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Everything posted by modis002

  1. modis002

    How to get my gun to semi auto fire

    no its because it is worn and it can not be made pristine again. you can only clean damaged/badly damaged weapons. to be honest i have no idea what is going on with your AK. but it sounds like it fails to cycle a new round so i would look for the problem in the magazines, they might be ruined or you might be using bad ammo, try pressing R to cycle a new round from the magazine. it might also be a bug, not too long ago when players were spawning in with a makarov there was a similar problem the makarov didnt work, but if u were to find a new one it worked
  2. modis002

    No Vaulting ?

    no vaulting as of right now. it has been disabled because the devs are replacing every single animation with a new one. but i can confirm that you will be able to jump, vault and climb over walls that are just as high as you in the near futurre
  3. modis002

    can't connect to game, 0.63 stress test

    same problem. tried connecting a car battery to the brodcasting station by opening my inventory, the game crashed and every time i try to join a server it crashes. tried deleting dayz folder from "my documents" it did not help. also i am getting some kind of error unlike you
  4. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    0.61 3rd person servers 0.61 1st person server
  5. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Backpacks? Hah!!! For pussys!
  6. modis002


    once again CPR is already in game. and i'm not talking about defibrillators
  7. modis002

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    Yep 0.56 will be the day where you say Good bye to LRS but they said they will add a hunting scope and it should fit the mozin
  8. modis002

    Killing fresh spawns ?

    the last time i met fresh spawn he tried to knock me out. i didn't kill him just broke his legs and left him there begging for me to kill him.
  9. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    This character has lived through so much. yesterday i was lying unconscious for mote then 20 minutes because i was dying of dehydration but my friend force drunk me and force fed me. and we thought that i was bugged but right when my friend found a saline bag and started running towards me. i got up because my blood was slowly regenerating
  10. modis002

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    chainsaw kills them in 1 hit if you have fuel of course :)
  11. modis002

    Exp Update: 0.55.127129

    Found a crazy server with broken loot tables i was able to find assault and high capacity vests in berezino i also found a field jacket, a lot of AK and M4 attachments there, and then i found this.
  12. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    my and my friends game glitched yesterday. so my character was holding a hunting knife and he was treating it like it was an AK and my friends character was holding a fire axe as an AK too :D
  13. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Some of my older characters i forgot to upload :) and my current experimental 1PP character
  14. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    yes they removed the vest from spawning but if you had one they didn't take it away from you so my gues is that this character is very very old. like 6 months old maybe even older
  15. devs said that they will make so weapons will have a chance to spawn with attachments, magazines/ammo, and they will have random conditions. for example you find a Badly damaged SKS with a pristine pu scope and loaded with damaged ammo.
  16. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I also have a flare gun in that chest holster. and a bunch of ammo for it. oh and how do i enable the new UI?
  17. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    my current stable 1/3 person private hive setup
  18. modis002

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Died 5 Minutes after taking this picture
  19. modis002

    Outfit testing menu

    it's pretty nice idea but. i think theres more important things to do for now. maybe it will get implemented when the game will be fully released. maybe not. who knows
  20. modis002

    This video just made my day :D

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWo3n7HK1Vs&hd=1 just found it on youtube. what do you think guys :
  21. modis002

    This video just made my day :D

    yeh i think one guy made a comment below the video on how to do it.
  22. modis002

    Inventory UI Concept

    looks nice and all. but aren't devs making a new UI. i mean they would have to stop working on that UI just to create this. so much time wasted.
  23. modis002

    Anyone having trouble skinning people?

    most of the time its broken. you can't gut people/animals you can't craft splint you cant use splint or it takes about 50 attempts until you successfully craft splint and then it takes 50 more attempts to use it i already reported this issue at feedback tracker
  24. modis002

    Gutting Animals

    yep its broken i killed 2 deers 1 pig and 1 boar and i couldn't gut any of them when i start gutting nothing happens and the only option i get is cancel current action. i used machete on all of these animals. it used to work all the time. but now its just broken