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About RosemaryAndBob

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RosemaryAndBob

    Suggestion: multiple characters

    I was thinking about this as well. I would love to have a solo player that I could go adventuring on without screwing up my position with my 'co-op' character with my friend. However, my concern with that would be that people would exploit it and have multiple characters in the same spot on the map waiting to log in and kill the person that just killed them. "Scumbaggery" would become a more difficult thing to manage I think. Perhaps make it so that you can't use multiple characters on the same server? Create extra characters that are bound to a specific server? Just some thoughts. ^^
  2. RosemaryAndBob

    Not only Zombies

    This will be an awesome addition (assuming it is ultimately patched in) but I don't think it's one of the immediate things I would request. I'm more interested in a higher frequency of item spawns first and foremost. I don't know if anyone else is seeing an issue with that, but even without a wide variety of things to futz around with (for the time being) it certainly seems like there's an incredibly low spawn rate on stuffs. Maybe I've just been unlucky XD