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- Karma -

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Everything posted by - Karma -

  1. - Karma -

    Inland Spawns!

    Not sure if this will ever become a full time thing, but several patches ago I twice spawned at Novy Starry or whatever it is called. I wonder if it doesn't defeat the purpose of the whole "marooned in an unknown situation" feel the Devs seem to be going for, but it might come back. Someone else had an interesting thread where they mentioned several "situations" people could spawn into - like waking up in a ruined car, a bunker surrounded by empty bean cans, one of the helicopter crash sites, etc. Would add some flavor for sure. They are/were probably placing in spawns for a reason, testing certain things out I'm sure. We'll see if it stays this way for much longer.
  2. Moreover than that is the fact that it just "feels" like this apocalypse has been happening for a while. You've just washed up on the shores, and everything is gone to hell. It's not happening, it has happened (which confuses me, because I read in another thread that the Z in Day Z stands for "zero" as in Day Zero). So randomizing where certain items, especially weapons are found makes sense. I know certain things should be more likely to found in certain areas, like military clothes, ammo, and weapons/attachments at bases - that is intuitive and players will easily grasp that. But as I said earlier in the thread, and exactly what you are saying here it seems, is that all the loot would be spread out. I wish more people would jump on board with this. I hate the idea of four or five good loot spots that are camped on every full server. Also keep up the good work Alexei! I sure hope the Devs are keeping an eye on some of these. It would be nice to see more Dev presence on these forums - as someone said earlier on a different forum, it is kind of discouraging to check the Dev tracker and see that they really only are posting in certain sections of the forum, twitter, and reddit. It seems like this section of the forum is a kind of no man's land. There is some really good work being done by people here, and I think it'd be great at the least for someone from the team to pop in now and again and say "Hey, good thread guys, we'll keep an eye on this one!"
  3. - Karma -

    Information Vs. Immersion

    I may be missing the point here, but are we saying we don't like the little text blurbs I the bottom left or that we don't like the status icons in the inventory display (or both)? I think the sort of pseudo inner monologue is the only real way to translate things that should be blatantly obvious into known information. Take out the Healthy Icon sure, but make sure your monologue says something like "I feel great!" or "I haven't felt this good in a while." When you have lots of energy, "I could go for a run." or "I need to do something, I have way too much energy." I mean it doesn't have to be so blatant, but you get what I'm saying. If the status keeps up, repeat the saying ever x minutes - not enough to be annoying, but enough that if for some reason you missed it the first time you could see it again. I have no problem with the status icons, but if they were removed in favor of the text only then that's great. Removing both in favor of visual or auditory clues doesn't make a tonne of sense - especially the auditory clues, because then rather than an inner monologue you're just saying it aloud. And if it isn't even words, new players will be like "Did that groan mean hungry? Blood loss? Sick?" Becomes to vague and confusing. Great thread tho!
  4. - Karma -

    Interactable "Clutter" Objects

    Oh okay, my mistake. I should have mentioned that the idea of having the clutter items tie into being useable in a limited fashion is a great idea. I personally loved the "junk cannon" or whatever it was called in Fallout3 - that thing made me laugh. Nothing that crazy mind you, but yes - noise traps, improvised caltrops, etc. All good ideas.
  5. - Karma -

    Improvised sollution for broken legs.

    Lol, I was going to say, isn't this what we have already? I see what your asking for OP, but this is pretty much how it is - no worries, maybe you didn't realize this was possible. I'd rather see lootable First Aid Splints, single package, that do a better job then the homemade variety we have now. Hell, give players the ability to craft honest-to-gawd casts once the crafting system has been flushed out more. Be neat, would work the best. There would have to be some kind of drawback because of the different grades, but hey.
  6. - Karma -

    Loot Reset Mechanics for Object Permanence

    Interesting - I grasped it immediately, but I'm no programmer: how hard would this be to implement? I mean just getting loot / enemies respawning is still a work in progress. Would this not require quite a bit of effort? Not saying it's not worth it, but the Devs would really have to love the idea. Also, because they constantly refer to the servers communicating with a central database (at least how I understood it, feel free to correct me) how would that work with your system? Is it fine because the database only contains the information to populate the loot spawns, or would the database control things the spawn timers as well once instituted?
  7. - Karma -

    Interactable "Clutter" Objects

    Interesting idea, for sure. I think right now the problem is server optimization because it hosted by clients and not superpowered machines. I'm pretty sure the Devs have talked about limited server object capacity (can't think of the proper name atm) that is the sticking point on why more infected enemies and wildlife aren't currently in the game. Ever piece of loot eats requires some effort on behalf of the server, so clutter objects are wasted space at the moment. I do say at the moment, because when/if the time comes that the servers are optimized beyond the point of what the Devs want in terms of players, loot, wildlife, and infected are all in there then we very well could see this. It's just a ways off is all, if ever.
  8. - Karma -

