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- Karma -

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About - Karma -

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  1. ^^^^ Egadz! How did I miss the inclusion of "Tactical Bacon" before?! Faaaaaaaannnntastic. :)
  2. Okay so the big update came out this morning, and it has some new goodies as well as most of the stuff we were expecting it looks like. Here's a list of everything gear wise that went in: Food: Sambucus berry item added Food: Canina berry item addedGear: added black and UN ballistic helmet variantsGear: Sickle added into loot spawnsGear: 1911 engraved version configure added to loot spawnsGear: Can opener can be used as melee weaponGear: Box of 10 bucks shots added configured and added to loot spawnsGear: Wool Coat red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants addedGear: Green and black variant of SKSGear: Green and black variant of firefighter axe addedGear: Flat Cap red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants addedGear: Rabbit leg, boar steak and chicken breasts addedGear: Fresh and rotten tomato configured and spawning on the serverGear: Fresh and rotten potato configured and spawning on the serverGear: Fresh and rotten Green Bell Pepper configured and spawning on the serverGear: Canned Peaches configured and spawning on the serverGear: Tactical bacon configured and spawning on the serverGear: Hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masksGear: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and respective magazines and ammo (22LR and 9mm) added to spawnsGear: Wool Coats and Flat Caps added to spawnsGear: Farming hoe configured and spawnsGear: Long wooden ash stick There are some unexpected things on that lists, such as some of the vegetables and the sickle. Enjoy everyone! The main post was updated to reflect the changes.
  3. So looks like the Belkas-M and the TOZ were the clear winners, though it should be said it seems the community just wants more shotguns period. That said, I'm pretty sure the Remington 870 was confirmed by Devs at some point (at least, that's the information that had been passed on to me for my thread) so if that is the case those two shotguns may be redundant - the 870 is probably the most popular pump action shotgun ever sold in the world. Not saying they wouldn't be good alternatives, but we may not see them in if the 870 is indeed put in. So much for Eastern European flavor :( Does anyone know if licensing rights are needed to put these weapons in a game?
  4. I also added the Molot Belkas M and the TOZ-194, two very similar pump action shotguns used for hunting, home defense, and combat action. They are both Russian manufactured and popular in Europe. These were the clear winners from Alexei's latest poll (find the link to the thread at the top of the original post on main page). The poll definitely indicates that the player base wants to see more shotguns. Not sure if either will fill a dedicated roll if a Remington 870 version is making it in the game (supposed to have been confirmed, incredibly similar shotgun).
  5. Sorry was late on this update, thought I had posted it earlier this week when the tweet came out. Dev's have confirmed that they are working on the AK-74, AKM, and SVD - the work on the AK-74 is going slowly though. They also confirmed work on Bows and Crossbows. Updated main post to reflect more accurate information on which weapons in the AK family are coming, as well as confirmed the SVD Dragunov sniper rifle. Will wait to see if we start getting word of which, if any, of the many AK family attachments might make the game.
  6. If only, right? Lol. I've found the Winchester to be a very polarizing gun, about 50/50 in terms of people wanting it. I think it's neat, but I don't know that it fits. I've fired one in real life many times, my old man's kind of a western nut - so believe me when I say I know the gun. Again, does it fit? For the belts and that, they're on the list already - in a way. I'd love to see more emergency worker and factory worker gear - it's likely coming. I don't even...so at first it looks like Welding Mask - that view is probably coloured by my job. Then I think, no, it's a riot mask. Then I think, no, it's the precursor Iron Man mask. And if Tony Stark can build a mother*cking "Iron Man" in a cave in Afghanistan, our best minds can build one in Day Z. It needs to be in ;)
  7. No doubting that it is more of a rare gun - then again if the Dev's had any rhyme or reason to putting gear in the game beyond "because they want to" I can't find it :) From the perspective of it being one of the more suitable choices in sharing the .22LR round that was already going in, it fits. Plus I don't believe it is "suppressed" so much so that the rounds fired are subsonic.
