mean you spawn quite a distance from the place you logged out, depending how players are scattered around and how popular the area is.. and I think (IMO) that MIGHT get a lot of bad reaction. For myself, no big problem at all - so long as I don't spawn in a road and get hit by the next car coming into my "spawn space" at high speed, or spawn in a street in town with a sniper on the roof waiting for everyone to spawn in NOT close to his two mates at key places on the ground. BUT it would certainly irritate the hell out of hoppers, that's for sure.. (lol) xxP
  10. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    yes - as I said - that's because there are NOT TWO TEAMS... there is a "variable allocation of resources" inside BI...which has quite a number of different projects ongoing ATM.. - For instance do you consider Tencent and Microsoft to be BI working "projects" or only "Ylands" and "DayZ" to be projects? Think there's an overlap? (HELL YES) .. AND, naturally the majority of staff in BI are NOT programmers (max 30% of staff, tops, normally less) .. Just as an INTRO to this "Dev" & "team" topic , try a web search on "how many programmers work on an AAA game".. that's a typical common question and you'll find SEVERAL intelligent VERY INTERESTING answers from people who have real experience, who answer much MORE than that "simple" question. And also check Glassdoor.com and read the 30+ comments from working or ex Bohemia Interactive staff on the "style" the "pay rates" the atmosphere" the "expectations" "the direction" that they have experienced.. this stuff together with comments made in "approved" vids, directly and deliberately, and also picked up from partly unintentional comments.. and also from deliberate releases.. begin to give you a good picture of how BI and how "the DayZ team" functions, and to what extent it exists as an entity (the DayZ team).. And if you've worked in the same industry yourself, that helps you form an opinion too. BI is an interesting case IMO. AND I like the game. AND I like Indis.. How many European games creators & self-publishers do we have left ? This corporate structure stuff is a hobby of mine, ya know? BI - good luck to them. But I appreciate its difficult for a player to get a grip on the topic, or for a "Dev" to explain objectively. PR is paid to handle that stuff, right? That's why companies have PR. * [Sorry, but I'm going to stay away from this "structural" topic now. I don't get any thanks for it, and folk get overheated and take it wrongly IMO.- NOT you @NAYTE- See you in some other debate or topic. Enjoy ]
  11. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    So you're saying no player should ever spawn closer than 50m (for instance) to another player. If they is going to spawn closer they are moved in a random direction until they are at least 50m from any other player. That means that three friends can't ever log out in their fort and log back in there together (for instance) ... there's NO way all the Xbox servers can keep an up to date list across all servers of who claims to be "friends" and who isn't, that's for sure. But that 50m radius spawn doesn't worry me. Sure, I don't have any problem with that. Might mean you log out in town at the top of a house and log back in a LONG way from town in th woods, depending who's scattered around that region - I still don't find that a big problem if it keeps players happy. But I'll bet a LOT of other people hate the idea though ?
  12. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    I don't think so - you will be talking about the two different platform versions AFTER the fork - where <the same game> is finalised (forked) for one platform or the other = > controler or keyboard etc, xbox vertex manipulation parameters ( .. whatever). Sure there is a group working on Xbox controller that will NOT be working on perfecting PC keyboard input (I guess?) - But the Dayz Game Model is built on ONE development structure running on one software platform with ONE set of development tools.. Then that - single game - is forked at output so it runs on two different OS. If you know different point me at the info.. but if you look back at the BI vids and interviews and comments you will see they have mentioned this "standardisation" , towards that single development-core, "single game" objective, and mentioned the work they have put into it, for more than a year.. if I'm wrong - sure, point me to the facts - no problem.
  13. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    [fair point] * Make the LOG-OUT timer AND the login time LONGER... the timer was introduced to make ghosting & combat logout more difficult - but there were so many arguments and so MUCH SHOUTING about it that BI only dared to add a tiny little ITSY log in/ log out wait.. and make it an ITSY BIT longer if you jumped servers several times. Forget network connections and central hive and XBL network, Do it from INSIDE the game on the Server.. If you want to log out you are FROZEN on that server until IT gets around to recording the full server state, including what's on the map and what's in your pack, (like it does every X clicks) and THEN your char is released. And if you decide to stop the logout, OK then you next time you try you freeze AGAIN and you wait until the whole server state (including your player) is recorded and then your character is released to log in somewhere else. that would mess up duping and hopping AND combat ghosting .. but the pooor players cant STAND having to wait a full minute or even 100 SECONDS to log out after they've played a session, even if they can turn off their machine and the Server will deal with their tune while they take a dump. AND the player would also have to find a good safe place to log out.. and THAT is FAR too difficult for most players.. they dont want to have to REALLY pretend that DayZ is a survival game full of UNEXPECTED dangerous stuff !! <OMG!