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About MatthewsGauss

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MatthewsGauss

    The new Magnum sound..

    I wish the gun sounds would be like my rifle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc7MiSwSfx8
  2. My guy can't stop puking, he has puked at least 10 times in the last hour.
  3. I can't for the life of me find the sks. I went through on a 10 man server (german server so nobody on) from Electro to barenzino and only found a m44 compensator (no guns at all) and a box of sks ammo. Also I keep throwing up even though I'm healthy and have not been hit by zombies which has never happened in my 60+ hours of gameplay.
  4. I just hate how sometimes he sees peoples heads from 600 meters away yet he cant tell that he has ammo in his bag or just him being plain bad at the game
  5. MatthewsGauss

    What model is the Mosin?

  6. MatthewsGauss

    What model is the Mosin?

    So the first weapon I find in Dayz is the very popular Mosin Nagant and I notice something strange, it isn't the normal 91/30 that it says it is. It's not that it is wrong is what makes me confused, it's that it is a combination of different models. The Mosin has a hex receiver (made before WW2) and a bent bolt design (only meant for snipers) and to make things even more confusing it has the length of an m44 (made in 1944 and is shorter than a 91/30) but the bayonet is not permanently attached like an M44 but is but on sideways unstead of the bayonet lug covering the front sight like a 91/30. So how exactly do you combine 3 obviously different models of a mosin and combine them to make this frankenstein gun? Now i'm kinda expecting to be able to hacksaw the mosin and make it a obrez to make the gun even more confusing. I also hope that they make the 7.62x54r ammo not usable in the mosin and sks or that'll be pretty fucky. Examples of the models Regular 91/30 http://puu.sh/6aA3S.jpg m44 http://puu.sh/6aA5h.jpg sniper http://puu.sh/6aA6P.jpg obrez http://puu.sh/6aA9a.jpg Also the difference between the Mosin round and the SKS round http://puu.sh/6aAex.jpg