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Everything posted by robbyj

  1. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    playing with friends :D ep5
  2. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    newsreporter! ep4
  3. robbyj

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    you can't read.
  4. robbyj

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    yeah, that's what i am saying, people are saying this site shows who is attacking dayz right now. but how can they know that?
  5. robbyj

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    http://map.ipviking.com/ says hitting st louis. is that where dayz is based out of or something? How do we know for sure that this website is displaying the attack on dayz servers and not something else
  6. robbyj

    shoot through windows?

    I don't understand this. Please clarify?
  7. robbyj

    Best Gear IMO

    Well, yes. I am. For the sake of other newer players. Not that you would try to understand from my viewpoint.
  8. robbyj

    Best Gear IMO

    Thanks for your opinion, I am not sure if this was the best place for it though. If you are an experienced player, wait until you have some more posts before you, "preach" to other noobs that will listen to anything you say. It seems like you are making some kind of a guide for players. If you just want to ask for help on a load out, say so! You tagged this "survival guide" and "pvp guide". This is your first post, I wouldn't be showing others how to play unless you state some serious background you could mention.
  9. robbyj

    Hey... You friendly?

    Just thinking about the idea posted above, if anyone is interested in creating a community based on what I posted above, please message me. No, you would not need coding experience.
  10. robbyj

    Hey... You friendly?

    Without attachment to the server you are on. Through side chat (meeting people), or building a base (some place you can call home), players have no need to work together. In Dayz Standalone, your gear is worth more than your friendship to someone you don't know. In an odd sense, by killing a player the dead player helps the survivor every way he can. The killer gets his choice of everything you worked for, giving him the best chance at survival. Although, I do come with hope! Right now, I suggest hardcore players join servers that force all participants to role play, to maintain a presence in a VOIP or IRC channel. (in case issues arise) and as always, make sure your servers are password protected. Hey wait, rjclock this doesn't exist! Well, why not make it happen? I can already see people lining up to get on a server like that! Welp, there may be SIMILAR servers, but none to the extent I am speaking of. Something that would literally change the game. With a dedicated number of role players, a controlled forum, irc channels, teamspeak server, it would flourish. Ideas: (remember, all of this must be player controlled. so recording, proper interviews of players, dedicated staff, would all be needed.) Human TradersFriendly Gang Controlled TownsDesignated Kill Zones
  11. robbyj

    Windows 8 and Dayz

    please take a picture of the EULA file in its directory using windows explorer.
  12. robbyj


    this video creeped me out and reminded me of how poor the pvp and horizontal movement was. good job, i guess? :beans:
  13. robbyj

    Suggestion Weather Sync

    Many people don't like playing in the rain. It isn't uncommon.
  14. robbyj

    Unwanted Follower...

    ^_^ seems that way.
  15. robbyj

    Do gas stations damage V3Ss?

    A while ago, I remember blowing gas stations up. I really wouldn't waste the ammo on it to try and blow up a truck. Unless it parks inside for some reason of course. Shoot the driver, less of a mess. :)
  16. robbyj

    Arm fatigue

    You never shake from holding a gun. 9lbs is not much. I can see lactic acid buildup and having your arms burn, but not shake.
  17. robbyj

    What would YOU class as HARDCORE?

    Hardcore: Has unlocked achievement, 24hr bender complete. There is no other definition mate. B) B)
  18. robbyj

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    now offline :|
  19. Ping the server, successful? Post your traceroute to the server. Successful? Set a proxy as your default gateway for all external connections. Switch to google dns.
  20. robbyj

    Overpoch Not Loading

    Post how!!
  21. Obviously you are running as administrator, right?
  22. robbyj

    Cannot join OverPoch

    Send me a picture of his mod folder.
  23. Useless thread is useless.
  24. robbyj

    The End of The Oldest Server

    Backdoor advertising at its finest. B)
  25. robbyj

    DayZ X-Mas Tree

    Sup roose. Nah, gfx, aren't bad, and the Standalone's render is dodgy at best.