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Everything posted by Solopopo

  1. Solopopo

    [0.61] 34 Updates?

    Aha! So I was right about this :D I speculated this at the end of my "Day Z is going in the right direction" thread. Haven't we already seen the visual overhaul? From my understanding, the next update is the new player controller, which will include all those new animations because they are dependent on it. I think they are also reworking character models with the new player controller as well, which might be what you interpreted as a visual overhaul. The new renderer and Enfusion engine were our visual overhaul.
  2. Solopopo

    Day Z Is Going In the Right Direction

    This is my nightmare I see what you are saying. I really hope you are right.
  3. Solopopo

    In Search Of A Server

    My friend in Ecuador will be buying Day Z soon and I'm trying to find the best server for us to play together. I live in New Jersey. I'm trying to find a server that is an even compromise in latency for both of us. I'm thinking servers in Texas would be best, or maybe Florida. I'm hoping to find a popular server, preferably 60 slot. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. Solopopo

    Servers in Latin America?

    People run servers. If there are no servers near Argentina, it's because no one near Argentina is hosting servers. Why don't you be the first? It would probably be very popular.
  5. Solopopo

    I need to restart my PC to get better frames?

    [skip to the end if you are only interested in GPU overclocking] Revert your changes and uninstall that software. In general, you should not use software to overclock your computer's components. You should do it from the bios. Problems such as the one you are now experiencing are the reasons why. Most CPUs nowadays come pre-built with simple overclocking features that are as easy as flipping a switch in the bios. However, real overclocking involves manually changing your clock speeds from the bios and then testing your results until failure, finding the optimal maximum clock speed your cpu is capable of, which is not always the same even for the same model of CPU. What you have done is essentially a false overclock. You cant rely on software to tell your CPU what speeds to run at. You need to manually change what those speeds are. If you did not build your computer yourself, it is likely that your computer's bios is locked and it won't allow you to manually change your clock speeds. This is usually why people resort to software to begin with, but it rarely works right. But don't fret. It is likely that you still have some options to attain higher speeds in your bios. I have avoided manually overclocking myself because I don't currently have the proper cooling to support it, but I have turned on two features in my bios that I've gotten a pretty large jump in performance from. I turned on "turbo toost," and "multi core enhancement," which are both by default turned off. I am using an Intel CPU. AMD likely has other similar features you can explore in your system's bios, but I would recommend doing a bit of research on what those options are before using them. edit: I see that you are talking about overclocking your GPU. This may not be possible from the bios, though it is still worth a look. I would consider alternative software if you are committed to overclocking your GPU, or just upgrade your card. I use something called OC Guru II to control my GPU fan speeds, which is an alternative to Nvidea Control Panel, the Nvidea equivalent of AMD Catalyst Control. See if you can find your card manufacturer's website. You might find software specifically suited to your GPU model. I will say though that while the graphics card you have isn't exceptionally powerful, you may still want to focus your attention on your CPU for higher fps in Day Z edit 2: I have underlined the part of this post that directly addresses your question.
  6. Solopopo

    Day Z Is Going In the Right Direction

    At this point, I think there is more than enough proof that they will pull this off. If they never released Day Z as alpha we would hear nothing but praise for the work they've done. It's not like any other companies are doing this. They are pushing the boundaries of what's possible every day. It's only in light of the fact that it was expected so long ago that it begins to seem less impressive, and I don't mean to say the time frame in which they have accomplished their work is unimpressive, because it actually is impressive. I only mean to say they essentially promised it sooner, which was a mistake. My concern is that once the game becomes open to the community, they will strip Day Z of it's survival emphasis and enforce hardcore PvP. This is what happened to Day Z Mod over time. Day Z SA is built on the concept of the original mod. Towards the end of Day Z's original life-cycle, with mods like Epoch and Overpoch, the game had lost a good bit of it's original spirit, and all anyone wanted to do was kill each other. Sure, we will have the option to play on servers customized however we like, and some servers will emphasis survival. Options are good for sure. I am concerned though that the majority of the community will shift what Day Z is to something it's not over time. This has always been a concern looming in the back of my mind, even from the start. This is partly why I was motivated to post this. The devs, particularly Brian Hicks, have an incredible vision of what Day Z should be. Despite where it's at now, and where it was in the past, where they mean to take Day Z is unquestionably golden. I hope that Day Z will indeed succeed in spite of it's players, as grandbob said above. And I hope I will be able to find good vanilla servers even years after Day Z SA's official release, and good modded ones too of course.
  7. Solopopo