  8. In case people weren't paying attention, the .22 Long Rifle, .22 Pistol, 9mm Czech made CR75, and the .45 Colt 1911 have all been put into experimental build. Also it seems the Devs have tried to fix the "supersonic crack" issue with subsonic ammunition like the .22LR. I don't play the experimental servers, but a video I saw indicated the .22LR was much quieter than a .45 round. Not sure how this applies, if at all, to silencers functioning properly but there you have it.
  9. So some new gear has been added into experimental build: Wool Coat - various colours Flat Caps - various colours Rabbit Leg, Boar Steak, and Chicken Breast Long Wooden Ash Stick (can someone confirm if this is a melee weapon or a tool?) Sporter 22 (what we were calling the Ruger 10/22) CR75 (what we were calling the CZ75) .22 Amphibia S (what we were calling the Ruger MK2) 1911 (what we were calling the Colt M1911) Should keep people occupied and busy finding new toys once goes live :)
  10. Do you have a link Roy? Not that I doubt you, but if you do I can add it to my list. :)
  11. I hope so. Too much military hardware and I think the point of this game, which should be survival, gets lost in translation - everyone will be too busy playing army. I dig shooters, I really do - but that's not why I'm playing this game. Now fending off my watering hole using a makeshift spear while trying not to spill my last can of beans...that is glorious. Also, if I ever see someone with that gun you linked I'll...I'll fall to my knees in worship of the sheer awesomeness lol. Fantastic, thanks for the tip. Adding it to the main list.
  12. Er, sorry double post, but how did the smg poll go Alexei? I was away for a few days.
  13. The Devs are already on record as having been looking into Steyr and Heckler & Koch weapons - whether or not that means more assault rifles I don't know, but the thought is out there. I just don't think we need more than two or three and the AK-74 is taking up one of those slots so far as anyone knows. The L85 is an interesting choice, not terribly well known in some parts of the world I'd wager but as you said - precedent has already been set for the UK or indirectly related countries to have gear in game (UK assault vest, New Zealand beret, why no Canada love Rocket?!). I personally love using the FN in other games, it would be interesting to see it hear. Likely we'll be seeing more craftable weapons before we see any more firearms that haven't already been made as art assets. You can check out some rumors and confirmations here, I've been trying to keep track: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170636-master-list-of-equipable-items-the-community-wants-in-the-game/#entry1736264
  14. You mean like onesies?! OMG must have! :)
  15. Thanks for the good responses today everyone. I'll get to a few here: I think it is safe to say that variant clothing items are what the art team work on when they've gotten ahead of the other teams. We're starting to see more variants coming out, like the recent Ballistic Helmet variants. Hopefully in enough time we'll see enough variants and unique clothing items that people can feel different and see differences in the characters they come across. From a functionality standpoint though, until there is a reason to not where TTsKo as soon as you find it things will probably remain the same. I choose not too personally because I feel it makes me a target for PVP, but I'm talking about an in game reason. And not necessarily making the camo clothing worse, just bringing other items into the same realm of importance. Weather will likely play a factor in this if it hasn't already (the rain). The first part is exactly what I was saying above, glad to see I'm not the only one. I condensed your list into items I would absolutely love to see in the game, and that I personally would like to see in the game. I didn't actually disagree with any you put in, I'm all for variety, but these are the ones I really like. You'll find others do too, more than a few are already on the first page list :) This, so much this. I was actually shocked to find I couldn't equip the rain slicker over the hoodie when I first found one. I thought it could maybe go over a t-shirt, but only over the undershirt. I guess it makes sense from an inventory management perspective. They might have to make it that you could layer clothing, but only the "top" or outer layer is able to be used to store inventory items - just to keep inventory space to within reason. Where I live, layers are a necessity most winter days - I wore 3 today because of wind chill. Most central to northern European countries would be the same, but near the ocean is usually milder. Interesting to see if the Devs pick up on this. As to all the weapon suggestions, I'm pretty much handing those over to Alexei's thread which includes polls. There are a lot of very unique and somewhat obscure guns that get mentioned (though still cool in their own right), and without popular approval it just seems to crazy to add them all to a list like this. Check out the general ideas list link on the first page, top of the first post. I am going to add lighters/Zippos, and magnifying glass to the list - to be honest, that is the first time I've seen those somewhere (shocking) and common sense would just have them in the game.