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Everything posted by kiwi_laurel

  1. kiwi_laurel

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Honestly, what was the reasoning behind choosing to base this game off the ARMA engine? I know that's where it began from the mod, but for the standalone, I thought it would have been a much better idea to start fresh? Rather then trying to work from something that seems so broken to begin with... I mean, you can't polish a turd...
  2. kiwi_laurel

    Broken leg, no respawn option

    Just leave the server and rejoin, and fixed! I reckon that it isn't a bug and its intentionally like that until you can actually make yourself a splint.
  3. kiwi_laurel

    Why ARMA Engine?

    The clunkiness, the lag for changing guns etc etc, zombies running through walls, the hand to hand combat, these are all things that have been there from the get go in ARMA. Shit, even ARMA 3 ain't that great. It just seems this game is severely limited by the engine.
  4. kiwi_laurel

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Making one that actually worked properly would have been much more beneficial in the long run...
  5. kiwi_laurel

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    When you couldn't loot bodies it was the absolute worst thing. But now that you can, I don't really see it as much of an issue, its pretty good sniping at a building and popping one of them off, then looting their body for all their shit lol
  6. kiwi_laurel

    Why ARMA Engine?

    It is a lot of work, but would of thought it would have been better to start fresh... Build their own engine to do the job. This game will never reach the masses purely because it will never be that polished, there issues in it that are engine based... and while we may learn to deal with them, newcomers will simply laugh and toss it aside as a half ass beta.
  7. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    How does it put imbalance into the game when EVERYONE can use it? 1PP people cannot gain any situational awareness without COMPLETELY exposing themselves. That is totally unrealistic. Calling 3PP view an exploit is stupid, I understand the reasons against it, I know the reasons for it, but what you guys keep using in your explanations is just mind boggling. You claim its more realistic, when it certainly is not, due to limitations of a game you have no feel, you cannot move your eyes separately to your head, you are very limited in sight and sound, it would be like walking around looking through a small box and wearing ear muffs that translate the sounds of the world into 2 speakers. How is this more 'realistic' then being able to see around a corner without exposing yourself? The answer is... it's not! Its just at a different end of the scale. You cannot argue this, this is simple fact! 3PP view allows certain unrealistic features, or exploits as you may call them, to make up for the fact we are playing a game, and will (at least for now) forever be limited to the fact that it is a game. To argue that 3PP view is an exploit is absurd, and to assume 1PP view is more realistic is retarded.
  8. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    If the zombies are relying entirely on line of sight forever, then my hopes for this game are plummeting.
  9. Honestly, if you haven't played a decent tactical 3rd person shooter (and to be honest, there aren't many around nowadays) then you arguement is invalid. Without having the experience of playing such a game, how can you comment on how the game plays? I spent the best part of 3 years playing Socom 2, and the rest playing a mix of the rest of the Socom series and every major fps since. I can tell you without a doubt which perspective provides the better gameplay and most realism overall. If you have only ever played 1st person tactical shooters then you really are missing out.
  10. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Do you honestly think there is that much difference in the way you play in the different views? Not likely...
  11. Someone attacking a defending room in 3pp can pear in without risking his neck, and from there can make a tactical decision as to what to do, they may be able to see someone proning on the ground watching the doorway, they now have a chance, they can pop out and try to shoot them, chances are they guy waiting will probably kill him, but the attacker may catch him by surprise and come out on top. In 1pp this is heavily biased to the defender, who can just sit there and wait, the attacker most likely won't even know about the defender, stroll on in through the door and get shot. Yes, defending in 3pp can mean you can camp unseen, and watch your enemy, but you still must expose yourself in order to fire, and if the guy attacking is aware of you, then that is risky, and it could go eitherway.
  12. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    There is no extra work to be had... 3pp is already there... we already have 2 games as such... The same arguement that always pops up is being able to periscope lol. But how is having to stick nearly my entire head out of the window to see anymore realistic? I don't get it. The are advantages and disadvantages to both. Either view changes the way you play the game.
  13. Of course, it has it has its downfalls, but the same can be said for 1pp view. No matter what, corners are always an issue, 1pp view is to limiting, requiring to much exposure in order too see around, making the risk much higher then it should be, 3pp exposes too much for no risk at all. Essentially you change the way the game is played at these points, usually swinging the advantage from the defender, to the attacker. In the end it is a game, and as such, sacrifices to realism have to be made. I much prefer the 3rd person approach, it provides much more realistic movement and basic gameplay, and when it comes to cqc, generally it can go either way, rather then simply rewarding the player who camps it out. Which to me is important.
