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Everything posted by hannibaldaplaya

  1. hannibaldaplaya

    How difficult would you like the game to be?

    That is because melee is absolute ass right now.
  2. hannibaldaplaya

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Global Chat is immersion breaking. We're in the apocalypse, why should we be able to communicate with those on the other side of the map without a walkie talkie or some form of radio?
  3. hannibaldaplaya

    Isn't "DayZ" quite possibly the dumbest name ever?

    Well, it was probably just a placeholder that was never replaced and now has to be stuck with for the sake of brand recognition.
  4. hannibaldaplaya

    Isn't "DayZ" quite possibly the dumbest name ever?

    This is incredibly ironic, as your name is simply Ocelot but with a z instead of a c. How original. The name may lack any sort of creativity, but its a brand. DayZ is what the mod was called when it had its popularity boom. A standalone title of that mod needs to use the same name so that potential customers know that it is the standalone version of the mod. It is like saying Counter Strike should have changed its name to something else when Valve picked it up and made it into an actual game. Brand recognition. That is a thing, yaknow?
  5. hannibaldaplaya

    Requesting this Bag Please.....

    Realistically, you can carry a ton of rifles strapped onto your back, but its going to be heavy. DayZ needs a weight system for carrying things. Light loadouts allow quick, fast, and quiet movement, while heavy loadouts are slower and a lot louder. For example, you can have a big bacpack and a huge sniper rifle on your back, but its not going to help you run for a long time. Weight and stamina should be directly linked.
  6. hannibaldaplaya

    Weapon accuracies

    A lot of people seem to think dispersion is to balance automatic fire, hahaha, no. If you fire one shot while set to full auto, it is wildly inaccurate, despite the fact you're only firing one shot. Recoil, sway, and not being able to control the gun should make fully automatic unreliable for precision, not dispersion rates.
  7. Scavenging for berries is now a lot easier, too! Make canned foods like gold, bullets too!
  8. You are assuming I fire in full auto? The game makes it so that a 2-round burst in full-auto is super inaccurate compared to a 1-round semi-auto shot. This makes no sense. When a guy is fired in a burst, or fully automatic, it will fire rounds the same way it will in semi-auto. It doesn't make them curve magically, just because its full-auto. The only reason semi-auto is used for accuracy in real life is due to the fact that it can be difficult to control fully automatic, which is why burst fire is popular as it is easier to control and puts 3 rounds or so down range in one, accurate burst... The weapons aren't fine.
  9. Lol, so the M4A1 being only useful up to 100 meters and the new AKM only up to 200 meters is acceptable? Haha, its obvious you have never shot any of these weapons in real life. Random dispersion is lazy, increase sway and make it harder to line up your sights, then you get inaccuracy, that doesn't use a dice roll.
  10. No, by more then that, there is way too much food. It needs to be toned down by ninety percent.
  11. hannibaldaplaya

    The Mosin Problem

    The PU scope should be the only one available for the mosin nagant. The rifle should be nothing more but a medium range bolt-action rifle that is easy to find, but nothing more then that.
  12. hannibaldaplaya

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Animals and AK's.
  13. hannibaldaplaya

    SKS Underpowered

    The SKS is fineeeee.
  14. hannibaldaplaya

    Let perma death be perma death

    Stop people from looting their corpses, but keep corpses until restart, to increase the atmosphere and allow people to pick up left scraps.
  15. hannibaldaplaya

    To the guy I killed in Gorka police station today...

    Hey! You shot someone. In a video game. Okay? So? You killed someone who was AFK in a police station and made a /forum topic/ about it. What are we supposed to say? OH THOU HAVE GIVEN IN TO THE DEVIL! THOU SHALL REPENT FOR THOU'S HORRID ACTIONS? Nah. It doesn't matter, so don't make threads about it.
  16. hannibaldaplaya

    Zombie Player?

    That's the problem right there.
  17. hannibaldaplaya

    Is the attachment system bad for variety ?

    The only problem with the attachment system is that the attachments, other then the sights, are either 100% buffs or 100% nerfs. There is no variety to it because people are forced to pick up certain attachments as without them the gun is not as good. Sights are the only attachments that are based on preference, magpul parts are nearly essential to shoot accurately and are a 100% buff from the parts they replace. The CQB stock is a complete nerf of the default stock, so no one uses that. There is little variety in the M4A1's we see because the attachments either help a lot or do the opposite.
  18. hannibaldaplaya

    Why Were Helicopters "Overpowered" In The Vanilla Mod?

    Yes! And if you force people to read a manual or something to be able to do it, you get called 'unrealistic' or 'gamey', when in reality you would not be able to know how to fly a heli unless you know, spent months in classes, learning, reading up, etc etc.
  19. hannibaldaplaya

    the future of dayz

    If the game is still like it is right now, loot-wise and difficulty-wise, I will be making the most harsh mod ever when it is released.
  20. hannibaldaplaya

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Can you type a bit clearer? Also, its a bug. I read the damn OP.
  21. hannibaldaplaya

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Its a bug. It happens to me quite a lot, but it isn't a cheat. Its a /B-U-G/. Its like one of those things that crawl all over your floor or wall.
  22. hannibaldaplaya

    cheat that makes gun put away

    I love how your only argument to someone's post telling you it is a bug is that their post is "childish." Its a bug. Its due to desync involving your weapon.
  23. hannibaldaplaya

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Third Person, or 3PP as I will refer to it in this post, is a crutch the majority of DayZ players don't want to give up. It allows you to stay in cover while being able to see over that cover that completely hides you, and it also prevents people from sneaking up on you (from the behind.) Its not like you can play with 3PP on and NOT exploit, you'll do it by accident, two to one. In First Person, or 1PP, there is a lot less of a chance a good player will accidentally see over a wall while remaining hidden and then use that to their advantage without even realizing they are exploiting. For god's sake, "Frankie" uses 3PP to exploit in nearly all of his videos. Lots of people use 3PP to exploit, and they don't think anything of it. Tons of my friends probably do it, and don't consider it cheating or anything remotely naughty. It comes with the 3PP we have here - The ability to garner unfair advantages over other players without even knowing you're doing it. We have 1PP servers, but really, why keep 3PP? Its a crutch. If you want your screenshots, get a friend to take 'em.
  24. hannibaldaplaya

    Why Were Helicopters "Overpowered" In The Vanilla Mod?

    Force helicopters into first-person only view, and fix 1, 2, and 3, and helicopters will be okay with me.
  25. hannibaldaplaya

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Fuck, knew I should have took German instead of French!