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Everything posted by Geckofrog7

  1. Geckofrog7

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Dunno why, but this reminds me of Operation Flashpoint for some reason. I can't quite put my finger on it.
  2. Yeah! They should make like a whole game based on that...where you can respawn with all your gear. Why hasn't anyone thought of this yet...? Oh right! They did.
  3. Geckofrog7

    Right click shaking since 0.52?

    Pray for forgiveness at your local Chernarussian Orthodox church.
  4. Geckofrog7

    Gun Magazines

  5. Geckofrog7

    Gun Magazines

    I think mags should be much more common, but ammo needs to be much more rare. It makes no sense to find military weapons with no mags in them...did the CDF just go "well, since we're going to die, let's take the magazines out of all of our guns and spread them to faraway lands to make a fun experience for survivors."?
  6. Geckofrog7

    Possible map problem?

    There is no such thing as a 24/7 daytime server. (unless they recently changed that for some reason) That's just an ad ploy.
  7. Geckofrog7

    Poll:Kill a player in logout...

    Unless someone is combat logging, I never kill a person logging out. This game is time consuming; everyone has a life. I'd rather reward someone for taking a break from their game to take care of their family rather than punish them because they're not hardcore enough to be worth living.
  8. Geckofrog7

    Limited Fuel in Fuel Tanks

    this is absolutely confirmed after vehicles are tested a bit. fear not.
  9. Geckofrog7

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    It's the jealous H1Z1 fans for sure; I knew they'd be after pure Chernarussian blood at some point or another.
  10. Geckofrog7

    Killcam (hear me out on this)

    Welcome to DayZ. You WILL die many times without knowing why. Staying out of sight is your main defense against this. Long periods of scouting also help too, if you must go into a dangerous location.
  11. Geckofrog7

    Black Tactical Shirts?

    u bettar shut up b4 I cum over ther & dek u m3+5
  12. Geckofrog7

    Black Tactical Shirts?

    I literally found at least a dozen just the other day. Military tents are probably the most common place for them to spawn.
  13. Geckofrog7

    A New Breed of People

    I'd say the climate is closer to Czech Republic. Also, Russia can get to 90 degrees Fahrenheit on a not too rare basis. If it's winter on the other hand...
  14. Geckofrog7

    Arma or Sa?

    Really any of them, it's your choice. Of course, I'd say get all of them. Both ArmA and DayZ are great games.
  15. Geckofrog7

    Sniper Game

    Yes. Very difficult to be done. It took like 3 years.
  16. Geckofrog7

    How do you imagine DayZ?

    Crafted flamethrower/defoliant projector, either carried in place of backpack or mounted on vehicles. Possibly made using kerosene?
  17. I think the whole torture thing is going a little too far, BI. In any case, did you join the server right after you were kicked/server crashed/server reset? That may be the problem.
  18. Geckofrog7


    I'm no medical expert, but what's the point of taking a bullet out? Isn't it in fact the only thing keeping the person from bleeding out even more rapidly? Not to mention you run the risk of damaging even more tissue/organs in the process of trying to pull the thing out. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. Geckofrog7

    Don't Do This

    Why the need for ad hominem, alpha? All ricp said was that anybody should have to compensate for bullet drop; which clearly you don't have to do if you can just put a target in the middle of your scope and fire. There's no need to be upset.
  20. Geckofrog7

    The End of The Oldest Server

    Seems legit.
  21. Geckofrog7

    make car persist

    I know why the devs not thought of this?? They really don't pay attention to the community.