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Everything posted by Magaz97

  1. Magaz97

    Gamma and Brightness - Night Play

    oh dear......
  2. Magaz97

    [MPGS] Persistence and Auto-Restart Hotfix Deployed

    Not wanting to pick on anyone; and this thread has been amusing..... but the word gentlemen is 'lose'...you 'lose' your gear. Loose, is something completely different. ;) Just saying!
  3. Infected...not undead!
  4. Magaz97

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    Why dont you just go and play the mod then? Leave this 'early access game' alone. No one is forcing you to play the SA.
  5. Magaz97

    Random crying noises

    On stable server, I keep hearing a random crying noise (from my character?). It is the same noise each time and I have heard it about 5 times every 4 or 5 minutes or so. I cant see anything in my status. I am not hungry, thirsty etc....... any ideas what this crying is or what it represents?
  6. Magaz97

    Random crying noises

    I thought I was getting trolled at first, so I moved to another location...same noises. It does sound like it is coming from my character rather than someone else, but I am not 100% sure if this is the case.... I was in the fields near to NW Airfields when I first heard the noises. It is quite a long cry, like an anguished noise rather than a pain noise... if that makes sense? I have not eaten any meat..just tinned stuff and water out of my canteen...nothing er...unsavory, if you know what I mean?
  7. Magaz97

    Random crying noises

    oh..... I was worried that may be it...but I have only been eating canned goods.....honest!
  8. Great story. I read it and thought it was a good example of unexpected game play. Nice one. Good Grief.....get over yourself!
  9. Magaz97

    What a noob

    I have many hours of Dayz game time. I have recently returned to hardcore servers for better game play and hopefully less 'noob' behavior. With my new 'toon', I ventured North, looting and gearing up as I went. I had done quite well; had managed to scavenge enough food, supplies and weapons to survive, and so, I went to explore the new town in the North; Novodmitrovsk. I sat up on the escarpment for 20 minutes watching. I did not see another soul. In fact, I had not seen anyone for a couple of hours. So I ventured into town. I was probably a little careless, but I went to the first supermarket, next to the factory. There was a water bottle outside, which I decided would be a good addition to my survival gear. As I was arranging my gear, I heard footsteps, running towards me. I leveled my 'Blaze' as a deterrent, and watched as a new spawn (looking) player ran at me. He was wearing jeans and a white T Shirt. Without saying a word he launched into me with his fists. No interaction whatsoever, no 'game play', just an immediate attack. He got in two punches and down I went, unconscious. As I fell, I pulled the trigger, BANG BANG. I came around about 2 minutes later. I was still fully kitted and my aggressor had gone. Great game play my little friend, now f**K off back to new spawn land! I carried on exploring. I managed to pick up bits of loot and made my way towards the big government building. I knew it was dangerous, but I was careless. In a moment of stupidity, (what a noob!) I stood and looked at a pile of weapons. they were just lying there on the floor, in the square. Hmmm, I thought to myself, what are they? I stood and looked a little longer. Out in the open, staring at a pile of weapons......well, guess what happened next. I heard a ping and then my screen went black. YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS. Followed shortly by YOU ARE DEAD. What an idiot. What a noob. I was so obviously set up, I only have myself to blame for being such an idiot! Oh well, off to 'new spawn land' for me too. Hardcore servers is the way to go. More immersion and heightened levels of anxiety. I will be back.
  10. Magaz97

    What a noob

    Yup, once you have accepted that it is part of the game, I love the challenge of 'new spawning' and starting again. I seem to start off quite reckless and then get a little more cautious as I go. Although I was obviously not cautious at all with my last 'toon'. Here we go, let's see what adventures await!
  11. Magaz97

    M4 Silencer

    Interesting. Thanks for the info. I did wonder why you would need such extensive training. :)
  12. Magaz97

    You lose stuff when you swim

    Have you tried swimming with a rifle and back pack?
  13. Magaz97

    M4 Silencer

    Isnt it strange that despite being told that the moniker 'Son' is perceived as derogatory, he continues to use it. I think it is fantastic that a medic has been trained to use 42 different weapons though. :)
  14. Magaz97

    Realistic player identification

    My thoughts- Rather than a HUD which displays names over the character 'toon' you get a message. Like the current server messages. Something like- 'You see someone that you have seen before' (For those not on your friend list, but you have had some interaction with.) 'You see your friend "Magaz" - (For those on your friend list) 'You see soemeone that you do not recognise- (For new interactions) These messages do not show you where the character is -They only display when you are 'focused' on the other character, in close enough range to recognise them. Again, just some ideas. :)
  15. Magaz97

    Witnessed an epic showdown at NEAF

    Erm..no they don't :)
  16. Magaz97

    Banned when i was hacked.

    Cynicism is a terrible thing. Can anyone cure me?
  17. Magaz97

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    I think you will find that it doesnt. It may have in the future though :)
  18. Magaz97

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Well at least there are more people aware of the 'variable' now, so there will be more testing done. More reports to follow I am sure. This is the internet, home of the unhelpful and rude. Playground of the keyboard warrior. Don't let it get you so upset! Enjoy dayz and stay safe (unless killed by a new 'variable')
  19. Magaz97

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    More of a feature than an issue? I take it the last line is a rhetorical question?
  20. Magaz97

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Right in the 'irony' there. Oof that hurt.
  21. Magaz97

    If you get shot at what do you do?

    Advance to contact. Wait out.
  22. Magaz97

    Would you approach me or KOS?

    Reminds me of West World! Yul Bryner.