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Everything posted by Geckofrog7

  1. Geckofrog7

    More Bullpups

    SA80 sure, but where would F2000's and Tavors come from? That would mean Israel and Slovenia would be involved in Chernarus. (Since they're the only ones who use those guns in reasonable numbers.) However, the F2000 is my favorite automatic rifle in existence. Maybe because of Halo. (In a real, medium range combat situation, I'd still prefer the FAL, though.)
  2. Geckofrog7

    Ever Have the itch for random Kindness?

    I like to drop a loaded AKM in the middle of Kamyshovo and just watch what happens.
  3. Well I wouldn't go that far.. Anyways, here's the general policy on hacking: Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Please do not make topics or post videos. They will be locked or removed. So generally we can't really catch hackers individually, but if we submit a video containing a hack previously unknown to the devs, we can help them form a defense against the entire hack, not just one specific contributor. I'd assume something like Shadowplay is a great tool, since you can record your last 15 minutes without having to sort through your entire time of play. On another topic, while every play style is valid, I guarantee you that KoS'ing will in no way save you from hackers. If nobody seems friendly, join a 1PP or Private server and stick to the North. For the most part, people tend to be pretty decent as long as you approach them properly. Private servers also should significantly reduce your encounter with hackers, and even 1PP public servers seem fairly hacker free from my experience.
  4. Geckofrog7

    special rounds for shotguns

    *person suggests anything remotely gun related* "OMG ITS NOT CALL OF DUTY BATTLEFIELD JEEZ" People use different type ammunition all the time in reality. If anything, it'd separate DayZ more from most FPS's.
  5. I'd assume there's private servers where you have to be whitelisted to get in, but otherwise there is no such thing as a friendly server. Ever. However, if you stay up North and take things slow and stealthy, usually you can get out of even dangerous military bases without a scratch. Also, if a server says "friendly", there's probably 10x more KoS'ing going on.
  6. Hmm..seems like a good place to find loot.. >.>
  7. Geckofrog7

    Going Cannibal

    Like every Elder Scrolls/Fallout villain, ever.
  8. Geckofrog7

    Insane loot luck in Berezino?

    Duped gear.
  9. Geckofrog7

    Please Revert back to the old running animations

    They ruined Battlefield DayZ!
  10. Geckofrog7

    The Ability to Pour Water

    "you have emptied the glass bottle" "you have added some gasoline to the glass bottle" "you have added some rags to the glass bottle" "you have lit a Molotov"
  11. Geckofrog7

    Whats with the lag?

    Most offensive part of the entire post.
  12. Geckofrog7

    I was rolling but then

    Why can we never get along? I've always played in 3PP since OFP but just go into 1PP in combat because it makes aiming easier. I enjoy 3PP in travel because it gives a slightly more realistic sense of looking around. (In reality my eyes would be darting around and I would naturally be looking around. While free-look helps in some aspects, it's not a natural split second reaction. Thus 3PP is the closest thing to realism for me, even if it's a magical eye following me around from behind.)
  13. Geckofrog7

    Getting Geared Fast

    Aren't those all places everyone goes though? On a persistent server, that's probably gonna be looted to all hell. On a non-persistent this works well, however, if you want mil gear. You're still most likely going to run into lots of people with twitchy trigger fingers at pavlovo, balota, and tents. (sometimes even zelenogorsk.) Cherno is much less of a deathtrap than it used to be, but I'd still suggest getting through that lootless hell on earth ASAP.
  14. Geckofrog7

    Protective Cases

    As far as I know that's exactly how they work already. I can shoot people and everything is ruined except the stuff in protector cases.
  15. Geckofrog7

    Layered Clothing

    not. fkn. rossiya. chernarus. (Czech Republic) k? k. On topic, I'd like to be able to wear a shirt under a heavier item, but I dunno if there should be much more layers than that. Also, as someone from a consistently cold (below zero) climate, the type of clothes you are wearing far outweighs how many layers you are wearing.
  16. Geckofrog7

    Now that Rockets gone....

    If they are undead, why do they die? CHECKMATE.
  17. Geckofrog7

    Spawning naked?

    that's happened to me off and on since about 6 months. no gear, not even pants, shirt, or flashlight, and I spawn under a bridge with water. I think BI is just being a major troll..
  18. Become MLG and make money in tournaments. What are you a fukin casul???
  19. There is your problem. No loot on the coast, especially not Elektro.
  20. um. everyehere? PUs are pretty common at military spawns and storage units. SKS's are just...everywhere. All the time. Mocking me.
  21. Believe nothing that is put in the name of a server. Ever. Online gaming 101
  22. Geckofrog7

    Hero or Bandit? I USED to feel bad.

    -walk calmly across NWAF on a full server -everyone is friendly; I never get shot
  23. Geckofrog7

    frendly adveture

    why would betray frendly shrub like that. :( yuo need escort guard so can get peace treaty to FOG clan and maybe there hope. also gren mountain is never safety place. always have mean people with guns who shoot you.
  24. Geckofrog7

    Chernaurus is not a cold dead place
