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Caboose187 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caboose187 (DayZ)

  1. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Player activated environment sounds

    Not just birds but animals in general. You spook most animals, well, they'll either defend themselves or run away. Either way, you've given away your position.
  2. They will polish once they have all the key pieces implemented. It would make zero sense for them to stop designing to fix a partial game.
  3. of course it feels like playing in developer mode, we are. I do agree tho, definitely need more infected but what the OP has mentioned is rather ridiculous.
  4. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Land Rover Wolf mounted machine gun truck

  5. Exactly, having enterable buildings everywhere doesn't change the fact people still don't leave the coast so what is the point to this topic now?
  6. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Food spawn rates too high as of recent?

    Food spawn too high, running speed to fast, gear too easy to acquire..... It'll be like this probably all they way to beta. Remember kids, it's all for testing purposes to see how loot spawns are working and testing the items/weapons. Better get used to it because once things start getting toned down all the ragers will ensue and the forums will most likely explode.
  7. OP, I'm not sure what kind of game you're expecting DayZ to be. The mod was based off of ARMA and thus played as such. The SA is not trying to be the the mod or ARMA, although right now you really can't tell the difference but the devs have laid out a roadmap and have their own goals on what they are going to make DayZ to be. Hopefully this message will get passed my screening that I have.
  8. In the mod, in the mod. Then go play the mod. The SA is not trying to be the mod. The SA is straying away from how the mod was and be it's own, I dunno, Stand Alone game. I find there isn't enough buildings to enter. There are some huge factories that are still sealed and I would very much like to see these opened. Also, maybe you should check to see how many people are on your server as I never have issues finding anyone.
  9. It's the apocalypse. You're supposed to feel alone and not run into people every 2 minutes. Unlike the competitors, DayZ actual feels like the world has ended.
  10. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Fix these two easy/small things and the game will be amazing

    I've never had the issue of not being able to move while equipping a weapon/item. Want to know how I avoid it? Make sure you're not in ready mode when equipping items. You're welcome
  11. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Zombie Kids

    And one person clearly doesn't have a clue. Go learn your lore then come back. Thanks.
  12. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Fitness Model: Sprint uptime, jogging speed, temperature

    Thanks OP. Now when the end of the world is happening I'll be sure to pack my treadmill and home gym to take with me. Gotta stay in shape during a disaster :D
  13. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Zombie Kids

    Too bad there's no "zombies" in DayZ
  14. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    besides Hollywood, who out there fights like what is suggested? Better AI and better infected animations, which I had mentioned earlier but the OP blew a fuse because I think his suggestion is silly and over the top. People want the game to be authentic and asking for Hollywoodism maneuvers in not it.
  15. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    ya... wielding a baseball bat like a sword all the while ducking, parrying, dodging, rolling while doing jump kicks is going to fit in? The OP's idea is silly. Also thisdoesn't belong in general but in the suggestions forum.
  16. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    I guess I need to word this differently. You're being over aggressive because someone disagrees with your idea. DayZ does not need a complex melee system. The only thing the devs need to do is give it better animations.
  17. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    It's not creating an authentic experience. It's creating Soul Calibur in DayZ.
  18. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    No I wouldn't parry with a bat. I would most likely step out of the way and butt end you in the stomach with the bat, knee you in the face when you keel over then smack you up side the head. We aren't fencing here and I am no trained swordsman which is the combat system you are suggesting and I think it's a really silly idea and does not need to be added. I do agree that the melee system needs some work but not with your suggestion. What's next, having our characters turn in MMA fighters?
  19. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    Ya, so besides everyone being elite soldiers, now you want them to be trained in medieval combat as well?? I'm just trying to see how this even fits in as most humans today don't even know how to wield a butter knife.
  20. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Where'd the hopper go?

    Has anyone seen our friend lately?
  21. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    Lack or survival plus an abundance of weapons that you can just server hop over and over for ammo or sneakily reset your server is why. The game is still slowly progressing bit, imo, the wrong way by adding guns and not survival mechanics however it's easier to add fluff than actual mechanics but I think the devs can lay off of weapons and actually focus on the survival aspect for once.
  22. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Is it too late for night time servers?

    Is it too late to impliment a proper night time? Day only servers have ruled DayZ since launch, for the most part. When there was night time servers, and I mean real darkness not this light grey we have now, it was awesome but now due to almost every server being day only for the past 8 months or so will night time even be a point to DayZ? I fear it will end up like 1pp servers, empty and void of life. Your thoughts?
  23. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    I believe it's time we get some clarification about base building. A lot of people seem to think that we will be able to make houses out of sticks and stones and wind up building massive fortresses. This type of gameplay is something I really hope does not make it into DayZ. If this has been their plan from the start I don't know why they went with the name DayZ. They could have just called it Epoch SA as that's all it will be. Personally I'm only hoping for boarding up the houses that are already in game. Hopefully a developer will frequent these forums at some point in the future to give us better clarification on this.
  24. Caboose187 (DayZ)

    Meet & Greet hosted by [FOG] (Jan. 18th, Sun.)

    Scratch me off the list. I won't be able to make it.