    Just because something is actually hard in Day Z for a change, that doesn't mean it's OP. I have yet to be killed by wolves.
  8. Solopopo

    Day Z Is Going In the Right Direction

    If you read what I wrote, I acknowledged the engine changes. I said I wasn't impressed given how long it took to release. I am still not impressed, relatively speaking. I am saying now that the game is going in the right direction. The overall development of this game however has been disgraceful. They charged 30 dollars for an alpha, knowing full well the entire thing would need to be gutted eventually. They were fully aware the infrastructure they had then was not suitable to support where they wanted to take the game. Dean Hall himself acknowledged this publicly and then bailed on the entire project. Day Z should never have released as an alpha. It was a shameless cash grab, and no amount of disclaimer writing can change that. The alpha release has only slowed down the development of this game in the long run. They have been dividing their attention between stable branch and actual development. The concept of early access is a plague to the gaming industry. The fact that they are now getting their s*** together does not change that. I do believe that it is important to acknowledge when things have been done right, regardless of any other issues surrounding them. That's why I say Day Z does indeed deserve some criticism: the right criticism. We don't want them thinking they are doing it wrong once they've finally started doing it right. I have been following this game for a long time. I stopped giving BI the benefit of the doubt a long time ago. Now that I have had a good amount of time with .61, and I've read into what the devs are working on currently, I am willing to acknowledge that things are going in the right direction. That does not mean I think BI has done a good job up until now, or that they are deserving of much more than a steady golf clap. It means am confident that Day Z will someday soon be what it was always meant to be, and that it will be great. Early access is a very real threat to the gaming industry. Charging money for promises is bad practice. It turns out that BI is respectable enough to follow through on promises. One look at Arma 3 proves that. It started out as an Alpha that is now a great game BI is still working on for free at this point. Charging money for an unfinished product on the promise that it will be better one day is wrong, because there is no legal obligation to deliver, and many companies have taken to this strategy to make money with no intention of ever delivering. It turns out that BI is not one of these companies, but only recently have I been able to say that with confidence. Day Z gave life to the early access craze that is now strangling the industry of it's integrity and passion. It is very hard to forgive such a thing, even if Day Z becomes the greatest game of all time.
  9. Solopopo

    from fun to pretty much unplayable

    The game is better now than it's ever been before. I have full confidence in the direction the developers are trying to take Day Z. Whether or not they can get it there is another matter, but the development direction is not the problem. Zombies are the threat they were always meant to be now. You say you enjoyed running around avoiding other players and zombies, while just looting and exploring. From what you are saying it seems that you would prefer a completely empty Chenenarus all to yourself. That is the exact opposite of what I want, and I'm sure it's not what other players want, and thank god it's not what BI wants. The general feeling of emptiness is what I wanted taken out above all things, and they have delivered. Your criticisms are baseless, and frankly you need to pick up a weapon and learn how to swing it.
  10. Solopopo


  11. So I gave .61 a shot last night after not playing for a while and I have to say, I am almost impressed. Dynamic spawning of infected has actually added something to the game. I say something because objectively not very much has been added. But from a relative standpoint this has added enormously to the game, considering that it is rare for anything meaningful to be added at all. I know that the game has been optimized and a 64-bit launcher has been released, but these things were expected, and in fact they were expected for too long, and really aren't things BI should be celebrated for. If anything, the best response I can manage from those changes is "it's about time," and I think a lot of people will echo that sentiment. The game could be as crisp and clean as ever, but all that would amount to nothing if there was still absolutely nothing to do, which is what has come to characterize the Day Z experience up until this point. Now, appropriate zombies spawn in the appropriate places, and they drop loot. The world is actually populated with threats, and dispatching those threats has a chance for reward, and getting better at dealing with those threats is actually worthwhile to do; and, dare I say, fun. I found a random house out in the woods where a farmer type zombie spawned who was obviously intended to be the former owner. I explored a small medical outpost and encountered a nurse zombie. I've also started noticing small things added to the world for immersion purposes. I walked into a garage, found broken glass on the ground, looked up, and wouldn't you know it, I could see the broken glass ceiling it fell from. It had me wondering how it broke, and when. It's actually starting to feel like there is a story to this game, which is crucial for it's overall development. So I have to say it BI, you did something. It's immediately apparent that something has been added to the game, without having to reference update logs. You deserve a slow golf clap, nothing more.
  12. Solopopo

