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- Karma -

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Everything posted by - Karma -

  1. - Karma -

    M1 Carbine?

    Oh, good to know then - so really, it came down the Dev preference which was the other option. Thanks for clarification. I guess that would mean that any argument saying "it doesn't really fit the setting" can be looked at as not being the point - the point will more or less be "Do the Devs like it enough to put it in?". I'm with the previous statement, but the later is how it is I guess.
  2. - Karma -

    Should there be more gun holsters?

    I'd just add two more kinds - a hip holster (with belt) and a leg holster. Both would attach like the chest holster does, but with the added benefit that no other piece of gear would currently occupy that slot. I guess perhaps you could say a leg holster wouldn't work with the high ankle boots or rubber boots, and I'd imagine eventually we may see some kind of belts so likely it wouldn't stay a benefit that long. But keep it simply - just three types is fine, let's not go crazy :)
  3. - Karma -

    This game is a Military simulator

    I've been wondering this too.
  4. - Karma -

    Military Posts, bases and defences.

    An interesting idea that likely would not take a huge amount of implementation, really just adding some static assets like tents, vehicles, and roadblock signs to an area. It could turn previously "meh" little towns in central Chernorussia into something worth investigating.
  5. - Karma -

    More Punishments for low Quality Items

    Aquatic, if it's giving you that much trouble try first logging out from your account and back in - that's how my issue of not being able to quote finally fixed itself. If that doesn't work, just type it up in Word or Notepad or something and then copy+paste. General idea seems good, and it definitely sounds as if they are working on this exact thing - it may be a "down the road" feature however. I've heard Rocket as having both said he'd like to see items fall out of damaged backpacks because of holes as well as it being chancy to eat lower quality food because it may make you sick. Sorry, don't feel like finding the exact quotes but they're around.
  6. - Karma -

    M1 Carbine?

    Regarding the FNX, sounds about right. It and the M4A1 were likely put in due to the resources already being available and it saving development time. I can get on board with that. Then again, surely an AK and either the Makarov or GSh-18 were available from the same source? It also likely comes down the Devs saying "I like that gun, it's going in." Your explanation for the Python is likely bang on.
  7. - Karma -

    Military Relief Drops

    UN Berets are in the game, as well as one for a New Zealand Regular's unit. Then there is also the UK Assault Vest, and the American M4A1 (I believe civilian versions would be the Armalite version). So he has a point.
  8. - Karma -

    What do we really want as far as Character Progression?

    I didn't vote yes to the character skills questions - but I was a maybe. I don't want to see some skill tree progression type system - just completely unneeded. I like the fact that this game doesn't show measurable character stats in any way. I think that's perfect. I mean, if you want statistics of some kind perhaps the Devs can institute a journal. Find a blank book and pen, then combine then via crafting into a journal - from there game tracks maybe sequence of locations visited, time spent in game, zombie kills, player kills, etc. Sorry, I digress. What would be nice is if certain things get tracked, such as zombie kills, player kills, player trades, player gifting, items crafted, animals hunted, time spent crouched/prone(stealthy), etc. Then the game could give you a little moniker or title in a corner of the player view screen, opposite of where it displays your statuses say. You hunt animals? It says some blurb like "I like to hunt." You've hunted and killed 100 animals? It says "I am the master of the wild, nothing escapes my sight." or whatever. Maybe on the 100th kill it gives you an option to craft a unique fur cap from the carcass. Use this option for anything you can think is worth tracking. Not sure about it granting any kind of in game benefit, but in the example above maybe it returns more meat portions - goes from 2 to 3 portions per animal or whatever. That would be the most I'd do with it in terms of affecting the game. Stuff like that would be great.
  9. - Karma -

