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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    Like I said, you can't post anything constructive but childish rants. Good day sir :)
  2. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    Like I mentioned earlier in this thread, to each their own. I personally have no issues with the spawning infected because I already knew what issues are with them. They are the least of my concern. What I do have an issue with tho is people constantly coming on to the forums with non constructive criticism which is what this thread is. Bitching and moaning accomplishes nothing and brings in full flame wars. The childish temper tantrums that have been spewed forth in the forums is absolutely disgusting and I feel sorry for the moderators here. Now, for the infected spawning we are here to test how the mechanics work and give feed back on what they can do to improve it while they still flush out the walking through walls issues. Those are two totally separate entities being worked on and throwing a temper tantrum on the forums to have them removed is not constructive at all.
  3. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    No, don't feel bad. I've read all your drivel. I do the same. Take care. :)
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why don't zombies bleed?

    Sure :p. I think how the infection works it's that it stimulates the brain so that basic functions work. Walking, flailing etc. but have no sensory such as taste, touch, pain
  5. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why don't zombies bleed?

    For the bleeding, yes, but I don't think they can feel pain which is why shooting them in the legs doesn't affect them
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Getting Pantsed

    My favorite is knocking out a geared player, take all their stuff and just leave them until they wake up from unconsciousness completely stripped naked B)
  7. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why don't zombies bleed?

    I'm sure it's not feasible on this engine but they are adding physics so maybe it could be possible. The world, may never know.
  8. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    What time it's getting night and what time morning?

    Heh, I thought that it would get dark around the same time as the mod. I'm fairly certain it is a lot earlier now, roughly 1800.
  9. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why don't zombies bleed?

    I'd like to see this as well. I would also like to see if they could implement the system that Soldier of Fortune used for body parts getting shot off :D
  10. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    What time it's getting night and what time morning?

    I think the sun starts going down at 6 pm server time and it's pretty dark by around 8 pm. I could be wrong tho. Someone correct if that's the case :p
  11. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    Different strokes for different folks. The infected going through walls doesn't bug half as much as the desync issue. I personally like the spawning infected because it adds a little more challenge although they are still very easy to kill. I've personally been enjoying the experimental servers because of the challenge of trying to find food and weapons. It's been getting pretty dull gearing up in 20 mins. Last night while playing on the experimental, I actually ran into somebody who wasn't a complete douchebag. We ended up talking and actually joined up to find food. We started heading north to Staroye, I was in orange hunger, thirst level was good as finding water is very easy. We've found nothing as everything was looted but we were under constant attack by infected which was fricking awesome. The sun was going down and starting to get dark and I had thrown away my flashlight earlier so I could have room for food and bandages. Anyway, I ended up having to eat a rotten orange to just keep my hunger level up and in the end we found no food. We got lost as it became too dark to see , he did have a flashlight but we ended up getting turned around in the woods and ended up back at the coast close to Cherno. This is where my journey ended as I slowly starved to death while being sick from eating that rotten orange. As of right now, that was my favorite experience in DayZ thus far. I tried surviving and failed. Better luck next time.
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    I think what people are getting at, Irish, is that the patch just happened and it's the immediate bellyaching. That's what the testing is for, to see how it works, not bitch and whine about it. If it's working, make a post stating why and what improvements. If it's not working make a post stating why and again, improvements. Making posts stating it's stupid, reroll back to last patch is not constructive .
  13. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Log out with broken legs kills player.

    Your friend probably logged off in an unsafe area and was probably eaten by zombies for 30 seconds as that is the time you are still in game when you log.
  14. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    You mean whining about a feature that just got implemented? That's what the fucking testing is for, to test not whine and bitch. It's called a placeholder for a reason. Some people's children,
  15. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    How many have you killed and why ?

    278 hours in and I've killed maybe 10-15 players. Majority were server hoppers while some were bandits with piss poor shots. The others just came into my house when I said don't come into my house
  16. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    24 hours of game

    Shhhh.... today's kids are lacking this.
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Here's The Deal...

    Why do you Mods even let threads like this run amok? There is nothing constructive about the OP's post, he opened himself up to a flame war and he clearly does not understand nor should be participating in this Alpha or an Alpha for that matter.
  18. Well first off it appears when you log in that you have blood loss, that's why you have blurry vision. The rest of you issues, opening doors, switching weapons, moving inventory around etc is desync. It's gotten really bad on the stable version. The red chain that you see with the message saying "No Messaged Received" is the server restarting, that's just bad luck on your part if you just joined the server. The timer is to prevent server hopping. You need to stay on a server for about 30 mins to not get this timer. Unfortunately crashes count with this timer
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Why Private Hives should be limited when they become available

    If you can't afford a server, don't fucking rent one or get a better job. Donations are like begging on the street.
  20. It rubs the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose
  21. So you exploit graphics so get cheap kills, cool. You're my new MLG hero. You're also the kind who probably tries to edit the config files to remove grass and flora so you can see players laying in fields <_<
  22. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    I need a sponsor for the Dayz 50k marathon!

    Somebody would like to have a word with you
  23. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    When you die... do you - ?

    Depends on how long I was playing for before my death. If I've been play for over 4+ hours I'll just log and play again later. Which I'll then come to the forums and collect beans B)
  24. Thanks for sharing. Now I know where you are ;)