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Everything posted by slipperyminx

  1. slipperyminx

    Animal Zeds

    Title says it all. Aggro-Animal-Zeds would be a true survival tester. Flocks of undead crows/birds would be a true nightmare, or even a single Zed-bird would be utterly surprising to any nearby person whether they're "camping" or enroute. Packs of undead wolves, bears would pose a huge threat to camps and locked doors because they'd be like the L4D Tanks and can take tons of gunfire. I dunno about undead-fish, but it would sure deter most people from swiming in any kind of water; definitely requiring a boat just to get to Prison Island xD Undead Dogs, Cats, Elk. The list can go on and on. It would certainly make finding companion Animals and lving animals for hunting that much more scarce. All in all, if it was good for the Resident Evil series, I think it can work in DayZ SA.
  2. I like these ideas. The larger improvsied backpack, Clothing renforcement and SKS attachments are my favs.
  3. slipperyminx

    Use empty Spray cans for crafting

    This idea came to me last night when visting several Loot-splosioned severs, in which there were many empty spray cans. Making a better surpressor came to mind, as I've seen people on youtube make them out of oil filters. While there is already an improvised surpressor, this could offer more uses; lol, I guess bigger Rounds would require Butane Gas Canisters for repeated use? I can see Tools as a necessity to compelte this, like wire cutters to remove the Spray-Head and Ducttape to finish it off. Just an idea, and I don't expect it to be favored; I'm just trying to get the ball rolling. But, I feel like there could be other good uses for them. Clearly, refilling them with spray paint won't do, even if the devs implemented buckets of paint, creating internal compression and sealing it off would be something only a factory could do. And while I'm fine with the idea that not every item can be used in crafting, it's fun to at least consider as many options as possible before delairing something un-craftable.
  4. slipperyminx

    Animal Zeds

    @Sneakydude: ~Ohhh RATS... ARRRGH. That would be nightmarish. A Molotov would probably be the most effective weapon against a rat horde.
  5. slipperyminx

    Animal Zeds

    Aggressive animals are in the works. So, rejoice, you'll get those long before I get my Zed animals xD. And yes, a Bear and a Boar attacking players would be pretty awesome; and other animals as well. I too have though of this, in regards of the Swarms of birds. I think there should be a Bird-Size "rule", where anything smaller than a Crow doesn't have the ability of being a Zed. I also like the idea of the Zed-Animal %, cause this would indeed effect Hunting if there were more "Zedimals"; though, I think servers should have to option to increase the amount potential Zedimals at their discretion. Perhaps injured animals with low health are prone to becoming infected? Ie: an animal gets heavyily injured from a zed and then eventually becomes one. This way, even if some animals kill each other they won't become Zeds unless they've made physical contact. I imagine birds having the lowest % of being a zedimal, being that birds of prey are very intelligent and can tell when a potential meal has -(shall we say...) expired? >:D
  6. ... Can't burn Ruined Logs..... ....Yes.... Meow, lets look at this logic [yes I did say Now just Meow.] You CAN'T burn ruined wood... *thinks aloud, with a George Carlin voice* Is it still a Wooden Log?.... It is STILL a Wooden Log... Is it whole?.... Yup, it's still whole... No additives?... No Additives... But it can't burn?... it can't burn... Huh... You stumped me, man! (a ploy on his "Semi-Bone" stand up shtick.) Hehehe, ok, seriously lets think of this logic. While I totally agree with Deans rational between the balance of Realism and Funfactor, the fact that Chopped Logs/Firewood cannot be Burned for a fire is pure comedy. Discuss!
  7. The somewhat recent discovery of "Bone Health" has been receiving mixed reviews, myself included. This is my proposal: Continued damge to the bones results in gradually poorer usage. Too many breaks in a leg will result in a perminant Limp. Too many Broken Ribs results in unconciousness and then Death. Arms will not be able to swing melee effectivly, and increase Gun recoil. Etc. To me this proposal seems logical. But, with it's current setting, dying from a single blow to the arm when that Bone has rarely been hit is just feels like a wrong programming justification. I agree with Dean Halls March quote that we can make things as realitistic as possbile at the sake of fun, but we're not, there's has to be balance between the two; it went something like that. But it just feels like the whole body is being generalized for Bone Health instead of it individual parts... Which is contradictory to how the body functions in-game. Shoot a leg, and you can't walk, etc.
  8. slipperyminx

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    @trev186: What places are spawning loot rapidly? I want to assume it's Military Bases/Airfields; (i haven't played in 3 weeks, 'been too busy.)
  9. slipperyminx