    A better way to handle inventory and item damage from attacks

    Sorry, I used "complicated" more in the terms of how players would need to understand it, how they would adapt to it, and yes partially from a coding perspective. It would be more complicated than simply knowing that if backpack gets hit everything in it gets damaged. I should have said though that while it would be more complicated, it would also be more realistic and in my opinion much better than the previous option. As for what I quoted, is this true? Not that I doubt, I've just never taken the time to notice. Since zombie attacks seem to always damage the head, yet the bleeding from that damage always appears to come from the torso, I assumed it wasn't tracking at all. I haven't shot players enough, or been shot enough to know about bullet damage. If it is true, then likely we're much closer to what you're suggesting than I realized.
  10. - Karma -

    Bows, we need BOWS

    When/if they do implement bows, I sure hope there is a steep learning curve with them. I've tried firing a bow a couple times in my life (compound and non) and it's tricky for sure. Just hitting anywhere on the target from 20 yards away is challenging and can take a couple tries. Crossbows would be easier to use - just as in real life. I guess it is one of those realism versus what would be good for the game questions - a fresh spawn being able to craft a bow by hitting some industrial sites within five to ten minutes of spawning could be a good thing I suppose. But how many people would even know how the craft one properly? I mean, I consider myself a smart guy, but I really don't think I could make a good bow (probably could make one, but quality...ewe...) and I'm pretty sure I'd make crap arrows too. I guess crafted bows would have to have wild inaccuracy. That all said, I think it would great if you could retrieve arrows from a body - animal, zombie, or otherwise. Either have show up as loot in the targets' inventory - likely with having had it's quality reduced one or two steps - or simply have it as a actionable option when looking at the body.
  11. - Karma -

    A better way to handle inventory and item damage from attacks

    Huh, as I said I above I swear I'd had times where my shirt got shredded by zombies but I for sure haven't had it happen since Xmas. All the testing I did today (let about 10 different zombies beat me up for a while) only had them damage my hat, glasses, or pack. I even punched a few to see if the quality of my gloves went down. Maybe it has to do with angle, or how close they are to you or something. I do know what you're talking about, I have seen it, just not for a while.
  12. - Karma -

    NPC controlled Trade-post

    I'd rather see this be option for Players themselves to set up. And likely we may see things like this once/if bases are implemented. Hell, I'd do it for a bit - it'd be something new. Kind players could also set up "refugee centers" near popular Player spawn locations and hand out things like screwdrivers, rag bandages, waterbottles, food or even better gear if they feel like it. As long as it didn't turn into some kind of corrupted "wts M4A1, $5 paypal transaction" bullsh*t then I think it could be neat. Having NPC's of any kind in this game I think would both add more stress to the server load and bring down Player to Player interaction which should be the whole point of this game. Either you work with other Players, be a Lone Wolf and avoid other Players, or be a Bandit and PVP other Players. That is what makes this game so much fun - other Players are unpredictable. NPC's are completely predictable.
  13. - Karma -

    A better way to handle inventory and item damage from attacks

    I was just testing after my post above this morning. Zombies only seem to be able to damage hats, glasses, and backpacks at the moment. But I do know what you're saying. For now I'd say definitely carry some extra hats. I took mine off to see if the damage would move to another piece of gear, and the only result seemed to be more actual damage to health. In fact, the first blow I took when I reequipped my beret seemed to soaked completely by the hat as I did not start bleeding until the second hit (once the beret was ruined from the first hit).
  14. - Karma -

    M1 Carbine?

    It's not that it's a bad idea sacredandprofane, it just really comes down what Gews said - it's likely that the Dev team will choose to stick to guns that either a) fit the setting b ) are popular world wide (the AK and the Remington 870 shotgun are good examples not in game yet) or c) are popular among the Dev team. The last reason may be why the FNX made it in - I'm no gun nut, but I am a casual enthusiast and I'd never heard of it before this game. It may be a wonderful weapon, but I can't seem to find any Armed Force (US, UK, Russian, or otherwise since those seem to have gear in the game) that uses it as a Standard Service Pistol or popular alternative. Then there is also the problem of Loot Table Dilution which I've talked about in other "add this item" threads. After a while, if too many options are added to the loot tables, it will be very hard to find something specific. Find a weapon? No problem. Find the specific weapon you want because you like it? Much harder. Honestly I'd say the M4 and an AK (or couple varients of) are probably all we need for Assault Rifles. The SKS will fill the roll of the M1 Carbine in terms of style. Not your first choice I realize, but a suitable alternative. My two cents.
  15. - Karma -

