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Everything posted by hannibaldaplaya

  1. Did they even merge your thread with the stickied one... ? If they didn't, that's fucking stupid.
  2. hannibaldaplaya

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    Wow, alright. This logic is fucked up. Why should someone have to pay excessively more just to have their server private if what is needed to run it is just a tiny bit more then normal? You're promoting artificial price inflation. Shame on you.
  3. hannibaldaplaya

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Agreed. Good luck populating these 'Special Servers'... even if you get it full, its numbers will go down quick.
  4. hannibaldaplaya

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    These prices are fucking ridiculous and unacceptable. If we could host our own servers it would be cheaper to buy a PC for it then 2 - 3 of private hosting...
  5. hannibaldaplaya

    Specificity Needed in Loot Economy

    You have long-range capability with a hunting rifle.
  6. hannibaldaplaya

    Players start with a map

    Most use a map for the following reasons: If you play with friends it makes it easier to meet up.If you play with friends you don't want to frustrate them by being repeatedly late due to refusal to use a map.Everyone has access to one and most use it, why put yourself at a disadvantage?If you play alone you may not want to spend hours lost, though this can be atmospheric, immersive, and a nice experience, to others it is frustrating.The last reason is a weak one. The first two are due to, well, peer pressure and friends and shit. The third is the same argument used to justify the gamma exploit. I use a map because I play with friends.
  7. hannibaldaplaya

    Specificity Needed in Loot Economy

    A controlled economy will work for public hives but will be ruined by exploiters, hackers, dupers, and hoppers who will soak up all the good shit before everyone else. You'll have guns limited to some 24/7 airfield hopper that may eventually be passed down to someone else or lost entirely, in which case it would respawn. I just hope it isn't subject to this kind of player-based damage. Also, who needs an SVD when once they add a few more civilian hunting rifles that can take scopes you won't need anything more? Sure, its effective, pretty, and a damn nice gun, but all you really need for 'sniping' is a scoped bolt action .308.
  8. hannibaldaplaya

    Very Clever

    Assumptions, assumptions. I'm just pointing out the fact that everyone does it and you can't stop that. I rarely play the game anymore and when I did, I did not exploit, I did not do 'undesirable things'. I have yet to play with someone who doesn't suicide for better spawns every once in a blue moon. Stop demonizing me because I'm pointing out something obvious.
  9. hannibaldaplaya

    Vehicles - Will we be able to shoot from them?

    No, engine limitations. Enjoy...
  10. hannibaldaplaya

    Very Clever

    By that logic more than half of the whole game's player base is hilariously bad at this game and should also, for SOME REASON, feel bad about it, despite this being purely a video game... Everyone has killed their character purposely once for a better spawn. Who gives a shit? It's just a game. People will always do it. Makes for atmosphere, too, seeing lines of bodies next to a tall cliff...
  11. hannibaldaplaya

    Breaking down weapons?

    Jams aren't that common, though. No one would leave an assault rifle for a two-shot double rifle simply because the latter might not jam as much. Assault rifles are more effective. Even if they malfunction occasionally, they are more effective then bolt actions, double barrels, and repeaters. Not saying we shouldn't get jamming, but, here is the issue with this as a 'balance' - You'd have to make the guns jam frequently, or else the chance is so unnoticeable no one will really give a shit. The problem with this is that your AK or AR rifle isn't going to jam every two magazines unless its a pretty shit gun. Sure, the cleaning / maintenance would lower the chance, but as you said, this would require tools and kits. That brings up another problem - DayZ is hellish when it comes to finding even low tier items you want. Hacksaws become more valuable then gold yet ammunition pours out at you like waterfalls... Plus, in all my time of shooting with my family, we've had bolt actions and more 'civilian' or simple rifles jam and malfunction on us then our more 'modern' guns, such as our AR-15. I think our AR-15 has jammed one whole time, not even. This is probably due to the fact our .223's are more quality than our .308's which are primarily reloaded, but, eh, what I'm trying to say is that assault rifles aren't jam machines. You probably realize this, I just wanted to point out how hard it would be to make jamming aspects a reason to go with an old ass gun over a newer one. Even if my AK jams every once and while, they come with cleaning kits built into the fucking stock which means I shouldn't have much of a problem keeping it running. Plus, its a versatile, reliable weapon, ten times more durable than AR models.
  12. hannibaldaplaya

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Though I agree with all of your points, the hunger and thirst is actually UNDERMODELED. It may seem OVERMODELED, but its actually so basic and simple I wouldn't call it OVERMODELED at all. It lacks malnutrition, weakness by hunger, weakness due to thirst - All that it does is slap a death counter on you that can only be delayed by eating super constantly early game until you get to that magical point where it doesn't matter anymore. Hunger is not a struggle, its an annoyance, one that QUICKLY KILLS YOU. The hunger and thirst system needs to be REMODELED to be REALISTIC, so that you can survive without food for more then a half hour after you spawn, but will feel the detriment of malnourishment if you don't die. We need to slow down the whole system be like, 6, lower food and water spawns, perhaps make it easier to live off of the land. Just make it realistic, make it a struggle we can deal with that isn't annoying. I'd love to have a thin, hungry, starving character making his slow way across a town in hopes of an animal to shoot or a can to open or, even.. another person.. I'd love to see people get actually DESPERATE in this game.
  13. hannibaldaplaya

    So are rocket launchers going to be added soon?

