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About Master_Corruptor

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  1. Master_Corruptor

    Quick Question . Is Combat Logging fixed meanwhile?

    A logoff timer is the only way to combat ghosting and combat logging. Or you could change the whole system of one persistant character per hive, to one character per server you log onto.
  2. Master_Corruptor

    more lego for the lego gun

    I support this. The recievers and stuff would probably have to be a different body all together. Not sure how many parts they can chop the m4 up into.
  3. Master_Corruptor

    Weapon Maintenance

    The idea is probably ok.. but the game engine will probably not alow for such an amount of detail. Just imagine the free inventory space you would need to dissasemble and clean the M4.
  4. Master_Corruptor

    More Types of Military Zombies + NATO camps/USMC Camps

    It could be a nice addition for a random event on the map. The location could be reset every server reset. Loot and weapons will probably be more balanced in the future.
  5. Master_Corruptor

    patch update update (defib the dead, gun cleaning, burlap sack)

    Where is your game suggestion? Don't post this in the suggestions thread please.
  6. Master_Corruptor


    The inheritance of disease is a given. Some minor diseases could be cured with proper cooking of the meat though. The hard part is finding the appropriate buff/debuff for going cannibal.
  7. Master_Corruptor

    Communities/player controlled towns

    It would only be holdable if there was a way to assign npcs to guard duty. that way you combat people logging on and off. As far as benefits, that should be up to the owner of the town. The owner could possibly add rent to allow people to spawn there. People could use the town to sell stuff they brought back from a raid... I started this topic to get more input on it. As it is now anyone can effectively hold a place. But there is no way to know if the gang that holds the town logs off. I was thinking of a more distinct way of claiming a town. That's why I talked about a control structure or a flag system of sorts.
  8. Master_Corruptor

    Mental Constitution - Social/Survival Mechanic for Immersion

    Tie this in with the cannibalism thread and you have roleplaying heaven!
  9. Master_Corruptor


    Force feeding people is the closest we'll get to rape in this game... But cannibalism should make it's way into the game. I like the side effect that you commit to being a cannibal and therefor have to hunt players to survive.
  10. Master_Corruptor

    Server times being synchronized.

    I kinda like the night... makes it harder to see me ;) But I would like faster day night cycles indeed. Most of the time when I have time to play. It's mostly on servers that have night.
  11. Master_Corruptor

    Communities/player controlled towns

    I want to air the idea around player controlled towns. My main thought is that players can conquer the different towns and develop them to a certain degree. When you control a town you can refit some of the houses to be player spawns, a shop maybe or a recruiting hub for guard npcs. And build a simple defense around the town. I'm thinking about this because I feel this could bring some really interesting gameplay with it. Lets say a group of people will head out to conquer a small town or overthrow the current owner of the town. The towns would have to be outfitted with some sort of control building or something like that. My first idea goes to flags that have to be captured... But a more appropriate form of capturing a town would have to be implemented. Bigger towns would have more control points or capture zones maybe. What do you guys in the community think of this? Would it be fun to be the mayor of a small town and collect rent in the form of food or items. Would it be fun to defend your town against invading players or attack a neighboring town?