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Everything posted by robbyj

  1. robbyj

    hello little worries

    Hello, I would ignore the virus sign in game for now. Your player may vomit, but as far as I can tell, your player will not die from being sick and will eventually heal. Remember not to eat uncooked meat and not to drink from ponds or other water sources that are not purified. This can make your player sick. Additionally, if your player has bloody hands, wash them off before eating food.
  2. robbyj

    Updated wiki?

    https://dayz.gamepedia.com/DayZ_Standalone_Wiki https://www.ign.com/wikis/dayz http://dayz.wikia.com/wiki/DayZ_Wiki are all missing information, is there an updated wiki somewhere? particularly with crafting recipes?
  3. BI Staff, what software development model is currently in use for DayZ and has it ever changed over the years? I believe there could be a Harvard course taught just on how staff took a game with a cult like following, made wrong decision after wrong decision since 2013 and then finally walked the original fan base behind the shed to finish the job in 2018 by slapping a fake 1.0 sticker on the game. I am genuinely interested if anyone could offer serious analysis on who called the shots over the years, why core features like base building were put off for so long, and why features such as melee combat are given so much more attention than ranged combat. In a game where all the marketing and pr were literally handed to you, why did you choose to re-invent the wheel?
  4. agile really calls for rapid software development and software that can respond quickly to changing requirements without excessive rework. customer involvement? sure. incremental delivery? if delivering the same version week after week with different sounds or colors counts, yes. people over process? all i see is people leaving, maybe not a good team to begin with. embrace change? no. maintain simplicity? no. overall i'd give their agile score badly damaged PU scope / 10
  5. Dayz was hanging off a cliff and the only thing that could save it was a well timed 1.0 release. Telling the world you are out of early access is synonymous with saying, "I'm ready to compete with the world, I'm of quality to be displayed to the masses". Blasting a siren to invite media, streamers, reviews, & critics knowing damn well the game can't hold a candle to any title on the market was simply the most bone-headed decision I have ever had the misfortune of watching unfold on in my life. And all in the name of selling a few copies to unaware players? You have to really not care about your brand to let your reputation be torn to pieces by every online gaming author who can get their paws on a keyboard in the sake of a quick cash grab. To use your sandwich analogy you could set up to sell to cars busses planes and trains but the second someone tries your sandwich and finds out its terrible they won't be buying another. So congratulations you sold a few extra sandwiches now everyone who bothers to read a review knows to steer clear of your shop. Wasted money on all the extras without improving the core product. Replace elon musk with dayz 1.0 in this clip. this is the point im trying to make *writing this at 5am hope it makes sense
  6. Restructuring DayZ at the development phase is a bad idea. PR was on lock. Marketing was on lock. Other games in the genre couldn't hold a candle to DayZ Mod. If the flagship isn't a shining beacon of excellence, no one will give the rest of the fleet a second look. Why sacrifice the choke hold on the PC world for unproven waters? (Not assuming you defend BI here, my reply was in reference to your post but open to all for response)
  7. Reuse-oriented model which could have been agile would be my guess before they decided to create enscript and what came along with it. But it's like they took the parts that worked, threw them out the window, added features that didn't exist and never replaced the old working parts.
  8. robbyj

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    > game failing > open modding so community can do what we cant > not selling any new copies > slap 1.0 on next update > trick people on steam by offering 15% off for "1.0" & a free weekend classic.
  9. robbyj

    THE PUB r/dayzPub

    ╔═════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ https://new.reddit.com/r/dayzPub/ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════╝
  10. robbyj

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    The exp branch was a bare-bones branch of the game supposed to test cutting-edge features. Not try on different baseball caps. Some features and items were removed on purpose for performance or ease of operation. Like I said before, crafting recipes and other functions of the game may be enabled at will by the player from within the server files. If you take a look, you will see it's all there, just disabled or modified for testing.
  11. robbyj

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    Yes. That's a "post 1.0" feature now see ya in 2020
  12. robbyj

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    You can add most pre .63 items back into the game manually through the xml files on the server. I actually do that for the baseball caps cause I wanted them as well
  13. robbyj

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    There isn't a shot in hell the game will be bug or desync free. Don't be naive as you were when you thought you were going to get all of the features you wanted.
  14. robbyj

    Are MOTD's Broken?

    v0.63.148820. I know there was a small update last night, can anyone confirm if their MOTD from the serverDZ.cfg is working as of this patch? Thank you
  15. robbyj

    THE PUB r/dayzPub

    Broke the top 100 on Gametracker. Thank you to everyone who has been coming in to check out the server. Mid term week is over, more updates coming this week!
  16. robbyj

    THE PUB r/dayzPub

    Third Server Update, https://www.reddit.com/r/dayzPub/comments/9l8gco/10318/
  17. robbyj

    THE PUB r/dayzPub

    Second server update,
  18. robbyj

    THE PUB r/dayzPub

    First server update,
  19. robbyj

    How to display player count on your server

    Are you using any other RCon tool besides BEC?
  20. robbyj

    Player joins server - announcement

    I'm writing a BEC plugin as we speak that will work for everyone's server no matter what version of windows you are using to host your server and will use BEC's scheduler instead of the window's scheduler. Expect a link to github within the next 24 hours to download!
  21. robbyj

    Are MOTD's Broken?

    This is my MOTD that isn't working motd[] = {"DAYZ","Welcome to The Pub /r/dayzPub","+Improved Spawnpoints +Removed Stamina +Starter Kit","Cheers"}; motdInterval = 10;
  22. robbyj

    Player joins server - announcement

    DaRT won't but RCON will and I personally know a way to make it work for BEC. I'm at work right now but when I get out I'll type something up
  23. robbyj

    Player joins server - announcement

    DaRT has the capability to do this, but not out of the box. Here's the source. https://github.com/DomiStyle/DaRT And are you sure you want to do this right now though? It's just going to say, "Survivor" has joined a bunch of times.