> .. that's just sooooooooo TOO realistic !! so THAT never got off the ground (LOL) For logging IN.. you maybe live in a fort with 20 players, so there' no way you can safely log in anywhere and DEFINITELY not find someone close to you. EXCEPT IF you go off in the trees and log out in a SAFE PLACE (like I just SAID). A place it's UNLIKELY you'll be spotted when you log in... er.. kind of like you WOULD in a survival game. (but NO... that stresses the players too much!! finding a good place to logout.. .. we cant have "player stress" in DayZ or everyone would give up playing, right? ) THAT makes DayZ sound like a REAL game for serious players who can make plans and think and .. stuff like that... wow! ..; imagine! and ps. Using a LONG logout - if you try to use XBL to log in somewhere before your tune is released from your last Server, you have no character waiting for you, so you arrive on the beach in your underwear (the default login), and that character will overwrite your old character the NEXT time you log out. So if you have a server crash you'd better WAIT and log in to that SAME server when it comes up again or you are DEAD. there goes that 100 seconds out of your life.. what a PRICE to pay for a good game. Too high? Simple aint it? If only players could STAND to wait as LONG to log out as they have to wait [for instance] to log back in after a server reset... but it seems they cant ! .. read back in the blogs, there are a million excuses and a GREAT Howling noise of Horror and Anger .. (and some interesting arguments too.. granted) = and THAT was a WHILE AGO = but for ME.. that seems a FINE solution. but I'm a minority. * - ARMA was fundamentally designed as a cooperative game for a team of friends.. so why would you cheat between friends? - It's pointless, and also you lose friends because you're crazy. - That's why the Mod was so easy to crack, half the key important stuff was right at home on your OWN PC where you could mess with it. So they had to start from scratch with SA.. Eventually they weeded out PC SA from all the BIG hacks and glitches and exploits.. the game was looking good, PLENTY of different play-styles, with more stuff promised.. - THEN they ran into the Xbox Live Network.. This is why, Right Now Today - if you WANT to play FAIR against enemies and strangers & crazy EVIL KoSsers who ALSO PLAY FAIR (however badass they are) - you should play on PC.. (that's the state of play right now) .. AND it's why more stuff is not being added back into the game. BI have a more serious problem they have to deal with first. They took out half the GOOD STUFF from PC 0.62 so they could start the development CORE evenly with Xbox.. to build the CORE GAME side by side as ONE GAME, and then fork the two versions at the OUTPUT from the Full Game MODEL int Xbox and PC.. same game on each. Once the SAME GAME was smooth on both output versions they could add in all the stuff that WAS in 0.62 and go right ahead adding MORE. PC players could have a great 0.62++ version right now, with everything in it, and BI would putting their effort into sorting cars and forts .. BUT Xbox kind of gets in the way of that. Suddenly XBL => dupers and deliberate Server crashes. So BI ran into stuff they could NOT PREDICT until a few thousand Xbox players had messed with the game long enough to hit it with the Xbox psycho hammer to find the cracks and then spread the word how to wreck it. Now BI have to sort THAT before they can go ahead as they planned. Otherwise PC and Xbox versions will NEVER be the same game on two platforms. and that's what everyone wants.. right ? ONE DayZ Game the same on both platforms. * Seems to me that's how it is IMO - from being there and watching it happen. BI have their own way of going about things. They WILL sort it. they always do. BUT BI also do games that are very popular with a MINORITY of fans.. They don't go for blockbuster "everyone-can-play" releases. They stand by their products for YEARS without DLCs or pay to play or DayZ Version II or buy-it-for-christmas addons .. You pay ONCE you play FOREVER .. They WILL sort it, but when it IS sorted - It will NOT PLEASE 70% of Xbox players, for sure. Just the same as it has always had FANS on PC but never blockbuster sales. It is NOT INTENDED to be THAT game. sorry - this is IMO (I'm just a guy walking past in the street, OK?) When Xbox DayZ works as it should, half the players will stop playing because they cant dupe and ghost.. it will make the game too difficult for them and they will get bored fast.
  14. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    where the player's only option is to use an exploit OR lose fair and square ? - that's a choice ? all games have exploits the game does NOT provide a "right to chose" - The game has a weakness that players can deliberately exploit. You are saying a player has "the right to cheat" if it is possible to cheat, or he discovers a way to cheat - so Lance Armstrong has the right to dope - not my philosophy. I think BI must do their best to STOP this exploit.. = THIS IS OBVIOUS = That does not mean that all players have "the right" to use an exploit because many people know how to do it. Do you have "the right" to murder your mum because you're pretty sure you can get away with it ? "I was ghosting and I had to shoot a guy because he was a threat" <duh> ? What a SAD joke. not my philosophy. I think BI are putting a STRONG effort into closing these exploits before morons use them to wreck the Xbox game totally for all players. When I build a wall or plant tents, it's to attract suckers like these. Because .. selfish morons.. there are plenty of them around. Specially on Xbox (why is that?) I know there are plenty of exploiters who will quite DayZ when those exploits are closed, because the game will be too difficult for them. They are boring people and they want an easy boring game. Duping or ghosting in DayZ - there is NOT any excuse for any player. Everyone knows that. Like snatching bags off old ladies - sure, that CAN be done, but PLEASE don't tell me you HAVE to do it or else you end up with less money. That's a crap way to live. LOL - only sh*theads do it but BI will fix it anyway. * * p.s. << the coordinates of the incoming player should not be close to any other player >> (leave out the friend stuff) - This was suggested WAY BACK .. search back through the blog it's interesting. ATM I believe the main gaming problem for DayZ on Xbox, is with the XBL network. That narrows down the solutions BI can implement.
  15. pilgrim*