    A map but not really a map

    Really great idea! This could also help newer players a lot, instead of having had to dual monitor like I did lol.
  9. - Karma -

    Experience: The CCP Way

    I would not be opposed to passive stuff like this, especially if the big stuff took a concentrated team effort. I feel it would be one way in which the End Game could appear - PVP being the other, naturally. I don't know about timeframe - months seems ridiculous, even though it would be rewarding. I would say maybe a week of solid playing, tops - only because it is pretty easy to die in this game. Especially once things like weather and temperature and disease come live. I never played EVE, but I've been told quite a bit about it and a system like this does intrigue me.
  10. - Karma -

    Multiple Rifles

    I don't even think that is really the norm unless it is a sniper travelling as part of a group. Keeping in mind I'm no military expert (so I expect several dozen will likely correct me) but I thought that when snipers worked in pairs one carried the long rifle and one carried something lighter but still with good distance that was probably semi-auto - both likely have knives and pistols as backups, plus whatever else. Now sometimes when snipers travel as part of a team, then I think your situation may come up - the long rifle is basically their kit, like the medic has the extra supplies, the radio operator has the radio, etc. I'd say if we're going to institute a two gun system then it must come with the drawback of taking up most of your backpack inventory. If people want to play that role fine, but they had better realize they need to travel with a team because they will mostly be living hand to mouth. I also think the same should apply to people who want to medics, crafters, builders, or even just walking supply depots - it should be a role and come with restrictions like - I can only carry either everything a medic would need or everything a builder would need and maybe some other miscellaneous stuff. The long rifle plus carbine becomes a kit just like that. My two cents. Edit - I should say, everything else in your post I agreed with and thought was well put! :)
  11. - Karma -

    Multiple Rifles

    Without being forced into making decisions like - do I drop this lantern for that bag of rice? do I keep my badly damaged TTsKo jacket or take that pristine hoodie? do I keep my Mosin that I have lots of ammo for or take the M4 I have no ammo for? - then the game becomes boring. So I answer to your question, nope, nope, nope.
  12. I'll make note of the post on this page, but I don't think I'm going to link to that thread - the OP did a terrible job explaining what they thought Riot Armor was capable of. Regardless, editing main post to include Riot Armor, Helmets, and Shields. It is a good idea!
  13. - Karma -

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    More than a few people have been bringing up different ideas on inventory space and management, but this is one of the more clear ones I've seen due to the time you put into the graphic - well done. Not sure how well the idea will go over, seems 60/40 so far in this thread. Personally of all the systems I've seen I think this one might work the best with what we have in the game already - it would not take a huge amount of work from the Devs to at least try it on the experimental servers, unlike some of the other ideas I've seen which could involve complete reworks.
  14. - Karma -

    Survivor camps

    I actually wonder if he even read your post or just assumed this was another post of "when we get teh tentz?". I hadn't actually heard about this either, so thanks for bringing notice to it. I'll check it out and I agree more places like this would make for great little survivor loot stashes including loot spawns for maybe better weapons so they aren't all in military airfields. Places like this, the dam, the heli's, the radio towers, etc.
  15. - Karma -

    Knife damage, Knife type, Knife grip

    I hate the internet sometimes - I read and reread this message and felt like it was abrasive. I don't see why though, because I'm pretty sure we're saying the same thing so why would it be? I think we're agreed that we would both rather have knives have "roles" in a sense, like all the weapons in this game should, with different strengths and weaknesses. BUT the first step is brining all of the melee weapons in line so there is not this ridiculously huge gap. Hell, even a Hacksaw could do a lot of damage to tissue under the right circumstances - it would just be awkward to use. What my original post was about is lessening the punishment of damage disparity, and making it about something else like range or accuracy.
  16. - Karma -

    Zombie changes ^^

    If you want to make the infected a threat in this game, it really isn't a matter of toughness, damage output, or speed. All of those could work, but the best way is using the fear of the unknown. Imagine if in the world there hundreds of thousands of bodies. Some sitting against walls or in cars, some lying down, some in brutally grotesque and twisted positions. Now imagine if some of those bodies were the same infected we face. The point is take at least half of the infected and have them be dormant. The other half can slowly roam or do otherwise as is the case now. You would walk into a house a see what look like three dead bodies. Well guess what, one of them isn't. Did you turn your back on it and make some noise? Even the most careful, "I will put an axe in every body I find just to make sure" person will eventually slip up and take that body for granted. Hell, they just might not see it while dealing with the three infected that are coming from the front. All of the sudden, there are two more right behind you and you're trapped. That is what they should do. tldr: allow for some infected to hide among non-animated corpses and spring traps
  17. - Karma -

