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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Epoch is not a survival game and should not even be associated with DayZ. It's an abomination that shit all over what DayZ is about.
  2. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    More than 1 berry/apple/feather/stick at a time

    Searching for apples is pretty lame as any normal person could just look at the tree and see if it has apples, same with most berry bushes. :rolleyes: Aaaaand searching for a stick? Wtf, are you telling me it's that hard to spot a chunk of wood??
  3. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    I miss the global text chat channel that was in the MOD

    In a sense I agree they shouldn't take up space as most walkies come with a clip that you can use to attach to your clothes.
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    What exactly makes Standalone so taxing on your system?

    unoptimized adj. Not optimized.
  5. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    What happened to this game?

    Posting your actual PC specs is a start. Also, there is a troubleshooting section on the forums http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/126-troubleshooting/
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    It's simple, they want to play army soldier in a game that's not about that. They can't cope with the fact this game is not ARMA.
  7. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    Dibs on his tears. My canteen is getting empty
  8. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    The butthurt is strong in this thread
  9. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    hate to break it to you but the game isn't suppose to be easy.
  10. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    saves and servers

    You can favorite them and also check a history list.
  11. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    No there doesn't need to be an option for quickly traveling.
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    The run speed is ridiculous, the infinite stamina is ridiculous and the "do not change the run/stamina before vehicles are introduced" is just plain stupid. I don't think most of you get it. Cars are not going to be laying around everywhere for you to just get in and drive. You're going to need to find parts to get the vehicles working and gas. This isn't GTA.
  13. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Get it off your chest!

    It's sorry, eh
  14. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Hide Feedback Messages

    Hardcore? I only see 1st and 3rd person servers <_<
  15. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    I wouldn't want to deal with the whiny crybabies who are trying to turn this game into a cheesy shooter either
  16. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    yes loot farm. The admin and his cronies loot the server all to themselves gathering the best gear and then allow others to join.
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    It turns into pay to play for those servers.
  18. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    And people are screaming for 100+ player servers :lol: . In all seriousness tho, you pay more for your own private loot farm. Deal with.
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Private Shards & Weather

    I can see it now, "24/7 Summer and Day - Fast loot - 1 hour restart" servers going up.
  20. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    nice pics
  21. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I've made a small montage of pics and a couple of videos of infected slaying. Hope you enjoy.
  22. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Lock picking from a lockpicking hobbyist

    Bahahaha, awesome.
  23. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Lock picking from a lockpicking hobbyist

    Yes all of this. Cooking should be the same way. We need a prep table, chopping knives, sanitiser lotion(don't want to get the yuckies from your hands on the food), monitor the heat/temperature while cooking, know when to add ingredients and have Gordon Ramsey give his ok after it's all said and done.
  24. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Ya.... good way to grief newbies and bambis............ New to the game, spawn in, get killed by a duper, can't play any more.......
  25. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Newspawns asking to get killed

    The only sad people are ones asking to be killed because they "don't like" where they spawn. Well too fricking bad, deal with it. Hell, for each suicide your spawn time should double. In other words, bad players need to suicide in order to start their loot farm, good players can deal with whatever spawn they get.