    Trading System or give players items directly

    Unfortunately not all of us have the werewithal to look for every quote Dean has ever made, nor the time. I agree it can seem redundant, but that doesn't lessen the quality of the OP's idea. Maybe rather than saying how "useless" this all was, politely provide a link to where Dean talked about implementing trading so everyone else could all be in the know? Thanks.
  16. - Karma -

    Eat all

    I would say yes, definitely give us the option to consume an entire item of food at once with a few exceptions - rather than eat all, a "eat half" option replaces that for Bags of Rice, Powdered Milk, and Boxes of Cereal. As well, just cause we don't have to click to eat four+ times, I would still make the eating animation last as long as it normally would just without the putting item away and pulling it out again animation. It should save us the clicking but not the time I think.
  17. - Karma -

    Trading System or give players items directly

    Not that I'm a bandit, but I would say there should also be the option while trading to simply take the stuff and exit the trade screen. For instance, you go to trade with someone and you put your item in first and the other person simply claims it and then tries to book it into the woods. People will sometimes try to lie, cheat, and steal when desperate but might not necessarily wish the engage in violent acts. I'd say it would be a nice touch, even though it would likely cause much grief. But it would give those "badasses" another way to have their fun without having to necessarily shoot on sight which can only be a boon for the game.
  18. - Karma -

    A better way to handle inventory and item damage from attacks

    @ Test_Subject_83 - complicated, but great idea. If the game engine can support that and it wouldn't require intensive code then I say let's consider it Devs. I mean, they keep saying they are planning on implementing hit locations so that should in theory a) reduce some of the problems of entire pools of gear being ruined and b ) if the code is already in to track where someone got hit, then they might be able to make it more specific as to exactly where. I'm not sure about that though because I've been watching some of the "next gen" games coming out and they are introducing stuff like that and talking like it is revolutionary so maybe the engine is not up to it? @ overdosed - again, complicated but great idea. Most of what you mention is likely easily handled from a programming perspective once hit location tracking is implemented. The trick would be differentiating gear like the helmets, Kevlar vests, stab vests, etc. I would imagine right now how the system is supposed to work is that each attack does a value in damage - lets say a gun shot is 1000. The type of clothing/material you're wearing is supposed to make a difference to resisting that damage, not quite sure if live yet but certain items seem to soak damage a little better than others. So lets say a TTsKO shirt would resist 100 of the bullet, and then the Tactical Vest (not full Kevlar, but Kevlar lined?) would resist 500 (caliber dependent, again not sure if live). Shot with just the shirt on, now take 900 damage - with the vest, take 500. Then each piece of gear likely has a either a hit point pool or a "can take x number of hits pool" representing its current state. I think the bug is likely that all zombies right now can only hit your head from the front and side, and backpack from behind. I swear it used to be that my shirts would get ruined by zombies back before Xmas, but nothing else. Gunshots seem to target most everywhere because there is no system to track exactly where the hit landed yet. Anyone that could either corroborate my theory or elaborate on their findings would be a big help. That all said, I really like your type of damage affecting how it would damage gear breakdown with two exceptions - I don't think a person's fists would ever really by able to hurt a motorcycle helmet unless it was already compromised; and since every zombie attack leads to bleeding, I've always thought they were hitting with some kind of claw or rake attack so it would likely be more akin to a slash type damage as opposed to bludgeoning. Could be wrong, not saying it makes sense, just saying that's what it appears to be.
  19. - Karma -

