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Everything posted by GoldenKade

  1. GoldenKade

    Is The Ship Still A Glitchy Death Trap?

    Surviving on the ship, for me, has been a matter of not running around like a retard.
  2. GoldenKade

    Why I Play As A Bandit

    Nice post but what is up with this guy and power?
  3. GoldenKade

    People Suck.

    I found a bambi about 2 weeks ago and gave him my M4 because I found a Mosin. (I'd been traveling town to town with this guy from Berezino to Gorka). When I dropped him my 60 round clip he shot and killed me. Unlucky for him, there was a bandit right up the road who rightfully popped him but still - I gave him food, water and an M4 with ammo. Moral of the story: don't be a cockgobbler and don't trust ANYONE.
  4. GoldenKade

    Why Does Crouch Running Use Less Energy?

    I can do it better than the ingame characters, it's the straight sprint from Kamy to Elektro that puzzles me.
  5. GoldenKade

    Today's Pending Update.

    To be honest, I think the biggest problem that I deal with is ghosting and combat logging. What are the server hoppers going to do to you? Most of them suck hairy midget dong at the game anyway.
  6. GoldenKade

    Why Does Crouch Running Use Less Energy?

    Haven't you noticed that when crouch running you move at maybe a little faster than walking pace? If you're physically unfit, maybe this might be a problem...
  7. GoldenKade

    The Loss

    My pal and I were trying to meet up so that he could give me his pristine Mosin Compensator. On my Mosin, I had all of the attachments - all of which were pristine. So after all of this running to Cherno from Balota, we exchange gear and start heading towards Balota. There is one other person in the server besides us and it's a night time server. On the way to Balota, I figured that I would shoot at the gas tanks because I had heard that they blow up. Just as I aim my magnum at the dark, shaded gas tank my friend raced in front of me into the gas station door and I decided not to shoot until he came back out. "Whoa, someone's been through here" he proclaims. "2 saline bags?" Not a second later I see him emerge from the door and at that very moment I watched him get ripped to pieces by M4 fire. Considering it was so dark that my friend hadn't even seen his murderer, I went prone with my aimed magnum and watched the culprit walk up to my friend's corpse and begin looting. "I'm going to skullfuck him with a magnum round" I say to my dead friend. Two shots in the dome put the twat on the ground. My friend tells me that he's spawned back in Kamy and that it may be a while before he makes it and that I should loot this guy's body and keep watch until he gets back. I pick up my friend's M4 to keep it in case the body disappeared (which normally makes you drop the weapon you have) and MY FULLY PRISTINE MOSIN DISAPPEARED. I think I'm going to cry.
  8. GoldenKade

    The Loss

    It took me 2 days to find all of the pristine parts and everything. I ended up keeping my friend's M4 which I've finally upgraded but I won't be killing anyone from 800 meters with it.
  9. Where can I find all of the above articles of clothing and what effects do they have? I popped a guy and his squad just east of the NEAF and one was wearing a tactical vest - I'd never seen one before but unfortunately I had ruined it while spraying him and his pals. I've still never seen the legendary Puffer Jacket...
  10. GoldenKade

    I Kept Hearing The Faint Noise Of A Little Bird...

    I know a couple servers where zombie noises, birds, ammo clinks and eating are all heard globally.
  11. GoldenKade

    Disinfectant Chug 10K

    You all should be able to figure out that he's talking about Kamyshovo, you don't run past Elektro to get to Cherno from Kamenka...
  12. i've seen that before as well. The two long barns next to the construction site in Berezino spawn nice things as well, you have to run through them while tabbed so that you can see them. (They may be in the floor)
  13. GoldenKade

    What was your most annoying death by another player

    I had been hiding out in a 2 story house in Berezino when all of the sudden my mate told me he was taking fire down on the street. He successfully retreated to the apartments in the middle of town, however, I was sniped in the leg by a Mosin. When I was sniped in the leg, I was desyncing. The shots agro'd a zombie at me and I died from being hit through the floor by a zombie.
  14. that's creepy as all fuck - how about I never go to green mountain again ever.
  15. GoldenKade


    I've seen people be killed from 900-1000 meters. It's a matter of knowing distance and drop based off of the scope. The Mosin is a laser if you can use it right.
  16. GoldenKade

    I searched multiple towns for three hours...