    "hello my name is dayz forum stereotype #004, adding gunz dat arent liek wooden n shit is soooo bad cuz they are military guns and military guns are bad cuz arma with zombies we dunt want dat lol btw dont you dare tone down ammo spawns gaem is 2 hard zombies 2 broken 2 harsh 4 mee e !"
  14. hannibaldaplaya

    "Warning" Military Base - Death Pit

    This is why we need a suicide button.
  15. hannibaldaplaya

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    I'm super bored with only a bit over 100 hours...
  16. hannibaldaplaya

    I have a dream!

    Ok, so what? Welcome to DayZ. People will shoot you in the back, they will ride with you until you become a pain that they can easily get rid of with a single round. It'll (probably) always be this way. Loot will always spawn, lots of people will just stick with their skype / TS3 buddies, and not many groups will be natural. Most will be artificial, made before even spawning into the game. Why? Because its a video game.
  17. hannibaldaplaya

    How to fix KoS and banditry with this great system

    Sometimes, people in this world like to shoot other people just for the sake of shooting them. Just look at ISIS in certain cases.
  18. hannibaldaplaya

    Forum names = no kos

    If you're kitted out like all hell, wandering around a military base, you're a threat to me. Being a bit more casual, maybe a little less threatening outside of a high risk area while I'm not in a shooty-shooty mood? Expect some ambush threats that slowly evolve into 'socialization.' Though, to be honest, I don't give a shit what you guys on the forums say. If I'm bored and I see a group of armed guys, I'm going to engage. Why? Its fun. Combat is fun in this game. Even if I die, I've sacrificed my 'gear' for a tense engagement. Of course, talking with people can be fun! Meeting friendlies, for sure! Except that can get a bit boring when the friendliest guy you meet doesn't talk and just kinda ignores your existence. Basically, if the encounter is interesting - Both of us hopefully live! If it isn't, uh, well, then an engagement sparks out. Bad shit happens. Rounds whiz through the air. Someone's head goes SPLAT. The end!
  19. hannibaldaplaya

    Well, I combat logged.

    ^ Loot is so ridiculously easy to acquire that death is a minor annoyance. Most of the times I have met my unfortunate fate, I haven't gave a shit. Oh, boy, I lost a gun I can get a few minutes after spawning in. Who cares? I sacrificed it for an engagement that I unfortunately lost. I got a bit of action in exchange for some easy to find gear.
  20. hannibaldaplaya

    Realistic Gunshots? + My little Show Off.

    I understand that this is an alpha. What I don't understand is the fact you have nothing constructive to say - All you want to do is bring up a point everyone has heard; 'Alpha.' We can discuss this shit during an alpha. We can suggest it. We can want the developers to do it, what is the problem? Its Alpha, its Beta, its in Development - The state doesn't matter. Suggestions and feedback should be welcome.
  21. hannibaldaplaya

    Realistic Gunshots? + My little Show Off.

    Get out of here. Your post isn't constructive WHATSOEVER. There is NO REASON that someone shouldn't be able to SUGGEST and PROVIDE replacement gunshot sounds after they note a lack of realism with the current ones. If we are getting tons of cosmetics right now, in ALPHA, we can surely get new sounds - Especially when they are being provided by the community! Your post does nothing but throw a match onto a logpile. You want to incite an argument, because you think discussion on this kind of stuff can not happen due to the game state. Please, post constructive replies. Every person on this forum who uses the excuse of 'alpha' in their posts and nothing more is the worst part of this forum.
  22. Which is closeminded and stupid. Listen to your community - They probably have some good ideas. Ignoring those ideas and not putting in things the players want that are rational and make sense = Bad development.
  23. hannibaldaplaya

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I really don't understand the absolute hate of any weapon with 'sniper range' on it. Really, you can be sniped by an assault rifle with a scope on it or a civilian bolt action hunting rifle in most cases. You normally aren't going to be dealing with 800 meter to 1000 meter away shooters, you are normally going to be dealing with 200 meter to 400 meter guys. Why? You can remain hidden in most areas at a distance of 300, 400, or 500 meters away, still have a good view in, and you have a better chance of hitting. Less calculations, easier to run in and get the loot. I'm going to bring up something done right by that game made by the 16 year old, Unturned. In that, he made the mosin (Known as the mosen in his title) less accurate then any of the assault rifles. Really, he made all of the assault rifles more accurate then any of the civilian bolt actions. I really like this! Why? The mosin's range is less then a modern assault rifle. Why would you want to use a mosin for sniping? It'd be easier to get a good optic on an assault rifle and use that for shooting from a distance instead of an incredibly old bolt action. Snipers are a part of a game, and, really, you can do it with any rifle, even if you don't have an optic. The act is simply one of distancing yourself from the enemy - It has its advantages and disadvantages. Its a legitimate tactic, and a smart one. So - Rangefinders and ghillies, please. Though I won't wear the latter! My tracksuit is much more stylish.
  24. hannibaldaplaya

    Playstyle Poll

    If I'm bored and need some excitement and there is an armed guy I can engage, I'll engage. Sometimes I'll shoot to kill, other times I'll shoot to miss to make things exciting. I enjoy the rush of PVP in this title more then anything else, so there is a clear reason for me to pop up shots at people who can pop shots back at me.
  25. hannibaldaplaya

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    That was me. Couldn't resist the pickaxe.