    Spray Paint UV paint application

    To add a new level of customization, I propose that Spray Paint is executed in the engine as UV Painting. For those who don't know what this is, is it's 3D Modeling term/function that it allows the engine to paint objects without the necessity of Texture Files, the draw back is that the paint will not look like real paint, but just straight up color. Unless times have changed with this function, then it means that it's not labor intensive on the engine, requires less Custom textures and will allow for FULL custom Painting. The way I imagine it is that Player can Paint in real-time on any object, just by holding the can in their hand, pressing the Shoot-Button on the mouse, and moving their Hud to create their own custom lines, patterns, etc. You could create your own camo on any kind of clothing, customize your Ballistic Helmets and tac-vests, Camo your Weapons, Vehicles, Backpacks, etc.
  10. slipperyminx

    Spray Paint UV paint application

    @Lithium: Well, people kinda already do that with Sprays,a lready. I think we've all seen something X-rated by now with Sprays, even if your not the one Spraying the image. 'Sides, even if the game is M-rated people will play regardless of age, they'll find a way, but it's in the hands of the family. And, DayZ is pretty brutal as it is, and has a UNFORGETABLE reputation... Compared to the aforemention, painting Gentiailia is barely a concern in terms of it being "politically correct". Aside from clans, DayZ is LAWLESS in terms of social decorum. And that's just one side of the coin, the horrid stuff people WILL do, but consider the flip side: Art. You could have DayZ clans where they try to enter a populated server and do "Urban Graffiti Artist" style work in a choice area, or one that leave real gems on low pop servers. Another method i see this working, is that if you just want to paint you whole weapon, R-click will say paint all, or if you have x-amount of spray cans you can choose a custom camo job made by the devs (so the players can get it instantly. There's your black gun sir :D. The thing with textures is that they can take a bit more time to make (depending how you make it),since a lot of programming/calculations is going server side, it would be easy for the players' computer to do some simple executions to acheive this. Also, consider this, you wouldn't have to make a ton of extra Spray-C. Texture depicting what color they are, simply by allowing an empty space on the can to have teh engine depict the color via immediate UV paint mapping (like a green-screen/ alpha channel.)
  11. slipperyminx

    Hawks as companion animals

    With the prospect of future "Advanced Animal" integration, I think Hawks would be a great Animal to have as a Companion. You can use the Hawk to scout out areas, and give enemy positions away. I've thought about being able to take control of the Hawk to do you own flying, but I feel that isn't exactly realistic; even though D.Hall says that the game is in the middle ground of realistic and game), so maybe the Hawk can have these abilities as AI? and you have to watch where it goes, or have it return and give you some sort "sign" of how many players it sees; ie, it'll quietly talk and each time it talks represents how many players it sees; maybe to throw the player off a little, those "talleys" can be animals and players. The way I see it, is that you have to train the Hawk first, ie as a hatchling and raise by keeping warm (as an egg and baby) and hunt other animals to feed it. How'd you train it for identifying other players without being shot? I'm not sure; maybe that's too much realism XD,) and so maybe it's controlled by AI. Another issue is, telling the bird where to go and how far, and when to come back. I haven't thought of this much, this was really spur the moment.
  12. I think it would be pretty cool to tie Bandanas around arms for quick team recognition without sacrificing freedom of choice when it comes to clothing, or hats. Some Clans/Groups try to create uniforms, and often Hats are chosen to allow the player to keep their clothing for whatever environment, but wearing a Beret instead of a Ballistic helmet offers no protection what-so-ever. So I think Bandanas around arms would be ideal.
  13. Going prone in grass and having it disrupt your vision is a common complaint, and my proposal is to mimic the "Peeking/stand-on-tip-toe" controls from Metal Gear Solid 3. For DayZ, i recommend holding both look buttons ("Q" & "E") to make your character raise their gun+body/head above the grass a little; juuuust enough to see through or above the edge of the grass. Granted, it won't be as fluid as MGS3 cause it sported a pressure sensitive controls/controller, which allowed the player to control how high you peek, but I think it's a step in the correct direction to "fix" this issue.
  14. slipperyminx

