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unrated (DayZ)

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Everything posted by unrated (DayZ)

  1. unrated (DayZ)

    [SOLVED] New Beta Patch

    Hi there, i downloaded the latest beta patch [my first time trying beta] from there http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php (ARMA2_OA_Build_93825.zip). I installed the patch correctly. It created a shortcut in this folder "D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead" called "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch". If i start this executable i get this error message "addon dayz_code requires addon cabuildingparts". So i thought i have to add some parameters to start Combined Operations and not only OA. I tried out these instruction given in this forum http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9314. Now i get no errors anyway but if i join a server i can only see the ground and some people standing around. I made a screen hope you can help me :( Screen: http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2923/p7vhjm4c_jpg.htm Dunno why theres a guy standing in this "nirvana"
  2. unrated (DayZ)

    [SOLVED] New Beta Patch

    respawn did it. otherwise i think connecting to "dayz canada 2" would have been worked too.
  3. unrated (DayZ)

    *German* 3rd Person Sicht *English*

    du weißt, dass manche server 3rd person view ausgeschalten haben? steht meistens im titel "3rdp:0" oder so oder 3rd off
  4. unrated (DayZ)

    Crossbow Bolts

    I'd like to see (^^)..... stackable bolts for the crossbow. Would be great if you can put like 5 bolts on one slot :) ... #Dayz :-)
  5. unrated (DayZ)

    Crossbow Bolts

    well i thought i already can take the steel bolts from dead bodies. wasnt sure about that but even if there is more than one zombie it is useless if you only got one bolt. anyway little stacks would be great one bolt for one slot is too much :(
  6. unrated (DayZ)

    Error Message - Shotgun Slugs?

    did u try to respawn?
  7. zombies shouldn be able to swim. zombies shouldnt be able to run fast(?). zombies shouldnt be able to open doors. zombies shouldnt be able to climb. zombies should be able to destroy a door after a while and ppl should be able compound the door with some material that zombies need more time to destroy or if you compound it with some metal they wont be able to destroy it. zombies should (if doors cant be destroyed) wait a long time in the near of that door/house.
  8. unrated (DayZ)

    1.7.1 Help

    same error for me. server name tells me it is a server that runs version 1.7.1 but i get the same message that the server runs 1.7.0......... and infobox with temerpature "zombies killed:" etc is gone?!
  9. unrated (DayZ)

    Servers not running latest DAYZ_CODE?

    same problem for me...i think six updater did some updates on dayz files...and now i got the same shitty message. and my infobox wheres shown my temperature etc. is gone..
  10. if you play with steam start it as admin.
  11. unrated (DayZ)

    Hard Performance Problems :S

    same issues for me...and again a player with an amd quadcore :] hanging around with 9 fps on every setting. could u fix that please?
  12. unrated (DayZ)

    Problem with FPS

    same issues wether low or high graphics...i only got 9 fps i read a lot about same problems from ppl they got a amd quadcore specs: amd phenom x4 9750 8 gb ram nvidia geforce 470gtx