  14. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Yea not too sure what Skinup was trying to say lol. The way it is at the moment works, having separate dedicated 1pp servers is really the best way, it changes the way you play the game, and we essentially end up with 2 games for the price of 1
  15. Yes, but in 1pp view you have to expose nearly your entire head to see, often more! How is that more realistic? Imagine if the U.S. Military service men all had to look through a square box, weren't able to feel, couldn't use their hands except for a few basic things like holding and firing a weapon, couldn't even push a bush slightly over in order to see past it. You get what I'm saying? There are certain limitations to a game, and a 3rd person view provides a slight alternative to these limitations.
  16. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    As per my last post...
  17. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    That's bullshit. Suppressive fire can be used to pin down an enemy as per usual, sure they may still be able to see some of their surroundings, but realistically in a real gunfight you can still slightly peak and see anyway! Basic tactics work just the same with suppressive fire keeping an enemy pinned while someone else flanks them.
  18. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Yes, but at the opposite end of the scale is 1pp view, where you can't even risk a peak because you know you are guaranteed to be shot due to exposing so much of yourself. Infact, you can generally be shot without ever being able to see around the corner. Neither view is entirely realistic, but trying to say 1pp is the most realistic is a joke. And suppressive fire still works as per usual, you still have to expose yourself to return fire. No matter how you look at it this is a game, and both views have their advantages and disadvantages and trying to rule one out entirely is absurd.
  19. I agree that it could do with some tweaking for balance and realism, but to remove it completely is absurd. You should be able to see over any wall that is realistically able to be seen over in real life, ie a 7ft wall would be no issue, however a 10ft one would be impossible without a step. Until there is a realistic alternative to placing nearly your entire head around a corner to see, there isn't really much of an option other then to have 3pp. Honestly, how it is at the moment is fine and works, sure, there may be some unrealistic traits, but hey, 1pp shares many of those some traits, just at the other end of the scale. There is no reason to not have 1pp dedicated servers, the gameplay is different and you essentially end up with 2 games for the price of one.
  20. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Try sneaking up and handcuffing someone in real life... I bet you would find the result to be closer to the 3rd person perspective of the game rather then the 1st person perspective. Again, this is a limitation of a game, where there is no feel, no senses other then direct sight and sound. Then not to mention the required animations etc
  21. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Compare how much you need to expose of your head to see around a corner in real life, too how much you need to in game, you will be surprised it how little a target you can be and still have clear vision. Now factor in the ability to bend up and down, lie flat on the ground if you have too. This is something that at this stage is not possible to represent realistically in a game, 3pp view is the next best alternative. It does allow you to see around a corner without exposing yourself at all, but its much more realistic and much better gameplay then sticking out half your head and exposing yourself. Hiding in a bush is a very good example of 1pp view being unrealistic and a nuisance.
  22. With greater awareness of your surroundings, you can tell when you are hidden, you can realistically see around objects that you should easily be able to see around in real life without majorly exposing yourself. You can move more precisely, more stealthily, sticking to cover much more realistically.
  23. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I can tell you from experience with entirely 3rd person only shooters, that sneaking up on someone isn't an issue. By the time you see them they have already struck a blow to the back of your head. And honestly you generally can't see them until they are literally touching you, which in real life you will notice, whereas in a game in 1pp you wouldn't have a clue.
  24. Would you not turn your head to the side and peer round a corner instead of exposing your entire forehead? I know I certainly would
  25. kiwi_laurel

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    why does everyone consider 3pp an exploit? it makes up for the lack of movement and vision that a game can provide. The game does not allow you to pull yourself up a wall to peer over it. You cannot peek around a corner in 1pp without exposing half your head, you can't even see out off a bush without majorly exposing yourself. These are things you CAN do in real life, and 3pp view makes up for that. It allows a certain awareness of your close surroundings, things you could usually see in your peripheral vision, like the grass at your feet, or a right beside you. I understand alot of you think it is much more immerserve in 1pp, but please stop referring to 3pp view as an exploit, when it plainly isn't. Until such time that a game allows you to move like a real person, 1pp view will always be less realistic then 3pp, and as such, less enjoyable.