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    every game has exploits - DayZ has ghosting and duping - Using game exploits you know about to gain advantage doesn't make you a great person. You know how to cheat - you cheated to kill some player who was playing straight - and you say it shouldn't be allowed. I know this sounds really OLD FASHIONED and BORING & DUMB, but just because you know a cheat doesn't mean you HAVE to use it. I play without ghosting and without duping. That makes me thick, right? And back in the PC days when there were other exploits, and hacks too, WELL sheeeeet - I DIDNT use those EITHER ... what a dumbass I am. I could have screwed everyone's game up and laughed my ass off . every game has exploits - we all know that. I stay away from exploits. BI is working to fix them - BIG PROBLEM for BI - But you can't use a known exploit to shoot a player in the back and then blame BI for it. You just proved to one more player that the game is full of cheating bastards. You did that, not BI.
  16. after a while you realise the map spits up into definite areas, and it becomes much easier to find your way around - for instance "the coast road" is the most obvious one.. north end, south end, the road junction to Berezino (the orchards).. the two big cities, the wrecked cargo ship, the factory with the box girder railway bridge, the islands, the quarry, the damned village police station that everyone loots, the 2 obvious routes inland (to the "midlands") and where they take you, the tower blocks on the hill, the great north road from east to west up towards the top of the map (if you are going north you cant miss that - if you are going east you cant miss the sea and the coast road.).. Then htere is the whole valley system south and west of the SW airfield.. if you follow those valleys south they bring you to the SE corner of the map.. there are various towns camps areas rivers, in that region e.g. "the far west camp" - you soon get a sense for the lie of the land.. rail tracks are also a good method for getting your sense of direction, if you have an idea where the forks are and what key places are located along them. taking shortcuts and crossing country you find villages and spot landmarks, you find places you didn't expect (but you remember next time) - also a number of places like Green Mountain you cant ever mistake them again when you have seen them once.. and they show up from far off.. if you come across a medieval fortress on a hill (for instance) you dont forget it - and it shows up from pretty far away in various directions.. A compass is useful (makes life really easy) Binocs can be useful for overwatch on an area or a town, see what's going on (sitting in cover on a hillside for 10 mins you sometimes see amazing things..) - you can also use a rifle scope with no rifle, to magnify the distant scenery.. so it's useful to carry one, even if you don't have a weapon for it. Myself, I call up the iZurvive DayZ map BEFORE I play, (I already know know where I logged out last time), so with the map open it's kind of like a mission briefing. - I check out what Ive decided to do, pick an objective for the session.. whatever I feel or need - then put the map away, don't use it in game, and just navigate by what I remember. Hell, why not ? Use the sun - it rises and sets exactly where it should in the real world, at Noon it is overhead but exactly SOUTH of you (because you're in the Northern Hemisphere) .. so if you know how long a day is on the server you can navigate by your own shadow, pretty easily, from Sunrise to Sunset.. just remember the sun moves faster than it does in real life. Even in cloud or rain you can get some faint shadow off trees etc.. so when you're totally lost, at least you know you''re going in generally the right direction. Easiest survival technique if you have NO idea where you are is head East until you reach the sea, forage on the way.. sooner or later you' will realise where you are even before you reach the coast. At night there is the POLE STAR.. (if you can see it) .. it is there where it should be. Not very bright and often obscured, but, hell - IRL it's the same.. Also (important) you soon get a feel for the places EVERYBODY hangs out - the danger places and routes - and you can avoid those, - or overwatch them - or use stealth and cunning if you are looking for trouble. In towns are plenty of places to hide and dodge when you know the back alleys, & the roofs, the wall angles, the houses with two doors,. Or keep 20 yards off the side of the road in the trees when you're traveling.. you'll often see other players who don't even notice you. Unless you're simply looking for fast gear-up & straight PvP kicks, you soon realise it is the other SMART players you have to look out for, the CRAFTY folk .. and some of them can be REALLY interesting.. Enjoy
  17. pilgrim*

