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unrated (DayZ)

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Everything posted by unrated (DayZ)

  1. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

  2. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    well i took a look for some new cpus and i found out that my current cpu (am2+ socket) costs around 120 € while the new ones like an amd cpu 4100 fx (quadcore 3,6 ghz, am3+) costs 80-120€. dont unterstand this....
  3. unrated (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    i can see still no fps or performance improvements. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29292-fps-issues/
  4. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    AMD Phenom X4 9750 is of corse not the best one and a bit old too but way to slow for this game? at least it is a quad core 4x2,4 GHz but im not sure how the multithreading works with that game. thats why i used the parameters cpucount=4
  5. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    looking to the sky or to the sea is pretty smooth, like 40fps ^^ but anything else sucks so hard
  6. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    I played also version and had the same issues there. I hoped to get performance improvement as it was said in the changelog of 1.7.2 but nothin improved for me. Turning visibility to the lowest value (500) doesnt change anything. Even with ultra low settings (including resolutions) i get in elektro only around 24 fps. I already tried different server. Sometimes i get only servers where my fps is around 8-10 fps, but there are like 30 or more ppl playing on so i cant believe its a server sided issue but otherwise if i change the server to "dayz-es" (my favorite, cause theres a restart every 3 hours) my fps are better but mostly not above 25 fps.
  7. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    FPS are shown in the screenshots: So this settings i currently use to play: http://picupload.org.../07/11/4QCz.jpg This shitty ultra low settings give me +2-6 fps (in my eyes it should improve like 30 more, so theres something really wrong). I even set both resolutions to the lowest value i could. thats the result: http://picupload.org...07/11/eLJpQ.jpg Edit: Processor load while playing around 50%. Ram load while playing around 35%.
  8. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    Well i spawned in the debug area where is nothing out but the ground (no trees etc.). So i pressed the respawn button and my next spawn-point was near balota. Im not sure if the debug area bug was a server sided issue or the fact that i changed the code in my config. So im trying right now with only this code GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; to join a server. ..... But it doesnt has any effect on my fps. So gonna change it back. Edit: I am right now on a server out of the towns and get if i look to the water 50 fps. If i run around looking to the forest i get 24-36 fps. In town i would think it will be the same as before around 16-22 fps. Not good at all. I also tried the Memory Flush (hold shift + press - on the numpad; then type flush). Changed nothing so far. edit2: now that i played for 2 minutes running in the direction to cherno i get only 17-19 fps. Damn this sucks so hard. Makes me wanna cry :)
  9. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    Alrighty i deleted the -maxmem parameter. I changed my config into this GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; I already read about this but i also read there http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma2.cfg --> "GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; written by engine each start, changing it manually has no effect!" I am using the parameters -winxp because i read in several forums that this should increase fps for people using win7. The parameter -world=Chernarus will load the map "Chernarus" already when you start the game and not when you try to connect to a server. Now that i tried those changes i joined a server and i read "Unrated was killed". I lol'ed and then i spawned in the debug area/wildernis without choosing male or female character or anything like this (hopefully i did not die). In the debug area where no objects/trees/anything are, i got 70 fps in that area. So changing back the settings didnt helped so i had to kill myself and respawn. So changing this from 1000 to GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; doesnt do anything.
  10. unrated (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    Mod/Beta patch updatet via Six Launcher. My Startup-Parameters in Steam: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash -winxp -world=Chernarus -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=4 Try to start wthe game now with the six launcher will update soon. edit:2 Everythings seems to be finde minimum and recommends passed. Video options dont change anything very low = same fps as very high. Edit3: started via six launcher. on a server where 30 ppl where playing, i was in cherno at the place called factory it was night and i got 8 fps. changed server (dayz-es). i got there 19 fps at the same place. This really sucks if you get forced to pvp i nearly always die caused by my lags, i cant resist bandits.
  11. unrated (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    we call them 'sniper'. u wont hear a shot but u got shot. deal with it :)
  12. unrated (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    dudes it has properbly nothin to do with BE its a server side issue. The hive has some trouble with too much ppl who wanna connect.
  13. unrated (DayZ)

    Error: "waiting for character to create"

    solution is to wait. this is a server sided issue / lots of ppl try to connect coz they wanna test the new update so chillaxe a bit...
  14. unrated (DayZ)

    *FIX* to stuck on loading screen!

    arma/oa=operation arrowhead -.- could you use your brain please?
  15. unrated (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    sure it works. but after i disconnected because of a bug (try to wear other clothes in a building and found myself after click on "wear camo clothes" in the water) i get stuck on loading screen.
  16. unrated (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    same got arma co on steam first time i connected it works after a bug (yeah i discovered a bug in the first five minutes of the game -.-) i disconnected and tried to reconnect and i was stuck on loading screen. maybe its because to many ppl wanna try out the new update so ppl get connection problems caused by the mass of ppl who try to connect..
  17. unrated (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    i just tried to wear camo clothe stood in a house in third floore and blubbbbb i was under water? then i got teleported(?) back into the house and found myself swimming on the ground (or swimming in cement i should say).
  18. unrated (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5... F5...F4.....oops....F5... F5... F5... F5...
  19. unrated (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You might be right (I hope), I just didn't want to be the cause of more "But Rocket said it would be today" silliness. :P long time ago he said its gonna be released on monday. well there are a lot of mondays before us ^^
  20. unrated (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    luv :heart:
  21. unrated (DayZ)

    please ad kill rewards on the game

    omg y cant i see any irony in ur post? seems that u serious with that shit lulz and the thing that u believe 50 % of ppl playing dayz wanna get rewards for killing other ppl is...mhh... just stupid. how old are you? i still cant believe that u're serious..
  22. +1 this shit happens to me and friends as well :[
  23. unrated (DayZ)


    nice thread name... and the description of your problem is so.... uhm...explicit, detailed. wow. really, dude you serious?
  24. you wanna tell me that theres a difference? "Just bought the game, now Gamehack #38 issue" "So I logged on, ran around for a few minutes, got eaten by some zombies and then logged out to fix video settings. Tried about 30 minutes later to play again and I'm getting autokicked fromservers with a Gamehack #38 warning. " Seriously dafuq did u smoke? edit: btw my startup parameters: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash -winxp -world=Chernarus -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=4 never heard about a "Gamehack #38" issue