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Everything posted by robbyj

  1. robbyj

    Customizable/ moddable clothing

    clothing, yes. guns, not so simple.
  2. robbyj

    I can't find helicopter crash

    without persistance? means without tents right?
  3. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    another relaxing mission ep3
  4. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    fun with missions ep2
  5. robbyj

    How did this not kill this player?

    No. I am talking about the first video, not the second. Yes, his client registered the hit. The server also registered the hit. The victim also registered the hit. If the server didn't know the player was shot, why would the victim start running away, or why would his clothing become ruined.
  6. robbyj

    Overpoch Not Loading

    Missing images or "textures" could stop you from joining an overpoch server. I would recommend installing all DayZ related mods if you are looking for a nuke solution. The alternate solution would be actually looking in the folders and replacing the missing files. If you don't know how to do this, don't waste your time looking it up. It may be too tedious.
  7. robbyj

    How did this not kill this player?

    "assume". Funny. I do not assume anything the blood effect doesn't mean. The hit was registered. B)
  8. robbyj

    How did this not kill this player?

    broke arm, okay. hit back pack, okay. missed a few beads, okay. lag, okay. shotgun doesn't do much damage, no. 12g buckshot point blank. possible you may have just damaged his inventory, no. blood from the character, and noise indicate the player was hit. I could see if he fired one round or slug into the back pack. This is 12g buckshot. Many beads. Even in DayZ, it is impossible not to get the kill from that range despite armor value. Leads me to suspect something more is going on here. If the source of this incident was lag, the victim would not have ran away correctly. (away from the shooter and quickly.) Upon reviewing the footage, you can clearly see the victims clothing, change from pristine or good, to ruined upon the first shot. Further, the victim did not bleed after the shot. GFX appear to be in working order other then then the blood not seeping from the player. Suggests hacking. B)
  9. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    overpoch ep1
  10. I was wondering. I see trader cities, overpoch traders etc. Has anyone put together a list of where to sell 'x' weapons. Hopefully I am explaining my question well enough. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
  11. Okay, is there a list of weapons added by epoch/overwatch anywhere?
  12. Yeah, I figured it is something the server owner puts together. I just wanted to be lazy and I really don't want to look through the pbo.
  13. robbyj

    Looking for people/group.

    Just added you on skype.
  14. I don't have a twitter. :( any chance i could get a staff members skype?
  15. robbyj

    What does "Go your way" mean?

    No, it was not me.
  16. robbyj

    Newbs, ask a vet.

    What's the fastest way to open a beer without using your hands?
  17. robbyj

    What does "Go your way" mean?

    I love people who rant directly addressing the person as if we are that person. Also, warning shot? Really? There is no such thing. Either, you shot at me, or you are letting me go. Try harder next time.
  18. robbyj

    Playstyle Poll

    You act like you are doing them some sort of favor.
  19. robbyj

    Safe or Fear? .49

    Right now, I have traded in my hunting backpack, combat vest, and military helmet for a downy coat, red hiking backpack, and a beanie. Why? I feel so damn safe every time I log on. I don't care if the server has 1 person or 39 I never come into contact with others. I log out around the north west airfield and loot until I am completely fed. Look for players for about 20 minutes and then log off. Repeat. Right now I am more afraid of dying of the cold or rainy weather then a player. I am not sure of the intentions in future updates, but the way I see it, there must be either more players per server. 90+ or a smaller map. I want to put down my running simulator and get back to Dayz. I want to be able to stay up in a northern no name town and run into a traveler every so often. I want to be taken hostage or share stories of survival with someone other then my pen and paper. Just my thoughts, feel free to bash them.
  20. robbyj

    New to dayz Quick query

    Never join a server with 0 players connected at times 8:00AM through 9:20AM. The server is probably not connected to the central hive yet.
  21. robbyj

    Safe or Fear? .49

    My reason for making the map smaller is NOT because it takes too long to run. It is too hard to find 39 other players with the current map size.
  22. robbyj

    Ghosts First Execution

    Everyone bashing on this video has and will continue to kill multiple fresh spawns. Just because this guy decided to make a half ass video about it doesn't mean you get to yell at him for it. Yell at him for the video quality or the outro music.
  23. robbyj

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Hunting scope would be great. Mil dot would also be nice. CQC scopes need to come in now that Dayz hates snipers. I don't know that western optics will come in because of all the complaints of it making no sense being in Russia. Here is my favorite scope of all time. Chances of it making it into the game: 5% http://images2.opticsplanet.com/365-240-ffffff/opplanet-trijicon-rfx-42mm-6pt5-moa-amb-dot-sgt-blk-15-fltp-mnt-rx30-23-front-v1.jpg