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Everything posted by GotAWarInTheHead

  1. GotAWarInTheHead

    Real life zombie apocalypse

    This game has really changed my idea of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would look like. I never put too much thought into having to fear OTHER LIVING PEOPLE. My question is, do you think this game is (will be) an accurate representation of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would be like? If society fell, and a large portion of the population was dead or undead, would people really get that selfish and heartless to KOS just for loot and an easier life? Wouldn't it pay off more in real life to work together with others. What are your thoughts?
  2. GotAWarInTheHead

    ROAD_WARRIORS 24/7 Day Light

    I would love to join! Should I just go through you website and register and such?
  3. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    New member/first post, here! So I was just playing some DayZ SA before work this morning. I happened to come across 2 new (to me) items. One was a really crappy sight for the machine gun. It was just metal, and looked like 2 pieces of metal at a right angle. That was neat, it seemed more useful than the default "handle" type sight. The other item I found was a WALKIE TALKIE! That is exciting. I couldn't hold it in my hand, but I assume we'll be able to eventually. How do you think it'll work? Will you and your friend need walkie talkies and then you can talk to each other from across the map? Do you think other players with walkie talkies will be able to tune into your station and spy on your conversations? Sorry if this has already been mentioned / discussed, but I didn't see any topics about walkie talkies.
  4. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    Only COOL people use WALKIE TALKIES, yo!
  5. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    This brings up a thought from me. I really hope they make the item system so that there are a lot of common items, but also a lot of rare items. I want a lot of hidden treasures where if you're playing a game with 150 people, only one player has a specific item. Or maybe even none. Maybe there's items that only pop up on ONE server each day, only spawning once. I want a wide range! Pa-pa-please!
  6. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    I hate to admit how much I did dirty server hopping at 5AM running around the NWAF and the military base south of there. And I still never found any PRESS vest...or chain saw...
  7. GotAWarInTheHead

    Real life zombie apocalypse

    I looked up Ushanka....and now I want one. I will be sitting in front of my PC with my Ushanka and fire axe.
  8. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    I certainly have not! I saw videos of the Devs playing with the PRESS vest. I read others' claiming to have found one...but I have yet to see a screen shot or video.
  9. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    Haha, nothing yet. The POSSIBILITIES are cool. The potential for so many uses.
  10. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! And that was like the first game series I was ever addicted to (Metal Gear Solid). I got a pen and paper before but (I didn't try very hard) didn't get it to write. Can you literally write notes with the pens and paper, right now? Or just later? And that's a great idea, serious. You could meet random friends on there, or meet people that SAY they're friendly and end up meeting up and killing you. So many possibilities!
  11. GotAWarInTheHead

    Found A New Item!!!

    OH! I don't think this was mentioned...what if you get 2 walkies and leave one somewhere on the ground...say inside a door. You then run 100m away and lay prone. Then talk through your walkie when you see people getting near, leading them to the building...and then POW. Shoot them in the back. Know what I'm saying?! That would be awesome! Especially in big cluttered cities.