So the first weapon I find in Dayz is the very popular Mosin Nagant and I notice something strange, it isn't the normal 91/30 that it says it is. It's not that it is wrong is what makes me confused, it's that it is a combination of different models. The Mosin has a hex receiver (made before WW2) and a bent bolt design (only meant for snipers) and to make things even more confusing it has the length of an m44 (made in 1944 and is shorter than a 91/30) but the bayonet is not permanently attached like an M44 but is but on sideways unstead of the bayonet lug covering the front sight like a 91/30. So how exactly do you combine 3 obviously different models of a mosin and combine them to make this frankenstein gun? Now i'm kinda expecting to be able to hacksaw the mosin and make it a obrez to make the gun even more confusing. I also hope that they make the 7.62x54r ammo not usable in the mosin and sks or that'll be pretty fucky. Examples of the models Regular 91/30 m44 sniper obrez Also the difference between the Mosin round and the SKS round