    I'll give you a hint. Berezino office building in the lumber yard. Thank me later.
  17. GoldenKade

    So i just went on a Rampage...

    I was running with some mates in the trees when both of my mates went down, both dead. I had only a fire axe so I sprinted in the opposite direction. Mosin shots rang out all around me as I sprinted through the forest. After five minutes of running, the shots had stopped and I was hiding in an evergreen. Suddenly, 4 bandits run by, all with their Mosins out. Unfortunately for them, their buddy had started desyncing and he was a little behind. For whatever reason, they carried on through the forest while the other player sat there, crouched by a tree. I flanked around him and chopped the back of his skull open. I looted everything on him and took all of his clothing so I would look like him. I pulled out my new Mosin and ran after my attackers. I ran up behind them and typed "I fight... for my friends!" and then take out three of them. There's one person left and he is behind a skinny tree. I tell him he can surrender if he wants. He pops his head out, Mosin up and I blow it straight off.
  18. GoldenKade

    Don't Touch the Spray Cans

    Hit me with your shotgun at 600 meters.
  19. A lot of people have been saying that they aren't accurate with the Mosin while prone. Am I the only one who doesn't have an issue with crouching and hitting someone in the head at 500-800 meters?
  20. GoldenKade

    Newb Question about Looting Cars

    Cars in Dubky (north of Cherno) are sometimes worth checking. I've found two mosins in their front seats.
  21. GoldenKade


    Not to mention that KOS is sort of a part of the game - bandits will probably always exist and it's up to you to be the better person.
  22. Story 2: Dedicated to @krazycage I'm traveling from Cherno to Elektro with some random that I met in Balota. (Yes, I know - I befriended someone in Balota what are the damn odds) My newfound friend and I are running in the trees when all of the sudden a wild group of bambis with M4's appear, running down the road towards Cherno. Since I'm not skyping this guy and I don't have my mic on to stop him - this idiot starts popping shots from his FNX left and right. I look around to discover that there is no cover and we are desperately outnumbered. I hide behind a tree skinnier than my leg (btw I skip leg days sometimes) and pull out my Mosin. My tard of a friend managed to miss all 5 clowns with his whole FNX mag. Since they were so well geared for absolute nubs, our attackers literally ran at us from the road. WHAT A TACTIC. My useless friend hid behind a bush and I watched as all 5 douchehammocks swarmed him, shooting whole mags into the bush. Unfortunately for me, I misfired while I was prone in another bush nearby. One of the cocknuggets turned in my general direction and I blew his face off and splattered his blood all over the scene. After a couple moments of panic and incredibly stinky farts, I managed to pick off two more cumquats and the other two ran towards the entrance to Elektro. As the most well-geared asshat ran down the road towards Elektro, I shot him in the back. I laughed, patted myself on the back and started walking back towards the mess of bodies in the woods. Upon arriving at the crime scene, I noticed that all of the bodies were gone except for one. For whatever reason (what I assumed was a bug) the body wasn't bleeding and still had an M4 drawn. I went over and started looting it. If you were paying close attention, you'll notice that I left one guy alive. Take note, this one guy will find you and stick an M4 so far up your ass that it comes out of your mouth if you aren't careful. I learned that the hard way. As I approached the body from behind, I noticed it wouldn't let me check the gear. How wonderful. The body stood up, pointed its M4 in my face and put a hole in my face larger than your mom's. Moral of the story: Don't be a fucking dumbass like me and double tap.
  23. GoldenKade

    More Patches More Problems

    I literally can't even join servers: I get the message "bad version" and then restart connection or some bologna. Any tips on how to get this clunky game working?
  24. GoldenKade

    Does your play hallucinate in Dayz?

    It's a known bug for animals to make sounds like eating, zombie noises, drinking and such.