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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    early access

    You can buy it now but be warned that this is "Early Access Alpha" therefore full of bugs and glitches. You don't have to test the game or even play it but it is worth the price and, imo, worth the testing. I haven't touched any other game since playing the standalone.
  2. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    experimental server browsing

    Sorry. in Host: type in experimental That is basically the server name
  3. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    FFS dude, I've used sweetfx on other games, all single player, such as skyrim. Why only single player games? Because, if you actually did a search on the what sweetfx does you "can" not "could" get banned. This topic made to warn users before they get banned, and maybe to get some help. Hela! Right after I've installed "SweetFX" graphic mod on my OS, I've played COD:BO and GW2. At the next morning, I've got banned from both games. @ GW2, they checked it and unlocked my account with an apology. @ COD:BO, I've tried to contact with the support by opening a ticket, but the employee called "Grant" refuses to cooperating, breaking the rules of Customer Protection, and agressively repeating closing my ticket with unacceptable behavior. Source: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3074493 Also, here you go. Some education for you. http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2013/07/can-or-could/
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    Reading is not your strong point apparently. Yes, I'll keep going if you want and I personally don't care if it gets this thread closed. First off, I said could get you banned not can. Second, I gave an alternative for people who use Nvidia cards so they don't have to go through the struggle of the terrible instructions. Third, I swapped out my 560ti for an HiS 7850 because it was a cheaper alternative to having to spend $600+ for a video card and it blows the 560 out of the water.
  5. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Invisble player is not a hack.

    Just like what happened to my friends in my OP which is what I stated in my post. They literally appeared out of nowhere which to some would seem like a teleport.
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    Did I say the software was piss poor? No. Did I call it silly? Yes. Did I say the instructions are piss poor? No. Your fighting for the sake of fighting now. You're the only one hating here because "I" came out with a better alternative to having downloaded software which could result in getting banned.
  7. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    What hate? And did you miss the part where I said "anymore". I was stating that the instructions for sweetfx are garbage and for the average user it would confuse the hell out of them. Instead, using Nvidia's digital vibrance gives just as good of an effect instead of using an outside program.
  8. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    I'm not running Nvidia anymore and yes, digital Vibrance works just as good. And like I posted before, the instructions for sweetfx are shit and for the average user, they would have zero clue and how to use it.
  9. Exactly this. Why is this thread even a topic? How many Chinese play this game and what do you think? How many Mexicans play this game and what do you think? How many blind people play this game and what do you think?
  10. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    experimental server browsing

    type "experimental" in the filter
  11. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Experimental, is it worth it?

    The exoerimentals have been great for me. Today was the first time I've found a hardcore server that actually had players on it. The gameplay is smooth and I have found no bugs, yet.
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    Ya, funny, tried and it and DayZ wouldn't even load. GG.
  13. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    The instructions for sweetfx are piss poor and the overall use of it is more of a headache then what it's worth. For those using Nvidia cards, up your digital vibrance to about 75%. This will give you a nice picture without having to download silly software. For AMD users, unfortunately there isn't anything I can find in CCC to simulate digital vibrance.
  14. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Are these bugs or not?

    Of course broken legs isn't a bug. Falling down the ladder is. Also @ the OP, search function is your friend Here is a refresher that is on the main page here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175728-search-before-you-post/
  15. Great job OP. Nice to see all this stuff they've been busy with
  16. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Are these bugs or not?

    I did answer. Told him to post in the bug section. Reading comprehension ftw
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Been killed twice by hackers in the last 48 hours

    Maybe reporting the server and the time you played will help them look into files and see who killed you. Crying on the forums doesn't solve anything if you are going to be vague about the situation.
  18. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Are these bugs or not?

    ALPHA!!!! And report this in the bug section
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Realistic (SweetFX) lighting preset for Standalone.

    Even tho SweetFx does nothing to modify game files directly, some anti cheat programs do flag this so be warned
  20. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    How do I see a player's name?

    Anonymity is what makes DayZ stand out from most games, besides the fact that it's better than the arcade shooters that are out there although those are ok to play when you're feeling braid dead.
  21. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    These settings have me very confused: -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=1023 -exThreads=7 Shouldn't the values be -maxMem=2048 -maxVRAM=1024 -exThreads=8? Those are just examples btw as I have 16g ram, 2g GPU and an I7 quad core with 8 threads
  22. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    How do I see a player's name?

    I kill the assholes who blast music. Problem solved B)
  23. I wholeheartedly agree. Too many gamers have been pampered with the BF's and CoD's gameplay style for too long that they feel it's the norm. Hell even mmorpg's can't break away from the supposed standard of needing X features if it wants to compete.
  24. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Game lacks support for AMD Cpu's & Amd Crossfire systems

    The development has been focused on altering the engine to suit the game's needs, The game missed its original 2012 release date, with a development update coming in January 2013 saying that the game was not yet released because the developers "had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly... to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be. /shrug
  25. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    FPS in Cities

    Well it seems that lowering graphic detail tends to put everything more onto the CPU than the GPU. I am not 100% sure if this is the case for the RV engine but if you have a weak CPU and a decent GPU increasing certain details takes the load off of CPU and puts it onto your GPU.