    Military Relief Drops

    tldr: Air Relief Supply Drops provided by a government type entity probably don't make sense, but for when loot respawning gets put in the game why not have those spawns by more centralized towards the larger cities where not all the loot would have been picked over. Furthermore, possibly put in "respawn only" loot caches in certain buildings where survivors would have banned together but now disappeared. An alternative suggestion. Here's the thing - for now I'm going to say no. BUT. It's a very interesting idea. My only problem is this: we don't currently have any kind of idea of timeline, scope or story for Day Z. Is the apocalypse wide spread or isolated? These kinds of things have a way escalating rapidly I would assume - no joke, it's been reported that the US government with the help of the Centers for Disease Control used a fictitious scenario of "a highly contagious virus spread by unknown vector resulting in high body counts and mass hysteria" as part of planning project to determine just how fast society would break down. They joking claimed that "zombie apocalypse" was loosely used as a term because it or something like it really was worst case scenario. Sorry for the history lesson, but my point is a small localized outbreak generally led to society collapsing within days (the five to ten day range I believe). So that said, my point is I'm not sure who would still by left as a functioning entity whom would have the will and/or resources to provide these air drops of supplies. IF any of the details get ironed out resulting in indications that either a) this event is isolated here or b ) the timeline is still early then I think your idea would have serious merit As an aside: your general idea really does have serious merit, in the sense of finding a large cache of supplies. I would imagine within the first few days of apocalypse everyone would grab whatever they could and make for either refugee camps or perceived safe environs (ie survivalist types heading for their cabins or dachas in the woods). Many more would die. Then would be the second wave of looting after initial supplies ran out. I would hazard a guess that the small towns would be picked practically clean while people would fear the larger cities. So your idea could still be used in the form of loot respawning: have script put in to make loot in rural areas and small towns respawn at a very low rate, yet have loot respawn in the cities at a very high yet not quite "fresh server" rate. Perhaps even have certain marked buildings (ones like the Hotel that already have loot spawns designated things like "Survivor Last Stand Point") where larger than normal caches have a chance of appearing.
  20. - Karma -

    Chernarus Survivor Census - the CSC

    ...and then slowly be eaten by zombies for 30 seconds. In the dark. With wolves howling in the distance. And some fog rolling in too while we're at it. But mostly zombies. Edit - oh, and good poll!
  21. - Karma -

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    Pretty much this, well said PhillyT. I don't have a problem with punches being able to knock someone out. 1 punch? Meh...I mean I suppose. I don't completely understand how this "Shock" system works, but the gist seems to be that every time you're are hurt (melee, shot, falling) you a) start bleeding and take shock b ) lose health and take shock, possible just lose blood too without bleeding c) b plus bleeding effect. Shock value goes up as you take damage, and once it is higher then your blood level (possibly health level) you go unconscious. This is when people would use defibs and epipens on someone. That all said, any attack in this game should be reflected by an amount of damage (to either blood or health, or both - still not sure of the exact correlation there) as well as produce a shock value. Targeting the head should likely produce higher values of both. So then depending on the state of the targeted player, a single punch to the head could indeed cause unconsciousness. This should be especially notable in fresh spawns who likely start with a lowered health/blood level, thereby it takes less shock to cause a knockout. However fully healthy players, with full blood and zero shock levels should take a couple strikes - depending on the exact damage values of a punch. Adding head protection into the equation further complicates matters, but you can see where I'm going with this. It's all math, and math should be easy to balance. Having weird game mechanics like a "chance for knockout on every hit" is complicated and unnecessary - but then again, I'm not one of the Devs and if they want to put something like that in (or already have it in) that's their call. The root of the problem comes from the fact that melee right now is ridiculously unbalanced - surely it will get balanced at some point, and I'm putting together a detailed post that hopefully leads to a discussion that can give the Devs some insight on what we're looking for (assuming they want to please us, they seem like nice chaps). Until all of that happens, I guess just be careful of people with fists up and people with axes. Every other weapon doesn't seem like too big of a threat right now.
  22. Color me interested...I have a background in script writing (as a hobby, none sold yet) but I don't want to step on any toes in that regard. I also have experience in amateur short films, from filming to editing. I'm more raw when it comes to producing internet videos, but I'm sure the skills translate. I'm not sure how much time I could commit as I do work full time and am often only online a couple times a week during the weekdays, but feel free to PM me if you could use any suggestions in the planning stage and beyond that we can see :)
  23. - Karma -