    Add Skills to the game

    As I stated in the other thread regarding skills on the first page (mods should merge, good debate in both that should be shared) I would accept passive skills so long as the number of uses isn't static so that people know exactly how much to grind. Skill trees are for sure a bad idea, but passives I can work with. It does make more sense in some ways. Whoever mentioned the Devs using player kits as the "skills" was probably bang on. Saw the quote from Rocket regarding getting better at repairing, but I think that was a little vague. I'm not convinced that means skill trees but rather being better at the sequence in real life then in the game.
  18. - Karma -

    Item Disparity

    Be prepared to get a lot of "the experimental servers are experimental, and this is an alpha - if you don't like it, don't play it". Alas, I don't disagree with you. Loot respawn will eventually come, and until then all you can do is stay the course. What else beside loot respawn do you expect the Devs to do? I see no suggestion here, just a complaint.
  19. - Karma -

    Adding value to the character - not the gear.

    No to skill trees, as Nicko2580 says they have a way of really breaking immersion in games and turning what fun you were having into "I have to do x y times so that z will get better, and the best way to do that is blah blah, so I can be the same as everyone else because that is the best (thereby only viable) build". I've suggested before in threads like these that perhaps a passives system, sort of what Ugly was postulating on above, could work. Something where the more you do it in game, you get a small benefit that always exists (never activated). But I'd do two things there: 1) paint them in broad strokes, such as any time your character takes an action with provides another with healing or similar aid you will eventually provide a small percentage of health gain on top of whatever the normal amount would be or sprint so often and eventually you can sprint just a wee bit longer than normal 2) I would make the number to gain this ability non-static, meaning I would not set it at x uses or x meters run, etc. I would make it .05% chance to get it ever time an action is done, with a +.05% chance for each subsequent action. The number could change, but the point is you'd never quite know when you'd get it unless you were keeping track and still hadn't gotten it at 99.5% - well then you'd know you're getting it for sure. Honestly even that I'm not a huge fan of because it brings us back to the grind mentality. I might not do it, but people out there would go on rampaging killing sprees because they know if I kill enough eventually I'll be a little bit better at it then everyone else and that could make the difference. People would spend hours and hours real time sprinting the map and nothing else to get better at it. So while I'll like my idea better then skill trees based on exp gain, I still think it doesn't fit this game.
  20. - Karma -


    This is true I suppose, but I just don't think the armor would "stop" anything. Like if we're talking damage mitigation in numbers, you could say it is double or triple as "tough" as a t-shirt - but if a t-shirt has 1% mitigation then 3% isn't a whole lot better. 10% isn't a whole lot better for that matter. 25% is better, but the round is still probably going to kill you depending on hit location.
  21. - Karma -

    Inventory system

    It seems they want the volume to be the deciding factor over weight. That's sort of where I was getting hung up. Then there are no "slots" per se, just volume amounts based on clothing type. So jeans can carry x cm3 and each item takes up so many cm3. Or inches if we're going that route. It seems interesting. In a way, it's actually a lot more simple from the player perspective but likely a bitch from the programmer perspective. Good news would be they'd only have to program it once lol.
  22. - Karma -

    Items: My DayZ Standalone Ideas

    Almost all of those ideas have been suggested in other threads. Check these threads out, and feel free to add your ideas in there: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164282-suggest-an-item-thread/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172276-the-communitys-list-of-suggested-weapons-for-dayz-standalone-version-108/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170636-master-list-of-equipable-items-the-community-wants-in-the-game/ Those are three of the more comprehensive threads I've found (/created). You'll find in the last link that several of those items have been confirmed or strongly rumored to be coming already. Hope that helps.
  23. - Karma -

    Inventory system

    Apologies, I didn't get from your post that you were talking about removing the inventory screen grid altogether and simply making one larger inventory with a "volume meter" indicating the total amount of storage available. I should have reread I suppose - or am I still missing it, because that is what it sounds like. That is an interesting and radical idea, I'd be curious to see what the Devs thought of it.
  24. - Karma -

    Multi-function Stance Key

    Or you could take the suggestions that add on to/alter your idea and debate them. If you just wanted beans for your idea with no suggestions aloud, I guess you should have said that. -1 beans sir. I love the Arma 3 stances idea - as others have said not quite sure if we need that many stances, but love the idea of the smoother transitioning. And yes OP, holding the button should indeed provide smoother transition animations going straight from one to another, while tapping the button allows for a single change.
  25. - Karma -

    Inventory system

    Sure, I like bundles of items. That would probably make the most sense. It doesn't fix the "a battery, a pen, and a compass take up the same amount of space as a can of food" problem, but it's getting there.