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Master V

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About Master V

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    killing Zombies

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    i hate those zombies i hate them all.
  1. Master V

    Equipment ideas

    interesting idea but i highly doubt it. you mite see GPS or radio later on but not smart phones as they are modern tech and the game is set in a country that cannot afford this. i guess even gps would only be available to military if you look in the game you will notice that the most advanced piece of technology is one of those old black and white box televisions from the 1950s so we will be lucky to get radio.
  2. Master V

    Modular Clothing

    man sounds cool i would like to see this in game
  3. Master V

    PvE and PvP Server

    i totally agree it would be nice to see more non pvp servers not everyone on this game is a crazed murderer unfortunately as the majority of people who play this are all crazed killers this probably wont happen shame i know but if you want any advice i reckon join one of the few friendly servers about there are always tons of friendly people who rather help then kill and most the time you end up tagging along with groups to find cool loot or shoot up a few zombies its good fun and yes you still get people who pvp but at least on these servers its not seen as much and when it happens there will always be a nice guy near by running to help you.
  4. Master V

    My Ideas for KoS Prevention

    yeh that would be cool to see
  5. Master V

    Bandits are BORING!

    i dont see the fuss every bandit i meet can't shoot straight at ten meters away and doesn't know how to use axes they hide in obvious places to snipe and they all seem to love their carnival masks so its easy to tell them apart if your having problems with them then i strongly suggest waiting till the game is more suitable for people such as your self or perhaps just try to limit your contact with people as every innocent guy you kill will no doubt end up turning bandit them self's which is a major problem in this game. Best you can do right now as well is get your friends find a small server to get gear then go get some pay back and help people like me save those less fortunate from the clutches of filthy bandits.
  6. Master V


    im all for it but i would rather not get torn apart by a pack of hungry dogs every time i step into the wilderness.
  7. Master V

    *sniff, sniff. I really need a bath.

    haha yes it is.
  8. Master V


    yes again, sewers would be great to see in the game but they will need to be large, very large systems running under most the large towns
  9. Master V

    Repair system - Fallout style

    good idea man i always loved the fallout repair system would look great in this but im not sure it would work very well. :thumbsup:
  10. yes these are some major problems that been happening a lot to me and my friends to.
  11. always tons of them around there best to just leave the little nubs to it bro and avoid that place.
  12. Master V

    Stone suggestion

    great idea bro but im sure when the building stuff is done you will be able to beat some guy with stones and boulders if not then it would be fun to see in game
  13. Master V

    Handcuff Zombies

    shame you cant i almost died trying this my self
  14. Master V

    a few ideas i'm throwing out there

    yeh my bad i was tired and i was ranting (my English is not perfect) i will try better in future :rolleyes: ps i love your replies makes me laugh every time i read through. :thumbsup:
  15. Master V


    man some really great ideas you guys i hope they will be in the game, specially love your ideas about different kinds of holsters and also being able to holster in your pants is a very good one as it not only makes you look bad ass it is very convenient. knife pouch would be great to see as later in the game knife will serve many purposes and the trench coat, i love it as there could be several types like your sexy western ones and your rugged yet scary dark ones maybe even a simple yet elegant ones limits are endless :thumbsup: