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About needlessthing

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    On the Coast
  1. needlessthing

    more items...not guns.

    There needs to be more usable weapons put into the game other then guns..... I understand the desire for guns but with zombie a PITA to kill with bare hands and I can go a good hour starting out and not finding an axe. There needs to be more random junk to be used. Examples. 2x4 pieces of wood....with plenty of houses around this should be an easy to find item. Add nails and hammer and you have a 2x4 with nails. Random hard wood stick....come on...the woods? This should be common item. Add knife and you have Sharp Stick. Piece of Pipe....another common item found in houses. I dislike how I can not use a hammer, wrench, or screw driver as a weapon.....this would be pretty common stuff here even seen widely used in Walking dead episodes. I don't care if the animations look like crap...just let me be able to stab zombies with a screw driver. There just need to be more basic melee weapons for the fresh spawn to find to help get us to the next better weapon. All I hear about is more guns to come....other then a shot gun...no more guns need to be put in till there is more basic melee items and more items in general to use.
  2. needlessthing

    Somethings need to change

    you want to get down to brass tax? In an end of the world situation the greatest threat will always be other humans. BUT like stated they will also be the biggest asset. Remaining humans after the dust settles will try to build a new community to assure security and mutual survival. 3 people can build a structure, vehicles, or farm a field while defending each other better then one person can. Right now there are 2 forms of team work team in Dayz...teaming up to hunt for gear and to be a bandit team. The first almost always leads to a bandit group forming. Where is the community aspect? I know it is alpha but all the stuff on the table right now is guns ammo and more guns....oh and some bugs. How about player build safe houses? Trading posts? All of which cant be used if you have to many player kills......ANYTHING to turn the tables from pure ganking to a balance of environmental survive and survival of the "who has the biggest gun and best hiding spot". Even if it were a pure PVP style game it would be a horrible one at that....there is no gun physics. No bullet drop....muzzle flash....no long distance shot sounds. You ever fire a ar-15 in real life? The sound can be heard for miles in open area....the sonic boom from the round alone is enough be heard for miles. And you cant silence an ar-15 unless you use subsonic rounds and even then...you have manually cycle the gun. Yet when I get shot at from across a field all I hear is rounds hitting concrete or windows. Every aspect of the game right now favors the trolls....so as stated SOMETHING need to be put to balance it out....if I wanted to play a FPS then I would go play one. I want a zombie survival game. If this one doesn't change its tune in the coming months..then they will not get another cent from my bank account. I am not going to support something that gives every advantage to trolls and griefers.
  3. needlessthing

    Somethings need to change

    I find it funny that some of you say that KOS is normal play of the game. I understand that the real threat is from players. BUT they should also be the biggest asset in the game that is about survival. I am not asking for player killing to be taken out. But make the incentive for team play more attractive (other then to help each other kill more people). I keep hearing the line "in a real survival situation" If the level of ganking in this gamed was in the real world the human race would have failed in the years we lived in caves. Humans need other people to survive that is the bottom line. All I am asking is something be put into the game to balance out the desire to kill and loot. And the getting killed by a panic or fear is one thing. But the decked out guy sniping anything that moves in Chrono is just deranged. There is no realism. Even if you increase the zombies and make it so no way he can get down without fighting a hoard of dead. He can just server hop. Go to a low pop server resupply and pop back into his sniping spot. Hell I was defending a group of friends in chrono playing lookout on a roof. A bandit took some shots at me but couldn't hit me...5 mins later he had server logged....walked to my position on another server...and then logged back in right next to me and shot me. Yeah that is real life!! come on...the only people defending this game play is griefers and trollers. You want a game that is kill or be killed that is all fine and dandy but make it fair play.
  4. needlessthing

    Somethings need to change

    the game is alpha and I know that. I am also aware that it is only a few weeks out. BUT this is the suggestion section. They obviously want input from players. And despite the game only being a few weeks old...how old is the DAYZ Mod? It is well known from past players of the mod that the ganking is out of hand. Player reaction? It is suppose to be a zombie survival game not a crap your pants everytime you see a player game. I don't even offer help anymore cause as soon as you help someone out or get them started they put an axe in your head to take the little extra you have. There HAS to be a balance...you cant even avenge yourself or kill the offending player cause they now have a massive advantage over you. Sense you respawn with nothing. If you want a PVP game, fine...don't take my gear and let me chase don't the bastard that killed me. You want a survival game? Then make those that wish to be bandits have to pay for it in some way. If you don't then this game will never become what it should and will dwindle away to a few thousand players who are most likely trollers that arnt willing to shell out a cent to improve it.
  5. needlessthing

    Somethings need to change

    urbanskaters I agree with you. I really do like the game and the atmosphere but the game would be amazing if it wasn't for the other players. The PVP thing is way to much. It wouldn't be so bad if you had a fighting chance but with server hoping and no bullet drop the machanics are there for Gankers haven. and they cant call it realistic because in a real survival situation killing everyone you meet would make surviving impossible. If not, a very lonely life. Something needs to be done and done fast or support for this game is going to drop off very fast.
  6. needlessthing

    Somethings need to change

    why no NPC? how about a suggestion otherwise? I think a point system and a couple NPC will add a lot to the game. and help balance out the griefer to friendly ratio out nicely.
  7. needlessthing

    Somethings need to change

    I would like to say I am enjoing the game so far. Great Idea and so far I am happy with most of it. There are a few things that I can see that need to be changed. Aside from the glitches and bugs. First I would like to state that I understand the desire for a realistic zombie survival game. And some of my suggestions might seem to take away from that realism but lets face it. As real as you might like it to be it is still a video game and needs some mechanic to force some more "friendly behavior" Something needs to be changed about the KOSing. The Bandit has all the advantage and there is very few incentives to not killing every survivor you come across. Currently the game mechanics give the Bandit all the advantages. There is not bullet physics that I can see. ( zero bullet drop) don't tell me there is because I have sniped zombies from ridiculous distances with no problem. Something needs to be done with server jumping. I was attacked by a group of bandits and they server jumped across the field I was defending. ( they logged off the server I was on logged on another server to run across the field then logged back on to the server I was on to kill me now that they were closer.) Zero to no muzzle flash. Can not tell where you are being sniped from. Plus no long distance shot sounds. Now I understand that game is super new and in alpha release. But if something isn't done your player base is going to fall off and the game will be left to the griefers and trolls as the players that want to have fun will become frustrated and annoyed. Now I know in a real world survival situation death by other survivors is a real threat so the realism needs to be there in that aspect but sense this is a video game and there is no real threat of repercussions or moral dilemma. Some sorta mechanic needs to be put in place to counter that. Kill point system - more players you kill the more points you earn (that follow you from server to server) and not good points. NPC traders that only have items you can get from them and refuse to trade with people with to many kill points. NPC bounty hunters - that give positive points to players for hunting down people with neg points. Or randomly spawns a hit squad near a player with do many neg points. Only way to reduce neg points is to hunt down other player killers or through healing other player and helping them in other ways.