    New Canned Food

    Exactly AsHawkins - of the four I mentioned, two are unique, canned ham (or other similar protein) is a variant but could have differences from Tuna, Sardines, etc in energy/water/nutrient values, and like I said for Caviar would just be for the Russian setting. Optimization of the loot tables should be the key. I totally understand people want all sorts of things in the game, but at some point a line has to be drawn so the tables don't get diluted to the point that even items that should be common are actually uncommon (if you were say specific looking for a green hoodie), and rare items are so rare some people never see them in over 100 hours of play. Not that I'm a huge fan in real life (lol), but you're idea to have some veggies and fruit in the game is great. Berries are either in or making their way in, so who knows - maybe fresh vegetables too? Once things like persistent camps or bases and game animals are realized, maybe plant a garden or herd some deer lol? Could be a valuable commodity haha.
  24. - Karma -

    Clothing Ideas

    I was/am going to make a similar post, but am struggling with the thought of "Do we really need more vanity items in the game?" Part of me says sure, if it doesn't dilute the loot tables (which it will if the loot tables aren't designed differently) and if the item is unique enough. The other part of me thinks that, as mentioned, it dilutes the loot tables to much. As long as we'd have the basics which differ in either functionality (more/less pockets, can add attachments, more/less weather protection once instituted etc) I'd imagine that'd be fine. That all said, I'd love to see some extras such as: Worker Overalls Fireman Jackets Police Jumpsuits with permanently attached or optional High-Vis Safety Vest Russian Longcoats Peaked Caps (Dress Uniform Hats) Ushanka version with the ear flaps up Urban Camo version of TTsKO Jacket and Pants Russian Ballistic Helmet with the Fold Down Faceshield As well, possible a suit jacket and pants to go with the nice leather shoes. Lastly, maybe unique version of the Berets, Tactical Shirts and/or TTsKO Jackets with organization emblems on them, such as for the Politsiya, Alfa or Vempel Group Shoulder patches (Special Forces), FSB jackets (think FBI logo on back), OMON Jackets (ditto, emblem on back). Not sure if copyright issues with those last ones, but seeing as how they have things like the TTsKO jackets (TTsKO is a company btw) and UN Berets likely not a problem.
  25. - Karma -

    Ak 47/74's in game.

    As others have said, I'm almost positive the AK-74M version is coming - from a few sites that follow the game, it seems to be the consensus. If the 74 makes it in, we really don't need the 47 but if the Devs want to throw it in too then great. As for the 74M being modular, I've been doing some research on that for a post of mine. Keeping in mind that this is for the M series which means modernized - there would be at least three stocks available, the old wood one, a replica of the wood one in black plastic, and then the folding stock variety; I've seen other custom stocks as well, but maybe aftermarket; is designed to mount the AK family side rail for optics attachments, including a variety of scopes, ACOG like sights, red dot sights, etc; there is a AK family barrel rail mounting system, not sure if aftermarket but likely an OEM design, that supports Grenade Launchers, side mount Flashlight, Lasersights, Bipod, etc; lastly, the barrel was designed to accept Grenade Launchers even without previously mentioned rail mount, will take bayonets, and a special multifunction muzzle device (muzzle brake, flash suppressor) was specially designed for the AK-74 and appears to come standard. Lastly I have seen some mounting suppressors, as the 74U series has a model specially designed that comes with an integral suppressor; considering how willy nilly we can install existing suppressors in the game, and the fact we don't need sub-sonic ammo, I see no reason not to include that. tldr; in my research, the AK-74 could take as many (if not more) attachments as the M4A1 currently in the game has now.