    How's this game doing?

    edit: my opinion on this has changed. Day Z is significantly better.
  13. Solopopo

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    I really couldn't care less. I paid for zombies, like everyone else.
  14. Solopopo

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    Three things? I think that's a little too much to expect from this development team. I want ONE thing, and they have consistently failed to deliver it from the start: zombies that are actually a threat, and a lot of them. The game is called Day Z for Christ's sake. We need zombies. IMO they shouldn't have moved on to designing wolves before getting zombies right. That doesn't make any sense.
  15. I really enjoyed Day Z when it first released, despite it's problems. Gearing up and patrolling the coasts was a blast. I still have fond memories of my many PvP encounters. But the game has changed over the years into not only something I enjoy less, but something I literally can't enjoy. Persistence killed Day Z for me, which was a surprise because I thought the idea was great at first. But it has been implemented poorly. Chenarus is too big for the current population Day Z servers are capable of supporting, which is why people tend towards the coasts. But the developers have deliberately implemented spawning mechanisms that put weapons as far away from players as possible, with the intention of encouraging players to explore the rest of the map. But again, Chenarus is too big with the current supported population. It doesn't help that spawning is glitched and many copies of the same loot will spawn in one place, instead of distributing correctly across the map. And to make matters even worse than that, weapons that are in players possession, either on their character, or stashed in containers, don't spawn! The end result of all this is that we are forced to tread enormous distances, as far apart from one another as possible, finding almost nothing. Much of the loot, and even the vehicles designed to facilitate player travel, get horded and hidden away from the rest of us, unused. Wouldn't it be better, and more fun for everyone, to err on the side of too much, instead of too little? There is just never enough loot to go around. The final nail in the coffin for me is that developers have made it so that player's loot gets destroyed if you shoot them. This left me with no incentive left to play. Getting geared is extremely time consuming and boring now, and risking it to kill another player isn't worth it. I know this change, and the previous changes I mentioned, were all made to limit kos killing, and encourage players to role-play and "survive," instead of just kill everyone. The only problem with this philosophy is that the developers have provided little, if anything, for us to survive from, aside from each other. I know wolves are coming, but if they are as scarce as the zombies are, and I bet they will be, they might as well not be there. The game right now is literally a barren waste. Things used to be happening in Day Z. Player encounters were frequent and exciting. The game was louder. More shots and explosions rang out in the distance. Most player encounters come in two varieties nowadays. Either two players encounter one another, exchange greetings, but then shortly after farewells, because there nothing to do together, and nothing to gain from killing one another; or one player scouting out a military camp sees the other first. These are the only encounters there are left to have. Ironically, the game is a tad more kos now then it ever was. In my opinion, we shouldn't be forced to play the game the way it's supposed to be played when the game isn't what it's supposed to be yet. These changes have been half baked. They have had a huge impact on the way people like me play the game. I am not your die hard survivor from the Day Z mod days. I am just a guy coming to the game expecting to get something out of it, without pretending and imagining most of it myself. At the moment, it's hard for a player like me to have fun, and that's a problem. It's a problem for the community, and it's a problem for the development of Day Z as a whole. I am not having fun, and that's just me being purely honest. I desperately want to enjoy Day Z again, but the games current state is unenjoyable, without an enormous effort put forth on my part to make most of the experience up myself. I don't have an aversion to role-playing. I enjoy it, given an environment in which it can flow naturally, but Day Z has not provided that environment. I am not presently satisfied with Day Z's current state or direction. I care about the game, and I hope some of my concerns are addressed, which is why I post at all. Thank you.
  16. I've come to realize that a game like Day Z really needs to be finished and polished for it to deliver the experience it's meant to. The devs are solely concerned with the long term, which makes sense, but it also sort of defeats the purpose of playing alpha to begin with. The devs are not interested in making changes that improve your alpha playing experience. In fact, I had the most fun with the original release. At the moment melee combat is a complete wreck. They broke it a long time ago and never bothered to fix it. Logically it really makes no sense to play Day Z right now. This alpha never should have released. It was a cash grab. If anything it delayed the development of the game because they aren't working towards more profit now. They are just taking their sweet time delivering a product we paid for years ago. I came back recently, after starting and stopping several times, and I can finally say that I don't believe in this product anymore. If I could get a refund now and buy it again when it's ready I would. Day Z needs to earn my respect again because it's a joke right now. There are three glaring issues that have existed since the release that they haven't managed to fix, and I now honestly believe they aren't capable of fixing them. 1. When you are sprinting and try to jump over a small fence your character will frequently stop, crouch, and step over the fence slowly in the crouched position. This has existed from day one and has never been addressed. 2. A lot of the time when you try to take out your weapon with the 1,2,3 hotkeys it won't work. You need to stop and hold the button for it to register. This sucks in combat situations. 3. Ladder deaths and character wipes are still a thing, and I suspect now that they ALWAYS will be. 4. Combat in general sucks. Watching two players melee fight is like watching two chickens with their heads cut off fight. Hitboxes are broken and your weapons don't swing through where your cross-hair is aiming. 5. Firearm combat isn't much better. The game is so sluggish and buggy that it pretty much always boils down to who sees who first. Flash bangs and Frag grenades are a joke. You are more likely to hurt yourself with them because they fly one foot in the air, freeze, then explode. Most of these issues are server related, and I don't think they will ever be fixed. They may be made slightly better, but we will always face these problems. They are inherent to the game's terrible foundation. Being a fan of Day Z standalone is synonymous with being gullible and stupid. The devs have their money. They don't care. If you can't see that you are both gullible and stupid. What the current Day Z experience boils down to: You run through a practically barren wasteland with hardly any loot to be found and no players in sight. After 4 hours of holding the w button you manage to get fully geared only to get a random black screen saying you are dead. But how did you die? Did a player shoot you? Did you run too fast? Who knows? This is Day Z. You just spent 4 hours of your life running through a basically empty, yet massive, game world collecting items that are now gone. Either rinse and repeat or play a better game. If you value your time I'd recommend something worth it. TL;DR: Playing Day Z is like playing a game that's in the middle of it's development in the worst possible way. All changes that they have implemented over the years have been to set the stage for future changes. None of their changes have actually improved player's experience with the game. But if this is the case, why is the game out at all? They are not concerned with delivering a playable experience. They hide behind their "this is an Alpha" disclaimer and develop their game they already got paid for at a snails pace. It's despicable really, and you shouldn't support them doing it. They are selfish. They don't care about you. They probably even laugh at you. If you watch the developer updates on youtube they have smug, condescending, attitudes.
  17. I died from climbing a ladder while I was pretty geared up after an exhaustive 6 hour exploration through cherno. I can't remember the last time a ladder killed me. Am I the unluckiest survivor or is this really still a thing?
  18. Solopopo

