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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Killed by bandit

    First mistake was lowering your guard. Second was putting away your weapon. You are the one who should be in control of the situation and not the other way around but good job on getting lucky to be able to get your stuff back.
  2. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    loot hoarding / tent security

    The only loot hoarders I ever came across were clan members who ran the server which of course was in the mod. They would lock and password their server or have members on in off peak hours who would just loot all the high item zones and run them back to their tents.
  3. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Liveable Shipping Containers

    Lol, at wanting to move shipping containers. Sorry but that's funny. Living in them sounds feasible but tell me where are going to get a crane with the proper wire rope and fittings to attach to the container for transport?
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Edible Pumpkins

    That sounds about right.
  5. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    PLZ give us the option to toggle Turbo

    I've set my fast run to 1 button, my ctrl but with that said a lot of people have experienced issues with remapping their keys as I did my remapping before they patched the control scheme
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    1st person cameraview is to low

    The devs are aware of this as I reported this exact building to the bug tracker and it's been acknowledged. If you truly doubt they will fix anything related to this why do you bother playing and posting?
  7. Again, not everyone plays 1pp only servers. Some people play with friends on 3pp in 1pp mode.
  8. Who cares about the damn poll. Fact of the matter is 3pp wall peeking is an issue and needs to be fixed. It causes an unbalanced gameplay and favours the wall peekers immensely. People have come of with solutions but of course get immediately shot down by the wall peekers. The only thing the poll shows is that a small handful like having a huge advantage over others and can't play on the same level.
  9. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

  10. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    yes, the sks finally gets some love
  11. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Where'd the hopper go?

    That is a very good possibility. I miss him, so many good times together.
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Slower More Dense Zombies

    They aren't slow lumbering undead, they are infected humans.
  13. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Results of killing (insanity, morality)

    Oh I very much agree. I was more debating about Hitler being sane
  14. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Results of killing (insanity, morality)

    And you're telling us those people in the middle east are sane and Hitler was sane?
  15. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Killed by bandit

    Here's how I look at it, I have my buddies that I play with and we don't need anyone else so that makes you expendable. If you can talk yourself out of a situation that's all fine and dandy but I will have my gun drawn and one wrong move and it's over. There are more douchebags than there is good people who play.
  16. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Killed by bandit

    You can't prevent it and whining about it does nothing.
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    They fixed it?

    Doh, I totally forgot about that. Makes more sense now. I retract my original statement now and give it a day or two and your server(s) will blow up again.
  18. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Player Data on Leg Break Glitch in Buildings.

    Just an fyi, a poll on this does nothing here. Go vote it up on the bug tracker if you want to give proper data and feedback.
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    No viable proof that it's a troll thread....... :rolleyes:
  20. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Falling animations

    I'm sure they'll work on animations for falling at some point.
  21. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Need some advice please.

    Shouldn't this thread belong in the http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155089-is-it-worth-buying-dayz-standalone-yet-rocket-response/ ?
  22. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Edible Pumpkins

    Meh, we can eat people. I'd rather harvest their souls so I can plant and grow my own human cattle.
  23. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Player Data on Leg Break Glitch in Buildings.

    Not sure why it has to be within the past 7 days as I haven't had this issue at all in the past 11 months. Still voted No.
  24. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Heh, assuming the actual parts have been implemented ;)
  25. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Cannibals Recognition Suggestion

    In the blood of their enemies :o