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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Killed by bandit

    Sure you can, shoot them first :D. You already have buddies you play with no reason to make other friends with people who just want to CoD all day.
  2. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Favorite town

    Svetlo is probably my favorite city right now. The layout is done really well, lots of good area's along the docks to setup ambushes and for just straight up pvp.
  3. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    Well considering the poster just made their account today just to post this I have a feeling it's just someone who has already been banned and they just made a second account to troll with. Only the mods will know the truth tho B)
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    Your example is terrible and I disagree :P
  5. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Killed by bandit

    Do not confuse bandit with a regular pvp player. Bandits actually do more stuff than just shooting.
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Two of the same houses, one in Electro the other was in Prigorodki. Looks like they made em for the little people and yes, I did report it with links to the videos.
  7. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Ya a whole 10 mins. If it's not working it's not working. 1pp is way smoother and picking up items works.
  8. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Dayz Beginners guide video

    Nice job man!!! These are pretty good.
  9. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    They fixed it?

    There has been no update for the stable branches on this fix. It is also only a persistent server problem.
  10. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I do not like this patch. Picking up anything is borked, Here's a video of the house I was talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PneZ4Wvl3Zg&feature=youtu.be And here is what the house looks like outside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOYSwO1ujg8&feature=youtu.be
  11. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    heh, I didn't even notice
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Ready for download guys. If it hasn't already just restart steam. Careful with going into the small log house. The front and back door ways are too small and you will get stuck.
  13. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Dayz Beginners guide video

    There is already one in the http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/122-new-player-discussion/. Not sure if that new player guide has a video tho so yours could be very helpful
  14. That's probably the second time I've used it,,,,,,,,,, <_< Don't confuse me with Gibonez
  15. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Health by movement

    Video is old but it is something they've looked at
  16. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    Pffft, just give me a BFG
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Your first link sent me to a remax page. Are you trying to sell people houses? I'm on to you <_<
  18. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Dynamic 3rd Person Camera

    Not everyone who plays first person plays on first person servers due to population and or friends.
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Results of killing (insanity, morality)

    Been suggested multiple times and shot down multiple times.
  20. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Rain Reflection Graphics Glitch (With Pictures)

    What are your graphics settings? It appears that's what is causing the issue. It also look like you've cut and pasted your character into the image because of this :p
  21. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Permanent Character Journals

    RP'ers will
  22. Dslyecxi made a great video about the issues between 1pp and 3pp and the clear advantages that 3pp gives.
  23. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Interested in what they might be tweaking and or adding. Hopefully the water pump will get a full fix to be able to fill canteens again :D
  24. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    DayZ has been called the anti-game and for good reason. It's suppose to be hard and make you want to punch your cat. :o
  25. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    Totally agree but the optimizing will most likely come once beta hits. I still would like to see more animations such as the ones posted above but it is definitely not something I would want to be a priority.