    Anyone else constantly freezing?

    guy said : so he left his box on for a while and went out.. that's a good enough reason for me to suggest investing in a UPS. Plenty of folk do. Depends where you live, depends how you use your machines. Depends how important it is to you or your pocket or your life what you do with them. But I also work, as well as play on my machines. A UPS is not a solution for everyone, and if it happens the same to SEVERAL folk then your crazy house wiring might have nothing to do with the problem. Might not even be the cat urinating on your gamepad while you're out buying wraps. As I mentioned earlier - if the game freezes BEFORE YOU EVEN LOG ON .. and you are not the only one, why not put in a BUG REPORT ? so far it seems to have happened to ONE person ?? - lets see who else puts their hands up.
  18. pilgrim*

    Xbox Update 1.02

    I thought night was OK before the change = IMO = but it seems most players disagreed with me. That's not unusual. I play whatever is there. The nighttime argument is getting to be like the 1p or 3p arguments. there seem to be fanatics on both sides. Remember this all started as a way to beat the Gamma exploit Players were using high gamma to play exactly as if it was full daylight. So "'honest" night players got shot plenty, and from a distance. I always carry a torch anyway, whatever the current night is like - it's very useful for a quick flash in a dark place, to get your bearings, notice something you would miss, or sometimes to attract attention deliberately but wandering around for more than a FEW SECONDS wearing a head torch turned on, is not a great idea IMO unless you have a special reason for it * Myself - I object to the zombs having the EXACT same detection distance at night as they do in the day.. this seems WRONG to me.
  19. pilgrim*

    Stash help

    I meant how do you find the place were you get the message to dig up the stash ? With a barrel - unless you get the on-screen option "open barrel" then you cant open the barrel even if you can see it with a buried stash- unless you get the on screen message to dig up the stash, you cant dig it up.. But a barrel,for instance - you can SEE if the barrel is there or not.. you see it on your screen with your eyes you cant SEE a buried stash.. you can only search for the place where you get the onscreen message to dig it up. If you never find that MESSAGE option onscreen - then you never know if the stash is there or gone.. maybe someone dug it up ten minutes after you buried it, or it didn't spawn (it vanished) at the last reset? Most stashes - like tents or barrels or seachests - you can sEE if they are still there BEFORE you get the option to look inside them. If they are GONE, you can crawl and jump around as much as you like, you wont ever get the option to interact with that stash.. because it's not there anymore.. just asking how you consider with that possibility .. Do you get a message to tell you THIS is where to dig.. ?? * yes every sort of stash gets raided easily - AND sometimes stashes vanish without any reason.. You SURE your stash is still where you buried it ? (that's all.. just a question, no prob).
  20. pilgrim*

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Night was updated by popular request. Players on the forum shouted for it so they got it. A new DayZ survival tip for when it is very dark : 1 ) you may sometimes need a TORCH make sure it has a BATTERY in it 2 ) A HEAD TORCH is better make sure it has a battery in it 3 ) Learn how to switch your torch on and off in an emergency 4 ) when you are in a dangerous area where players might shoot at you if they see the torch - learn to use your torch the way you would use a torch in a dangerous area.
  21. pilgrim*

    No Server hopping!