    Tie Bandanas around arms for easy team spotting

    @ lootable: Indeed, around the neck and mouth for sure. Many times I've felt that the neck can give you away, and the only item that remotely offers camo for the face is the gas-mask... Lol, we needz face paint too. But, I think I've already made a suggestion for that.
  15. Much of this game tries to implement a sense of Bodily realism, lets up the Anti: If you eat too much of one food your character will get tired/sick of it, and further prolonged eating will make your character Vomit. This makes other foods even more valable than they were before. With the variety of foods and drinks, many of these items are more "well rounded" than others, with Baked Beans on top as the mighty hegimon, and Spagetti leading 2nd. Now, I luv mah Baked Beans, Hell, I love Spagetti even more! But I guarentee you that you'll get sick of either of them after eating them CONSTANTLY... LAWL... Eat enough Ice Cream, and you Puke Rainbows! XD... Now... All they need is Beer and Vodka in the game and the real party begins XD
  16. Seriously... A meager length of cloth taking up TWO slots?? I have a feeling that this must be mixed up with another hat item, like the Ushanka (takes up 1 slot); and Bandanas taking up 1 whole slot is too much in its self (but, im not asking for it to take up 1/4th of one...) Also, it would be nice if your had the option to use a bandana as a mask... I FINALLY found a Camo-Bandana, and I think it would be great to cover up the face, or even the neck.
  17. slipperyminx

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    I'm not asking for a full implemented Bike (parts in workable condition, real physics)... Heck the real speed doesn't have to be accurate, the animations don't have to be there... But rly... This Map is SOOOOO HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, it takes forever just to get somewhere. I just don't want to glitch on the bike, I don't care if the bike can be damaged and unrepairable in game, but whatever bike I grab and log-off should log-in with me where I left it. Again. not asking for much. Just a bike... No animations, special mechanics, just press "W" enough times to build up speed (character will max out on momentum), hold "S" to brake/slow-down, and mouse to steer; hell, steer with "A" and "D" for all I care! But please... I've been good... :3.... Not asking for much Rocket Santa... p-bbbbbbbbbbleeease?
  18. slipperyminx

    Item suggestion: Face Paint

    Title says it all. Face paint/camo. Washes off completely if in the rain too long. Or, maybe it doesn't cause its formulated to stay on (ie, Oil based.)
  19. slipperyminx

    Item suggestion: Face Paint

    I'm totally down with being able to paint your stuff. In fact, in the Mod, they HAVE spray paint! In green and I think Brown or Black...
  20. Sorry admins if I'm posting in the wrong area. I only saw the Mod have a suggestion section and I wasn't sure what to do. Ala Saving Private Ryan, using a Mirror to look behind corners. AND, if Handheld Beauty mirrors are in the game, then Snipers can stick them/stand them up on the ground/dirt so they can see people walk up behind them.
  21. Many Arma vehicles run the gamut for use, size, armor, speed, carry multiple people, etc. And as far as I can tell, the Bicycle is really the only steathy vehicle, and for ground... Hang Gliders would be a really cool, elegant, stealthy, simple air vehicle. Comes in two sizes: *Small: fits one person *Large: fits two people Colors: Red, Green, Sky Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, reccomended equpiment: Sunglasses (without them, makes the character blink, or squint constantly), a player with minimal weight (the larger one will allow more weight for a single rider.) Pros: flaps/wings can be repaired with Duct Tape, small, quiet, Cons: can be shot down relatively easily, pilot is easy to kill/easy target limitations: need high elevation, delicate, can't shoot (debateable if using a .45 or lower calibur pistol)
  22. slipperyminx

    Item suggestion) Handheld Mirrors

    D'OH! LOL, yea I only play in FP cause I prefer the realsim and challenge. I guess I never really connected the Dots together between 3rd person and the why mirrors aren't necessary XD Yea, I knew about ALT, but, really didn't connect the Dots (again.) I've really only had the need to use it while running XD
  23. I've been trying to find concise information regarding the M4 Buttstock MP. Neither the Gamepedia files for the Standalone nor Mod give any description of it's pros and cons, where as the CQB has a fair bit of info of it's traits. Can anyone shed any light on the MP stock? Or is it's true function not implement yet in the game?
  24. I can't say the Dayz.Gamepedia database is very comprehensive for every item, nor the Mod when it comes to finding out the pros and cons of a variety, but to be specific for this posting, the M4 Butstock MP doesn't have a clear description. I imagine the standard has a mixture/balance of "column A & B", and the CQB is fairly concise in it's description: "A lighter M4 buttstock for more efficient CQB. Has slightly increased dispersion, but makes the weapon easier to handle." But the MP stock has no real information reguarding any Pros & Cons while in use. Can anyone shed some light? Or is this another item that isn't fully implemented in the game?
  25. slipperyminx

    Possible Bayonet and Buttstock Melee Animation

    I think your spot-on which your assumptions.