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About CaptMorgan117

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    On the Coast

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  1. CaptMorgan117

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Most constructive comment yet, unlike anglo's repeated failed attempts at making me look stupid. Teaming up outside the game is about my only option. My schedule is so random though that it really prevents me from playing at regular intervals, which has made that option difficult. I'm hopeful for the point you made about the game "filling out", perhaps once the zed threat is greater it will force more positive player interaction.
  2. CaptMorgan117

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Did you read the part where the post is about PLAYER interaction?
  3. CaptMorgan117

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Nail on the head.
  4. CaptMorgan117

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Never built my own house, never even seen a safe. I don't want to feel safe in the game, I want to get a blood transfusion without someone shooting me in the face. This is about player interaction declining in the standalone.
  5. CaptMorgan117

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    I've played for hours on my own, being sneaky and avoiding players isn't the issue. I seek out others just to get popped, no one communicates, and I'm on local servers. My point is about KoS being the only player interaction in the game. The mod required you to work with other players to survive much more often, the standalone lacks that and it's frustrating.
  6. CaptMorgan117

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Welcome to the Standalone you mean. It was pretty common in the mod to meet a player and not get killed as soon as you see them.
  7. I have not had a single positive experience with another player in this game yet. I don't fire on anyone, flip em off, or even point a weapon, but I get blasted every time. The game loses play value when you cannot interact with another player at all. So for all you KoS noobs, thanks for making the game terrible (again). /rant