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Posts posted by platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

  1. Well, no. I don't agree there is too much murder. I don't agree making the game harder will make people kill eachother less. My friends and I will KILL PEOPLE MORE if it is harder to find resources. We will have to steal theirs. Stop trying to make the game harder. All that does is make if more fucking boring. You already have to run for like 30 minutes to NWAF to get anything good everytime you die, and then spend all day trying to get good shit again.

  2. I agree with the point about thermal scopes. High end NATO gear IS totally out of place in DayZ: Suggestion: keep them as ultra rare loot' date=' but....

    Thermal scopes need special batteries, which cannot be found in game, giving the scope a finite life, once depleted its just an ordinary scope....


    They are ultra rare loot. If it's ultra rare loot why should it be finite. Fuck that.

    1. Because they really do need batteries, so really are finite. same with NVGs by the way.

    2. Because they are ultra rare for the individual player, but not for the clan loot farmers and hoarders, giving them access to an unrealistic level of map dominance.

    So you're suggesting we nerf... teamwork?

  3. I agree with the point about thermal scopes. High end NATO gear IS totally out of place in DayZ: Suggestion: keep them as ultra rare loot' date=' but....

    Thermal scopes need special batteries, which cannot be found in game, giving the scope a finite life, once depleted its just an ordinary scope....


    They are ultra rare loot. If it's ultra rare loot why should it be finite. Fuck that.

  4. Sorry but your points are just bad. All of these things are in Day Z because they are rare. People strive to get these things. It's a sort of end game. If there wasn't better gear why the fuck would people find anything passed an enfield?

    a) Have the player temperature rise to dangerous levels if you stay in the sun for too long' date=' this would create a trembling effect (not as strong as the "pain" effect but still noticeable) and heavy player breathing that would make it difficult to hear and give your position away to nearby enemies. Staying hot for too long would also begin to damage HP until you got into some shade or removed the Ghillie.


    This actually made me laugh out loud. Have you ever been outside? THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN. ON TOP OF WHICH, have you ever been outside in rural Russia? With such shitty weather all the time? Because I have. That shit does not over-heat you. I cringed when I read that you want peoples temperature to rise to dangerous levels if you stay in the sun for too long. Go outside, you're disconnected with reality. Don't suggest "realistic" additions if you're so out of touch with reality.

  5. You are the gamer that I hate the most! People who take any fucking game way to fucking seriously! Sounds like me that it would have been fun joining your group of friends. You sound like the only one who would be sucking the joy out of playing the game with your friends. Just have fun and stop treating this game as what you would do in real life. It's a fucking game' date=' get over it and your self! Just have fun or don't play!


    Seriously OP, it's a game.

  6. I don't agree with the selected spawn. Random is the word.

    What I'm complaining here is that little info on bottom right that tells you right where you are.

    You should not know where you are unless you really knows that place.

    Heh, I always know because I speak/read Russian and I just read the road signs on the roads heading into / out of the town. Really useful tip for everyone btw: READ THE ROAD SIGNS! Helps me tremendously when I'm trying to navigate from town to town.
