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- Karma -

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Everything posted by - Karma -

  1. - Karma -

    Hotkey for Weapon Flashlights

    Keybindings would be fine, but I was shocked that there wasn't a mouse scroll option to turn on/off/equip attachments on weapons. I had thought for sure that would have been in the game since most tools and consumables have that exact feature.
  2. - Karma -

    Knife Sheaths

    I have no problem with this except that: once/if holster are implemented for pistols and such, if a knife sheath is introduced it should equip to the same item slot as the holster. If we just keep adding more and more inventory space with more item holding items, we're missing some of the point of the game I feel - which is that hard decision you have to make once the inventory starts getting full.
  3. - Karma -

    Backpack spawns

    I don't know that it would necessarily be the the exact model of the Mountain Backpack but camo. I'm sure they exist in real life, but most you something more akin to the Hunter Backpack - maybe even smaller - which has specific pockets depending on current loadout it seems. Usually they are quite small looking, probably due to the need to not have a cumbersome backpack on your person while moving through a combat zone. I'm no expert - maybe someone with military experience could chime in? If soldiers were deployed in a Humanitarian Relief mission (which obviously devolved) what kind of packs would they carry?
  4. Updated - added the weapons mentioned in Laughing Jack's post above; added the Cowbot Hat to confirmed, did not add the video of irishroy doing the "happy dance" upon finding out :) ; added the polaroid camera - great suggestion Byrgesen! @ Shadow134 - edited, see post below; removed 7.62x39mm rounds, they are already in the game; thanks for pointing this out. Thanks everyone!
  5. Thanks LaughingJack, I'll update the list when I get home from work - it'll have to be a little vague since Chris doesn't mention specifics for all of them but I think we can use our imaginations :)
  6. I'm not sure if the Devs could swing this, but man would that be wild lol!
  7. - Karma -

    The new heli crash?

    A reasonable alternative. Are you married to the idea of it being a bunker? What about something akin to a weekend event where a rumored "survivor cache" is discover with clues as to it's location. One per server? It could be any existing building then.
  8. - Karma -

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    ^^^ Dear gawd that canned chicken.....why?! Why would someone put that in their body? I mean...dear gawd...
  9. - Karma -


    I think the fact that it is mostly rural is what makes this game so interesting. Edit - ninja'd by skyline lol
  10. If the art team is looking for something to do while the programmers/designers/animators are catching up (not pointing fingers, usually the way of things) then I think this is more than reasonable and while a small detail it is one of the "quality improvement" type things that would/should make people smile when noticing.
  11. - Karma -

    Gameplay Mechanics Pt4 - The Weapons

    A very involved and detailed post, well constructed even if I don't agree with 100% of what you offered. Regarding your posts particularly on melee weapons - bravo. I was thinking of making nearly exactly the same suggestions, especially from a balance perspective. People think balance and they only think damage or damage per second. Things like secondary effects, range, ease of use/aim are major factors as well. The best part is your suggestions regarding melee all use existing game effects without heavily modifying the current system or requiring major additions to the game engine itself. Good job, I hope the Devs see this agree to explore the ideas.
  12. - Karma -


    I thought the combat knife was a myth until the other day :) The berries still don't exist, I don't care what the patch notes say - Rocket obviously gets his kicks from trolling an entire community :P
  13. So in reading back through the forums a bit, I can see that zombie and loot respawning are growing concerns for the community. It seems that the majority (obviously) want both of these things in the game, and it seems that both of these things ARE coming to the game. Now that that has been established, I thought we could provide some specific information for the Devs as to what we think would be fair/fun. Obviously they will do what they feel is best for the game, but perhaps we can sway some thoughts if they weren't already leaning the majority's direction. Edit - so in my ignorance I completely forgot the thread by crimsonBZD when posting this. Check it out here for a more detailed discussion regarding the presence of zombies in the game, complete with a poll: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169944-what-do-we-really-want-as-far-as-zombies/
  14. - Karma -

    What Exactly Do We Want From Loot/Zombie Respawning?

    Exactly that. So for instance respawning loot and zombies will spawn at the exact same rates as when the server first was started and generated everything for the first time. Whereas partial would be a say half of that or a little more.
  15. - Karma -

    More hostage tools.

    That was entertaining as hell. At first, reading your post, I thought "This is a sadistic mother f*cker." Then watching the video...well, that looked like too much fun until the end. Take beans.
  16. - Karma -

    What Exactly Do We Want From Loot/Zombie Respawning?

