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Everything posted by robbyj

  1. robbyj

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Irons work. They are not "good". What do you mean by cheap? Cheaper then a $300 scope? Where are your priorities in a zombie apocalypse. The whole realism argument is so retarded. We fight that we should have boring guns because that is most common and cost effective, mean while we are able to sprint for an infinite distance, and magically repair bullet wounds with rags. Done with people like you. Also, "If the world truly did end the chances of encountering 4x 1500+ dollar scopes for your weapons would be extremely rare." you don't know that. "Irons don't break." Iron sights can and do break.
  2. More storage!!! The option to bury one of those plastic yellow containers would be nice.
  3. robbyj

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Has anyone thought of adding more scopes, and by scopes I mean a lot of scopes. I feel so constricted right now. I guess some will come in the future, but it should really be priority as new weapons come out. I hate seeing guns without attachments or extra goodies with them. So basic. >:(
  4. robbyj

    Out of memory? Memory leak need help.

    I do not believe it will be fixed because I don't think many users get this problem and I am assuming you built your PC by yourself so any warranty/part compatibility is not 100%. What I would recommend doing is posting a system log while your game gets this leak. Then it would be easier to determine the cause.
  5. New location of the balota camp? Did they seriously just pick it up and move it?
  6. robbyj

    Out of memory? Memory leak need help.

    Hardward compatibily issue on your end? I doubt re-installing the game is going to do anything to fix the issue, but if it was a serious leak I am sure it would have been reported by now.
  7. robbyj

    Character Resets

    To be safe, ensure you are not connecting to severs between the times 8:00AM and 9:20AM. The server may not be connected to the central hive at this time. If you want to completely get rid of this issue. Get access to a private hive of Dayz servers.
  8. robbyj

    Damn Grafik Bugs, never happend till .49

    Try using this. In the 5% chance this actually works well hey you fixed it. If not, try playing in windowed mode and fullscreen. See if that solves the problem. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/troubleshoot-monitor-and-video-card-problems
  9. robbyj


    So, you are playing, playing, playing, and all of a sudden the game shuts down with no warning. Could you please post a system log while this is happens? Otherwise no one can tell you for sure what is causing this crash. If you don't want to do that, please try and play in windowed mode.
  10. robbyj


    I don't understand.
  11. robbyj

    Microphone not working only in Dayz

    Can you send me a picture of your audio recording devices
  12. robbyj

    Assault weapon ammo?

    Loot tables as you know have been changed. I would not server hop for loot. Your best bet is to search helicopter crashes, or if you are in balota, head to the military base to your NW. Not the airfield.
  13. robbyj

    .49 Is not an improvement

    i just dont understand why anyone would post a thread like this. Ovbiously every developer and player knows about these issues and they will be addressed. I feel like opening the same argumets doesnt get more attention, just more bickering. example melee needs to be fixed. zombie pathfinding is off. DUH. just read the patch notes .49 was not even meant to be a complete fix for any of those bugs.
  14. robbyj

    Cattle Prod

    i still prefer a fireaxe over the prod. I just feel like the range is longer. i find prods all over cherno if you want one.
  15. robbyj

    Dear NW Airport Patron:

    pics or it didnt happen.
  16. as of .49 zombies can still move through closed doors, and become invisible in buildings which also increases their attack speed.
  17. robbyj

    The mouse needs to be fixed

    also with the mouse how about that insanely low dpi moving laterally. hot damn. unless you hold alt it feels like forever to look to one side
  18. robbyj

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    Tweets are meaningless. Before .49
  19. robbyj

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    Highlighted in Yellow.
  20. robbyj

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    This has happened to me in the past. Please stick to official servers and tell me if you have the same problem.
  21. robbyj

    Zombies Opening Doors

    I thought I read somewhere in a change log that zombies can now walk up stairs, however they can not open doors. Well, I shut a door behind me, tabbed out of game to check a map, and well. Zombies went through the door. Can someone clarify? Also, general thread should zombies be able to open doors?
  22. robbyj

    Zombies Opening Doors

    Read my signature...
  23. Hm. I guess there is no need for me to write this twice. I will say this though. Please please please do not look for a free program to do your recording. Buy it, set it up right, and enjoy.