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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Here's a glitch I can get behind

    Best part about the video is the gamma <_<
  2. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    No food and drink

    Also, if you're on a persistent enabled server, loot spawns are borked right now. Keep searching towns until you hit the mother load.
  3. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Chernogorsk vs Novodmitrovsk

    Sorry I had to LOL at the wiki description of "is inhabited by many players and Zombies"
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    Screw that. Thermal underwear
  5. Are you daft? I do not want 3pp removed, I want the wall peeking removed. I am not forcing anyone to play my playstyle.
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Or a typical forum poster
  7. Are you listening? "I" do not want to rent a server. "I" do not want to have to maintain and pay attention to a server. "I" play with friends who play 3pp.
  8. Exactly. A lot of people are basically being pushed to play on 3pp because that is where the population is, at least for me because I play only on high populated servers. There are those who just enjoy the game for the(lack of)survival and can easily join a 1-10 man 1pp server.
  9. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    more zombies

    People are going to kill other players no matter what. This is not preventable. As long as someone has the means to ruin another persons day, they will do it no matter if they have a 100 infected on them.
  10. No one is trying to tell people who play 3pp to play 1pp, get this through your head. The issue is the terrible wall peeking mechanic. Understand yet?
  11. Why should "I" fork over the money and force "my" friends to play 1pp?
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    Yet people complain that it takes too long to traverse the map <_<
  13. People will always take the path of least resistance. 3pp is a cheesy and a cheap gameplay mechanic. It makes playing "easier" because you don't have to fear the unknown. Instead of relying on sound you rely on wall/window/door/roof peeking.
  14. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Is It Possible?

    I'll go with a radar drone, oh wait, I can 3pp for that
  15. How is it a waste of time? Why should someone be at a disadvantage because he wants to play with his friends? Easiest way to remove the easymode wall peeking is to have the camera zoom in when you are against the wall. You want to see what's behind the door, use the lean, that's what it's there for.
  16. Except for those who have friends who play on 3pp servers.
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Server down and i loose all my stuff

    Welcome to the "ALPHA"
  18. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    The .51 character wipe

    It's the exact opposite actually. People with the exact same stuff killing fresh spawns all day long. Starting people from scratch allows for loot distribution testing.
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    Then it's not working fine :p
  20. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    Which is what a lot of people think are characters are. If you can't explain how to turn into a ninja by strapping everything tightly to your body so we make zero sound then that should tell you something.
  21. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    Until persistence is properly fixed, any form of stealth is pretty much moot. Without being able to lessen your load by leaving supplies behind so you make less noise(without the fear of the server resetting and losing your stuff) stealth won't really work. Yes, you can risk doing so but I personally don't want to be seeing multiple threads of people raging about having to leave gear behind only to lose it. With that said, the developers seem to just randomly implement things with no rhyme or reason behind it, aka cannibalism.
  22. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Any update on magic leg breaking?

    Assuming the developers can replicate as well. Putting an issue in doesn't necessarily mean that it's the actual game. It could be anything from desync to slow load times while going up stairs or up ladders.
  23. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    But aren't we elite trained snipers/soldiers with pin point accuracy at any range? Only a struggling ordinary survivor would have this issue :rolleyes:
  24. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    The .51 character wipe

    Every update should be a wipe.