    Ah, don't be like that :P No seriously, I even voted in your in poll so wtf right? Anyway, originally it was meant to be a poll only on loot and I added zombies as an afterthought. Edit: crimson, I feel bad - I try not to make mistakes like encroaching on topics unless it is coming at it from a different perspective. I put a link to your thread in the original post.
  17. - Karma -

    The new heli crash?

    Variable locations might be a bit of bastard to program. The problem is you have to make the 3-D structure and you can't really change that as it spawns every time. They way terrain is with this game, there would likely be a lot of clipping issues or issues of not solid floors like we have now. As well, bunker to me says underground which isn't in the game yet but is something the Devs want to look at. The idea has merit, but might have been better expressed here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170460-military-relief-drops/?hl=%2Bair+%2Bdrops Same idea more or less, different execution. Check that thread out, AshHawkins and others put together some good ideas.
  18. - Karma -


    Like I said, grain of salt. It tis the interwebz, the magical land where anything can be real if you believe/can fake it hard enough :) Most of the other stuff on that site has proven to be correct or is looking like a very strong possibility, so I'll take it on faith for now.
  19. Updated: Removed the items that made it in with the most recent update, included some new items to be found in italics, removed last batch of new items from italics format
  20. - Karma -

    Drug Addiction (bad idea).

    Then when people get addicted in game and start getting messages like "I need a smoke." , "Gawd, I really need a smoke.", and "Someone get me a smoke before I f*cking murder a small puppy!" and their screen can start tinting red (from anger of course, if you've tried to quit smoking you know what I'm talking about) and then shaking randomly...well, then we can start a new form of economy: the smokers and the non-smokers. The non-smokers can be smart and stockpile all the smokes they find, while the smokers run out. Then the non-smokers have what we crave, that sweet sweet tabaccy. The non-smokers of course can trade the smokers smokes for things like ammo and not being beaten to death. Eventually the smokes will run out of course. And then the violence...much violence...
  21. - Karma -

    New Canned Food

    You care! YOU REALLY CARE! :)
  22. - Karma -

    Add more Zombies to solve KOS

    @ OP - feel free to drop your opinion in here as well, maybe the devs will see it. Contains poll regarding zombie respawning. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/171170-what-exactly-do-we-want-from-lootzombie-respawning/
  23. - Karma -


    I know what you're saying Skyline, but I've heard it from multiple people as well. It could just be rumor, but too many people are talking about it. Alas, I don't have a source for you, just second hand information. I've seen it confirmed on one of the wiki's, but take that with whatever grain of salt you need to. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/GPS That site is usually very good at noting what is from the mod, and what from the standalone - not sure why this entry hasn't been updated yet. Unless of course it is in the game and neither of us has seen it.
  24. - Karma -

    Suggestions Dayz the best of the best !

    There are already some good threads on suggested items, game play modes, and upcoming items. Check these out and collaborate :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164282-suggest-an-item-thread/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170636-master-list-of-equipable-items-the-community-wants-in-the-game/
  25. - Karma -

    Enhancing Fall Damage: Leg Injuries & Treatments

    I definitely see your point, and don't disagree. Lately when it comes to suggestions I've been doing my best to offer alternatives that could be easily implemented within the contexts of what the design already is or what is possible. I have three series of questions for you regarding the more serious of the fractures: 1. You say that a player should be able to heal "naturally" with bed rest and other player aid. What would the time table be on healing fractures? Realistically, even if we take into account the game's accelerated body clock (being that you need to eat frequently, several times an hour depending on the quantity per sitting) healing a broken bone would take hours. 2. Will the healing still occur in your system even if even the player has not achieved the Healthy Status? If so, should healing always occur so players don't feel like the system is imbalanced (and then at what point are we getting away from the original system?) If not, how can a player realistically ever expect to heal a serious break without a lot of help? 3. If the setting was real life, I would hazard a guess that the more serious breaks such as possibly a Compound Fracture and most assuredly a Communited Fracture would almost certainly lead to death. I'm not a medical expert by any stretch of the imagination so correct if I'm wrong: I thought that a serious break could run the risk of infections and even blood poisoning? If these breaks are that serious, should the result not merely be death since the relative chance of curing the problem is so slim in a post-apocalyptic setting? And if that is the case should we even go that far with this realism? I'm totally with you that the system should be expanded. Consider me playing Devil's Advocate here for the sake of generating a really good idea; I'm definitely not taking a dump on your idea, trying to collaborate :)