    Do a search on "server hopping" exactly that : FOUND 7528 RESULTS 2012-2019
  22. pilgrim*

    Spawn with friends system

    yeah - a lot of folk who live through real life survival experiences would say the same.. << Shit, if only I'd brought a backpack, food, a weapon, a tent a car and a couple of buddies .. that DAMNED survival experience would have been MUCH EASIER than suddenly starting alone in my underwear in some unknown strange bad infected dangerous unfriendly place god knows where OMG !! >> As soon as you MEET your friends.. when you log OUT together from the same place - you will log back IN to that SAME place where you and your good buddies are all together. Every time. If you really want that meet-up you can do it for the whole time you play DayZ for ever .. you have to meet up first just ONE TIME.. And to get to that meet point you don't even have to be on the server at the same time as them, or not even on the same public server.. just arrange a meeting place and then whenever you feel, log in and make your way there alone (doesn't matter if your buddies are on line or NOT) and whenever THEY have 10 mins they can do the same.. .. then when you DO want to play together, when you log in you are all in the SAME place.. AND you can do that for YEARS.. hang with your friends. Folk who have a fort or a car or a stash TEND to log in somewhere close to where they have their stuff.. ya know? How do they work that?
  23. pilgrim*


    [I guess someone used my account and they wrote this.. ] ?? aint my handwriting.. nah mate - you want gold, not Roubles or any paper trash.. & keep away from bitcoin, & steer CLEAR of the USA totally (or anybody who even smells like they have any connection there) - dont go near Russia or Pakistan unless you have ONE contact who owes you his life and is definitely not dead - conflict diamonds if you can get them, but gold bullion is a safer bet as long as its never anywhere closer than a continent away from your job location. If not go for Renminbi and a bank account in Taiwan. There are a couple of bars in Belgium (easy to find if you know what to look for) that can set you up if you mention the Pilgrim (never talk about race ever and don't mention hand grenades). If they ask - yes I was a mate of the Ghurka, he's still doing ok. Beware of Africans & Cubans they can be honest (who knows why? they get a moral thing). OK - that's starter advice worth 20O grand in current gold bullion prices, but this is free between mates - you owe me 200 grand gold current standard 05/2019 , and that's as free as it gets. I owe a favor to the C Maf (no names, not mentioning San Ho Hui, Taiping) so I passed your IOU to them. Stay cool about it; what are friends for? - they wont collect (probably, unless they want to press you out fast [something you haven't mentioned?] ) they will just ask for a favor in return. p.s. Never wear shades. Don't shoot kids. What goes around comes around. xxP
  24. pilgrim*

    Anyone else constantly freezing?

    Just a few miliseconds of power spike/drop could do that - freeze your game, or drop out some vital sequence so that it wont run as it should or it will soon freeze - on pc it usually DOES mess up or freeze Windows. The Xbox stops. The SP box does an auto reset. Even someone just turning on a vacuum cleaner in the same house COULD be the cause, depending how well structured your mains supply is. Here in the mountains, short undetectable power variation (undetectable by the human eye) happens frequently - snow on a power line, etc.. A very SHORT spike or cut can screw up the machine so that it half works/or seems to work/freezes, often without the screen ever going dark even .. When they turn on the ski lifts in the morning, a hundred or so lightbulbs pop in the ski station hotels (lol) . OK.. but there are many reasons for power drops and spikes in any location, of VERY SHORT duration, so that unless you had a computing device or electrician's equipment connected to your mains supply you wouldn't ever notice. The TV won't even flicker. In my place, whenever I even SUSPECTED that the lights just flickered slightly.. just the faintest suspicion.. then I KNEW I had to turn the bloody machine off and start up again. No point messing about because 95% of the time you ARE screwed. Start again before you fall on your face over what the hell mess just happened to your software. So I got an old UPS that was thrown out of a factory.. big solid bugger under the desk , but the electronics are good and batteries in it are still good enough that it can run 2 pcs, 1 gameboy and just 1 screen (but not 3) & switchover within 12 ms after it detects the start of a power variation - this works for me, for long enough to do a controlled shutdown, so I can do that even if the power blips, or if it goes off for several seconds up to a few minutes. (The UPS beeps to tell you what's happening, so you know it just saved your ass). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply if you're in that "kind of neighborhood" (who really is not?) look around for a second-hand UPS.. as long as the batteries can hold a half-decent charge and it's intended for emergency computer power backup, you can find them cheap (out of date for a medium size business or a decent server, is cool for you). Ask an electrician mate. He can probably look at your house and tell you if you plugged into a bad place, or where to find a second hand UPS that is power rated for what you want. - just thought I'd mention this. It aint just a DayZ thing.
  25. pilgrim*

    Stash help

    The reason I never bother with burying stashes is - how do you know they're still there ? If you cant pick up the tag then how do you know the stash is there? Server restart - you go back to your tent or your barrel (or your fort ! ) and its GONE.... sheeeeeeeeet !! But at least you know it's gone. If you cant find your buried stash marker.. how do you know the stash is still there ?