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Everything posted by Solopopo

  1. Solopopo

    What Items are rare?

    The M4 is so common...
  2. It takes some 30 punches to kill anything. You basically are helpless.
  3. Solopopo

    What is the Next Big Patch?

    The developers have set a lengthy time frame for their updates, but I think it's so they don't feel crunched for time. Personally I think we will be seeing more content sooner than they say.
  4. Solopopo

    Compass always wrong?

    All of my tested compasses are pristine, including the one I have now.
  5. Dying isn't blissful whether you know why you died or not.
  6. Solopopo

    Compass always wrong?

    So much work for something that you can get to by simply minimizing the game. Good job on completing the map though.
  7. Solopopo

    The Long Range Scope Quality

    I was testing a damaged 4x acog scope at NWAF about an hour ago. Killed one at 200 range with one shot. The next one took 3 shots, but I think it was just me missing.
  8. Solopopo

    Stuck in an invisible room

    Same thing happened to me. I just kept jumping into the wall until I eventually popped out. A zombie was running into the invisible wall from the other side hitting me. Scary situation to be in. Luckily I popped out before it did too much damage.
  9. Only lost my stuff once. Stopped playing for a while after that. I'm being really careful what servers I choose now and it hasn't happened yet. I'm done for a while if it happens again. It's something worth complaining about imo. Might get them to prioritize this a bit more, because while it may not be a big problem in terms of game development, it is hurting player's experience in a big way. Regardless of whether it's alpha or not, it's in the developer's best interest to keep players from having a bad time with their game, which is in the process of making first impressions on many new players. If most people's first post on this forum is about this issue, it means it's an issue that needs to be addressed seriously, not scoffed at.
  10. Solopopo

    Compass always wrong?

    Not worth risking losing all my items, haha, but thank you. Hmm, I must have two of the same map sections than.
  11. Sorry if this isn't posted in the correct place. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113115 I've upgraded this PC with a Radeon 5770 and a 600 watt power supply. When I'm in big cities I get about 17 frames. In the woods I get about 30-40. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to get higher frames? My CPU is a little under-powered. Dayz Document file language="English";adapter=-1;3D_Performance=46875;Resolution_Bpp=32;Resolution_W=1920;Resolution_H=1080;winX=16;winY=32;winW=800;winH=600;winDefW=800;winDefH=600;refresh=60;Render_W=1920;Render_H=1080;FSAA=0;postFX=0;GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1;GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1;HDRPrecision=8;lastDeviceId="";localVRAM=1062305792;nonlocalVRAM=2147483647;vsync=0;AToC=0;SWLayersCount=0;PipQuality=1;PPAA=0;Windowed=0; Other Dayz Profiles sceneComplexity=200000;shadowZDistance=100;viewDistance=1000;preferredObjectViewDistance=800;
  12. Solopopo

    Should my comp be performing better?

    Don't you mean AM2? I'm trying to avoid upgrading the mobo if possible. Any suggestions for AM2 processors that are better than my current one?
  13. Solopopo

    Should my comp be performing better?

    I've clean installed Windows 7 on this computer. I don't have any bloatware or unneeded processes. The tweaks I've made to those files are in my original post.
  14. Solopopo

    Should my comp be performing better?

    http://www.pcworld.com/product/pg/1130666905/detail This site lists the CPUs compatible with my mobo. Which of these would be best? I'm not sure if my mobo supports FX chips. These are the processors it says are supported by my mobo AMD Sempron|AMD Phenom|AMD Athlon 64 X2|AMD Athlon 64 Unfortunately I don't think I have AM2+, only AM2. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. Solopopo

    Survival in Dayz Mod?

    I've played WarZ for a little while (sinful I know), and recently I played SA. In each survival is a challenge. I purchased Arma2 and fired up DayZ mod on Epoch and I spawned with a bunch of stuff. It's not necessary for me to search for things to survive. Are all the Dayz mods like this? Is there a true survivor experience to be had with the mod? I guess veteran players are tired of all the scrounging for items and just want to get into the action, but I feel like this takes away from the game. My character in Standalone just had all of his items wiped so I'm feeling a little discouraged from playing it. What mod should I play as a beginner?
  16. So I get a red message on my screen saying that no messages had been received from the server. I've seen this message many times before so I just did what I always do when I see it: log out and back in. My character spawned at the beach with nothing. I had pretty much everything a player could want except the Mosin, and I mean everything. I had every attachment for the M4 in pristine condition, including the close and long range scopes, both handheld firearms fully functional, full ammo box, full medkit, 40 round mags for my M4, fireaxe, tactical vest, ballistic helmet, gasmask, functional cooking stove, and enough survival supplies to make it all the way across Chenarus and back twice. Can this just happen at any time? I'm not entirely sure I want to play anymore knowing that, and that's a shame because I was having a blast. I can't believe how much of my life I just sunk into this game to have everything disappear. So many close calls, so much epic loot. I know we all agreed that there would be problems that would get in the way of our gaming experience, but what the hell. I was not expecting this. Can we get a warning or something when stuff like this is going to happen? I've seen in other forums that they inform people on Twitter when they are doing database maintenance. Would it be so hard to give us a warning in game? Something to the effect of, "if you sign on during the hours of x and y, there is a risk that you will lose all of your items" Is that so much to ask for guys? Common.
  17. Solopopo

    How to Heal Yourself?

    Excuse my nubness but how can you heal yourself with medical supplies in game? Can you use medical supplies on yourself? I have a syringe filled with what I think is antibiotics but I can't figure out how to inject it. I have a saline bag and no idea what to do with it. If you are by yourself, how can you heal?
  18. Solopopo

    How to Heal Yourself?

    I like the way you think. Beans for you.
  19. Solopopo

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    Never had trouble with ladders myself. I just walk up to them really slowly. Had one close call where I almost overshot the ladder but I pressed f in time to catch myself in mid aid. I assumed off the bat that ladders would be buggy. Have yet to die from one, but I have had my character completely deleted for pretty much no reason. I had full end game gear. I wish I died the way you did. I would have someone to blame. Hint: myself.
  20. I've been playing only in third person because first person just doesn't feel as smooth as it should. The game seems to run better in third person. Looking around in first person is clunky and awkward, but I do like the idea of locked first person, assuming that it will run better in the future.
  21. Solopopo

    So 48 hours worth of Items just vanished....

    It's the time I'm more concerned about to be completely honest.
  22. Solopopo

    So 48 hours worth of Items just vanished....

    I understand thank you :D. I will try that next time the server I am in resets. If it happens again I will wait. The fear that items could suddenly vanish kind of deters me from trying to make the perfect survivor, which is what was motivating me to play. I was looking forward to making my way back to the coast and role playing a bit as a hero. It was finally time for me to head back from my loot hunt when my items got wiped. The farming is not particularly thrilling to me (although it will probably be more fun when more is going on in the game world). I see it as something to get out of the way, not something to be excited about doing, which sucks considering that it's 90 percent of what you do in standalone at the moment. Anyway, wish me luck. Hopefully Nicolasvei's suggestion works. Server resets are going to be pretty nerve-wracking from now on. Is there a way to tell when a server is going to reset so you can avoid being online during that time?