    Compass always wrong?

    Anyone else notice that compasses don't point the right way? Every compass I find always has north facing the east coast. What's up with that? Also, I found a map, but it only includes the south east part of the map?
  19. Solopopo

    Mosin Sniping is broken

    There are only two things that gave me pleasure in this game: killing people with axes, and killing people with mosins. There is literally nothing left for me now. The last thing I expected after being gone for several months was to come back to a worse game.
  20. Solopopo

    Axes Still Not Fixed?

    Why do I need to stare at the ground while running to swing my axe straight? Anyone? Anyone? I remember not too long ago being called a troll and getting flamed for not knowing this was going to be "fixed" with the next update. That update came, and the problem was addressed in the patch notes. So, um, yeah. It seems like this was intentional. Who thought this was a good idea?
  21. Solopopo

    Axes Still Not Fixed?

    Wonderful, thank you.
  22. Solopopo

    Does carrying a sporter 22 make you a more 'friendly" player

    No, it makes you a noob searching for a better weapon.
  23. The mod could be considered a social experiment. If standalone is an experiment its a rather redundant one; put a bunch of people in a big open world environment with nothing to do but kill each other and they are going to do just that: kill each other.
  24. Solopopo

    Why Did They Break Axes?

    So, I haven't played for several months, and I come back to find that the previous melee system has been replaced with a new one, an awful one. I get why they did it; axe murdering was way too easy, but this is their solution? Why do they have two different swing angles depending on whether or not you are moving? Why am I forced to stare at my target's feet if I want to hit them while running? Why the sky if I'm standing still? They seem to have accomplished what they wanted with this change; it's harder to kill players with axes, and zombies are a little scarier then they previously were, but at what cost? A wonky melee system? I preferred the way it was before. Opinions?