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Everything posted by Sgt_Slaughter

  1. Sgt_Slaughter

    How many have you killed and why ?

    Kills: 200+ Played: 174 Hours Reasoning: Because after you're geared up theres not much else at this stage of Alpha to do other than hunt players
  2. Sgt_Slaughter

    When is weapon damage being tweaked?

    Dispersion is only a problem when you dont have the optimal parts for the weapon. Stick a compensator on a pristine mosin and it fires dead on. Equip an M4 with magpul parts and its also pretty accurate
  3. Sgt_Slaughter

    When is weapon damage being tweaked?

    I shot a guy about 10 times with an M4 at the Palovo military base before he went down, i then put another 10 shots into him from distance as he lay on the ground to make sure. Thinking he was dead i then went to loot him only to find he was only unconcious, at which point i pulled out my magnum and head shot him to finish him off.... still didnt die, 2nd shot to the head finally finished him. :thumbsup: What a fckin joke
  4. Sgt_Slaughter

    So I tried Hardcore..

    I tried playing hardcore and ended up with a headache after about 20mins due to the crap 1pp camera motion sickness
  5. Sgt_Slaughter

    Do the items in your pocket "save" you

    Well its spoilt all my 1 shot sniper fun thats for sure, i actually have to stalk people and butcher them up close and personal now. B)
  6. Sgt_Slaughter

    Do the items in your pocket "save" you

    Yep, ive been running around pretty much invincible since the last patch. Just stuff every single pocket with as much crap as possible and live forevaaaaar. Srsly tho i took about 4-5 close range shots to the chest and lived. Had healthy status so was back up and runnin in no time. Not that im impressed by the situation, i think its ridiculous and i hope they revert it.
  7. Sgt_Slaughter

    anyone finding pistol red dot sight anymore?

    I have one on my FNX and i found a 2nd that i threw into a bush :P Cant find a LRS anywhere tho. Random loot is random
  8. Sgt_Slaughter

    It takes more bullets to kill with the Mosin now

    I just put 4 Magmum bullets into someones chest from about 10ft away and they lived :o It seems that all the gear you have packed into your 6 slot (pants / chest) now absorbs damage taken down to ruined before the player takes damage. /Lamesauce
  9. Sgt_Slaughter

    Why aren't there 'fat' characters in DayZ?

    Because fat chunks like the OP cant run and if you cant run, you cant escape the zombie hordes and thus your brainz get munched on.
  10. Sgt_Slaughter

    So idk if anyone else noticed this...

    Has it got anything to do with this: Weapons: Ballistic parameters of all projectiles tweaked for more realism (special thanks to Gews for his great analysis on weapon characteristics)
  11. Sgt_Slaughter

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    "Passengers are asked not to board Johnny Derp's troll train, thank you"
  12. Sgt_Slaughter

    why good samiritans irritate me

    Signed in to give Beanz
  13. Sgt_Slaughter

    What are your biggest issues AFTER .114782?

    Characters getting reset by the Server <---> Hive communication issues. Ive lost more chars this way than through being shot and killed by other players
  14. Sgt_Slaughter

    The new Magnum sound..

    Loving the SKS and Mosin sounds - Great job :thumbsup: New Magnum sound is pathetic. Its a god damn hand cannon and i want it to sound like one, not some p.o.s cap gun. >:(
  15. Sgt_Slaughter

    Invincible Server Admins

    Anyone else getting fed up with server admins that immediately press the server restart button when they die? (For anyone that doesnt know, if they immediately reset the server after death the database doesnt have a chance to record the death and when the server restarts theyre alive again) Honestly who needs hacks when you can just rent a server and never have fear of death /Discuss
  16. Sgt_Slaughter

    Invincible Server Admins

    The only way i can see round this problem is if the Dayz team force the server hosting companies to add in a 30 sec delay after the reset button is clicked.
  17. Has anyone thought of trying to join up the dots of the different locations. Might form a symbol on somsin somsin?
  18. Sgt_Slaughter

    How to end kill on sight?

    How to end kill on sight? Simple, dont get seen. /Thread
  19. Certain servers have issues since the last patch. All servers are currently being checked by the Dayz team to solve this issue
  20. Sgt_Slaughter

    Invincible Server Admins

    Its not about changing servers to escape the issue. Its the fact that the server admins are abusing game mechanics to make themselves invincible
  21. Sgt_Slaughter

    Thanks, rocket. Really....

    Well said OP
  22. Sgt_Slaughter

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    is it carl pilkington lol
  23. Sgt_Slaughter

    Is silencer for pistol/M4 working in current build?

    1) find one 2) test it 3) profit???
  24. Sgt_Slaughter

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    TLDR : OP's a carebear
  25. Sgt_Slaughter

    How noticable is the flashlight?

    If youre gonna use a flashlight on a night server you may as well shoot yourself in the face to save the other person from doing so