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About flexy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. flexy

    What do you want to see in .54

    This reminds me: Yesterday I took a bag of lime into my hands and decided to throw it. It landed on me/my feet and hurt me enough to make my screen go grey....
  2. flexy

    What do you want to see in .54

    MORE ZOMBIES Everyone is armed to the teeth and has nothing to kill but the occasional animal or unsuspecting player. KoS won't get any better until the players have to fear other things than humans. Cities and Villages should be crawling with zombies. There should be wandering hordes in the woods, too. SPAWN WITH YOUR SQUAD By the time me and my friends have found each other, we are ready to log out and call it a day.
  3. Hey Guys, first of all: I know that most of the Player Base cares a great deal about realism. That being said, it's a game with Zombies, so I think we can agree on "limited realism" for some things. After all we are playing a game, and a game has to be user-friendly. DayZ is brimming with bad game design and I hope it's just because it's an alpha. For example: You find a Pot and think "They wouldn't let me find this without reason. I can probably cook in this game!" Alright, but how do you find out how to do it? That's right: You alt-tab out of the game, search the net and thank RNGsus for the other players who figured it out and bothered enough to create a "How to [do something] in DayZ". Another example: Just yesterday I ran around a bit, suddenly my Character says "My feet are sore/My feet hurt" while moving. I figure he is sore from running so much and promptly sit down for a while. Nothing seems to happen. I begin to run around again. He is still complaining and I still don't know how to make the message go away. Why not add to the message why his feet are hurting and how to heal them? That would be an easy fix for this particular situation. Back to the "I find stuff and don't know how to use it/what to combine it with"-problem: We already have the "Inspect" option for any item in the game. How about you expand that option to show all possible uses of this item? Or how about some kind of in-game item-library where you can search for any item and see their "tech-tree"? What I mean by that, is a graphical representation of items and what is used to craft them or other things with them. Imagine it like a pyramid system. As it is right now, the game should display the warning "A second Monitor is strongly recommended to play this game." so you don't have to alt-tab all the time ;)
  4. -make mod, abandon it unfinished to start another project (dayz sa) -do some work and abandon it before it has even gotten to the status of your last unfinished work So....will he build a studio and abandon it as soon as he hires some staff? Way to go, Dean. Try to actually finish something in your life before starting new projects.
  5. I kinda feel like I am the Law when wearing one. Makes me not KoS, but stalk, judge and if needed execute.
  6. I don't care which gender you have, which color you are or what language you speak. If I see you with your weapon raised, I KoS you all.
  7. flexy

    Massive exploit/hack

    No doubt about it: It was a Jumper. Morgan Freeman to the rescue!
  8. Game runs smooth if you use the cfg tweaks/start parameters provided in the steam guide. Ofc that should be fixed though.
  9. flexy

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    Tampons for female characters. Bonus: Used tampons can be used as Zombie bait.
  10. I understand your concerns but since the players would have to find a radio and actually use it, I think it wouldn't be a problem to give us free reign over the broadcast.
  11. Today I explored the Radio Tower at Green Mountain and thought it would be cool if you could record a message up there and broadcast it on a loop. Players on the server could tune into the frequency and hear your message. I admit that I'd probably just record farting noises, but It would be a feature with potential. Creative players could also create some atmosphere with spooky stories or broadcast locations where they planted supplies for others.
  12. flexy

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Can't deal with the fact that the moon texture is only one half and you see a star shining through the dark side of the moon.......
  13. I can confirm that performance of the game has decreased with this patch.
  14. flexy

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    AA-12 with all those different ammunition types. And as soon as we get helicopters, we need a .50 cal sniper rifle.
  15. flexy

    Dog Tags good or bad idea ?

    You could be forced to wear a necklace with a dogtag for every player you killed. So you'd instantly know to GTFO if you come across a player who looks like Mister T :D