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Everything posted by robbyj

  1. robbyj

    3 Years and 8 Months Later

    My post was sarcastic. Relax guy. No one should have to "casually read the developer blogs" to understand the game is still under construction. I was playing on a server with third person enabled. It's safe to say the other players on the server were using third person as well.
  2. robbyj

    3 Years and 8 Months Later

    Thank you for your condolences.
  3. Very surprised to hear some of the arguments against base building. Base building was a huge part of Dayz Mod. I guess It doesn't matter if base building makes it into Vanilla Dayz or not, as it will most certainly be introduced by 3rd party developers once the game becomes available to modify.
  4. robbyj


    I didn't see an area to kind to post this sort of information so I believe this was the most appropriate category. I will be attempting to document my players life in Dayz. At the end of each life I will attempt to provide a useful suggestions that could be used to make the game better in future versions. 0.60.133516
  5. robbyj


    Day 3 I decided to leave Gorka and continue to head north to Severograd. I looted the town, but still wasn't able to find much. I decided to test out my shotgun and pistol on zombies nearby. From what I could tell it seemed like both weapons were extremely accurate from firing from the hip as well as aiming down the sights. The shotgun was able to take down zombies in one shot from impressive distances. I moved further north into a small military base and found nothing. I know there is an industrial factory nearby so I will try to look for a car I could fix up in order to drive to a better location on the map. The East side of the map seems to be lacking in loot until very far in the NE corner.
  6. robbyj


    Erm. New Player Discussion denotes that everything in the said category would be for the eyes of new players only. Seriously, read: I believe that more people would post interesting stories if there was a dedicated thread for this type of content outside of the New Player Discussion. Also, just because I wasn't sure where I spawned in, you assume I am new? That's just false. Even this forum account is from 2013. http://imgur.com/a/lVEqs
  7. robbyj


    It's in the new player category. I don't know why I would be posting in there if I am not a new player. That thread makes it seem like it's a "How was your Dayz" discussion for new players only or something.
  8. robbyj


    Day 2 Everything I took from the player I killed disappeared when I logged back in. Maybe I killed him after he disconnected? Anyway, I was able to find myself an mp-133 on my way to Gorka. Once I was inside, the police station had a nice Glock19 with a flashlight, mag and loads of 9mm ammo. After finding this I went over to hunting stands to the north. I killed a deer with my shotgun, but I did not have any materials in order to cook it. I did not see anyone today. I am still looking for a Hunters backpack and some farming equipment.
  9. robbyj


    Day 1 Wandered further north west away from the coast. Met a few others who were all friendly to me, but were also low on gear. I was able to kill a chicken with a stone knife. I have not found much loot besides a fire axe and a small pistol. I found the pistol in a yellow residential home. Later on a player ran right past me on the road and did not notice me. This player had a large backpack and a shotgun. Using my fire axe, I was able to kill this person and grab the shotgun. I will usually leave people alone unless they are in my path or contesting me for gear in the area. I'm still pretty lost, but I have to say that "crouch running" is by far one of the best ways to travel as other players seem to not hear you still move at a decent pace. Notes On PVP: I was easily able to sneak up behind the armed player, however, it seemed to take many hits with the axe before they fell to the floor. Their shotgun was loaded as well.
  10. robbyj


    Day0. Spawned in somewhere on the East coast. Just saw some residential buildings all around me, with not much loot. I did find a .22 magazine in a blue car. I saw a fully geared player heading on the road running to the south probably for PVP. I ran north and was held up by another player who thankfully didn't kill me once he found out I had nothing. I believe I was somewhere up near Berezino. After getting held up I got off the road and went west into some more residential houses and a hospital. Still found nothing of worth. I tried to kill a zombie with a shovel, but strafing seemed very clunky and I ended up taking some damage. Crouching/Standing seems to have no difference in being spotted by zombies as of now.
  11. Not sure if anyone is even going to see this ten pages deep, but the server is up and still going fine. Player count is normal, lag isn't bad. Staff is kind of stretched thin, good people though.
  12. take the ip address. google geo ip lookup. enter ip. bingo.
  13. The funniest statement in the game. Every time you see someone. This is your one defense to mitigate a threat. If they say yes, you automatically trust them. If they don't answer, you kill them. It's a broken tactic, instead, just say hi, how are you do you need anything? Hi, I am "x" nice to meet you. The blunt and overused, "broYOUFRIENDLY?" doesn't work. We can't count the number of times someone has betrayed us after answering yes. If you start the conversation with a personal connection or kind offer, the player you are meeting will be more apt to react positively. Try it and post what happens.
  14. robbyj

    player is invulnerable in truck?

    What does this have to do with shotguns
  15. robbyj

    Looking for a server developer

    Ah, what do you need done? A job description please?
  16. robbyj

    player is invulnerable in truck?

    Shotguns are like pissed off airsoft guns in this game.
  17. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    Just here to post and update every time I come out with a new video. Enjoy.
  18. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    sometimes things just.. ep7
  19. robbyj

    Any good PC builds for around 550-650 dollars?

    Good thing your post answered OP's question and wasn't a waste at all. Here you go: http://www.logicalincrements.com/
  20. robbyj

    Why am I so bad?

    yeah. I agree with that. Hopefully OP understands this and doesn't think he sucks, it's just that playing alone is hard and a tactical nightmare.
  21. robbyj

    Why am I so bad?

    Hey man. No worries! I am quite like you some days. I don't think you are a bad player either. Here, I will share my experience from yesterday with you. One month old character. Just put down my mosin for an sks with no ammo. Wanted to try the gun out. Up at north east airfield with about ten others online. Could not find any ammo for the sks so I looted the town to the southwest. I enter into a building as I hear a gunshot behind me, screen flashes gray, but I didn't lose blood or anything. I switch rooms and begin talking to the player telling him I am no danger to him. I see his buddy racing past through a window. Neither reply to my call. I fully type out my good intentions. (At no point was I holding my sks as it was on my back.) A few seconds later, laying prone on floor of a two story building, without a noise, "you are dead". Nothing I could have done. Part of the issue is we play alone. Which leaves 80% of gathering loot up to chance without anyone to aid or cover us. It is a tactical nightmare to walk into a town alone. No matter which way you slice it there is no "method" to safely loot a town alone. So, in reality, we play with a huge disadvantage without any way to correct it. Someone may disagree with what I am saying here, but no matter how good they claim to be, playing alone is playing hoping luck is on your side.
  22. robbyj

    rjclock video log

    defending home.. ep6